科技 訊息

Meta's Movie Gen lets users animate photos into videos
2024-10-04 20:17:24
Meta on Friday provided a look at a generative artificial intelligence model it is working on that lets people create short videos, complete with audio, from text prompts and photos.
Google says it will stop linking to New Zealand news if a law passes forcing it to pay for content
2024-10-04 17:55:06
Google said Friday it will stop linking to New Zealand news content and will reverse its support of local media outlets if the government passes a law forcing tech companies to pay for articles displayed on their platforms.
2024-10-04 17:55:06
人工智慧泡沫還是「革命」?OpenAI 的巨額發薪日引發爭論
2024-10-04 17:55:06
What next for OpenAI after $157 billion bonanza?
2024-10-04 17:55:05
ChatGPT-maker OpenAI has become an AI powerhouse after securing Silicon Valley's largest-ever funding round. The company now faces the challenge of delivering on its promise to become the next Apple or Google.
2024-10-04 17:55:05
近十年來,研究人員一直在收集證據,證明社群媒體平台 Facebook 過度放大了低品質內容和錯誤訊息。
2024-10-04 17:55:04
平均而言,美國人大約 90% 的時間都在室內度過,我們在工作、學校或家中呼吸的空氣會影響我們的整體健康和福祉。
2024-10-04 17:55:04
DEDALUS 科學合作夥伴之一的雅典國立技術大學 (NTUA) 完成了一項研究,根據住宅電力消費者的歷史用電量對他們進行分組,以製定更有針對性的需求響應計劃。
2024-10-04 14:31:44
韓國最大的化學公司 LG 化學的工程師和材料科學家團隊開發了一種材料,他們聲稱這種材料可以大大降低電池熱失控和火災的風險。在《自然通訊》雜誌上發表的論文中,該小組描述了他們如何開發這種材料以及它在測試過程中的效果如何。
2024-10-04 14:31:44
2024-10-04 12:52:40
亞馬遜計劃在假期期間僱用 25 萬名季節性員工為其美國倉庫和配送網路配備人員。
2024-10-04 12:33:43
減少碳排放對於遏制氣候變遷的影響至關重要,但通常燃氣動力汽車和製造商是最明顯的罪魁禍首。然而,資訊與通訊技術 (ICT) 目前佔全球碳足跡的 2% 至 4%,與航空排放量相當。
Revolut 敦促 Meta 加強網路詐欺賠償
2024-10-04 00:35:47
英國線上銀行 Revolut 週四敦促 Facebook 所有者 Meta 賠償密碼安全漏洞的受害者,並指責這家美國科技巨頭與幾家英國銀行的資料共享合作夥伴關係「嚴重」不足。
PFF 在 NFL 分析中加入了遊戲內評分功能
2024-10-03 16:41:48
Pro Football Focus 提供成績和高級統計數據,幫助量化每位球員的逐場表現,從帕特里克·馬霍姆斯(Patrick Mahomes) 等知名四分衛到更多匿名後衛和線衛,從而改變了關注NFL的球迷數量。
2024-10-03 16:41:48
AI can only do 5% of jobs, says economist who fears crash
2024-10-03 14:08:18
Daron Acemoglu wants to make clear right away that he has nothing against artificial intelligence. He gets the potential. "I'm not an AI pessimist," he declares seconds into an interview.
2024-10-03 14:08:16
谷歌正在開發類似於人類推理能力的人工智慧軟體,類似於 OpenAI 的 o1,這標誌著這家科技巨頭和這家快速發展的新創公司之間的競爭開闢了新戰線。
Tesla issues 5th recall for the new Cybertruck within a year, the latest due to rearview camera
2024-10-03 14:08:04
Tesla is recalling more than 27,000 Cybertrucks because the rearview camera image may not activate immediately after shifting into reverse, the fifth recall for the vehicle since it went on sale late last year.
Australian retailers urged to step into the future with smart technologies for customers
2024-10-03 13:42:23
While self-service technologies in the Australian retail space were initially brought on to create convenience, the self-checkout counters have become the bane of many shoppers' existence.
颶風海倫關閉了對世界半導體供應至關重要的 NC 礦山
2024-10-03 13:42:23

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