China is destroying burial grounds where generations of Uighur families have been laid to rest, leaving behind human bones and broken tombs in what activists call an effort to eradicate the ethnic group's identity in Xinjiang.

In just two years, dozens of cemeteries have been destroyed in the northwest region, according to an AFP investigation with satellite imagery analysts Earthrise Alliance.

Some of the graveyards have been turned into car parks and even playgrounds, as the pictures show.

Others were cleared with little care. In Shayar county, AFP journalists saw unearthed human bones left discarded in three sites. In other sites. tombs that were reduced to mounds of bricks lay scattered in cleared tracts of land. 

The images appeared as Xinjiang authorities this week claimed their officials were carrying out 'normal' tasks after shocking footage purported to show hundreds of shackled and blindfolded Muslim prisoners being transferred.

A picture from April 24, 2018, shows the Sulanim cemetery (centre) in Hotan, China's Xinjiang province

The same view on August 6, 2019 shows no sign of the facility and that it has been replaced with a car park

Satellite images taken on April 24 in 2018 (left) and September 30 in 2019 (right) show the Sulanim cemetery in Hotan, north-western China's Xinjiang Province, has been knocked down and replaced with a car park. Beijing has destroyed dozens of Muslim burial grounds in the past two years in what activists call a bid to erase Uighurs' identity, an investigation has shown

A picture from August 29, 2017, shows a cemetery (centre) in Xayar, Xinjiang province

The same view on July 5, 2019, shows no sign of the facility

Satellite images from August 29 in 2017 (left) shows a cemetery (central) and the same view on July 5 in 2019 (right) shows no sign of the facility in Xayar, Xinjiang province. The pictures appeared after shocking footage last month purported to show hundreds of shackled and blindfolded Muslim prisoners being transferred to a re-education centre in the far-flung region

The mass graveyard demolition has left behind human bones and broken tombs. This photo taken on September 12, 2019, shows what used to be a traditional Uighur cemetery before it was destroyed in Shayar in the region of Xinjiang

This photo taken on September 12, 2019, shows bones at a place where before there was a Uighur cemetery in Shayar in the region of Xinjiang. Some of the now-demolished Uighur graveyards have been turned into car parks and theme parks

While the official explanation ranges from urban development to the 'standardisation' of old graves, overseas Uighurs say the destruction is part of a state crackdown to control every element of their lives.

'If you destroy that cemetery ... you're uprooting whoever's on that land, whoever's connected to that land.' 

Nurgul Sawut, a Uighur who now lives in Australia

'This is all part of China's campaign to effectively eradicate any evidence of who we are, to effectively make us like the Han Chinese,' said Salih Hudayar, who said the graveyard where his great-grandparents were buried was demolished.

'That's why they're destroying all of these historical sites, these cemeteries, to disconnect us from our history, from our fathers and our ancestors,' he said.

An estimated one million mostly Muslim ethnic minorities have been rounded up into re-education camps in Xinjiang in the name of combatting religious extremism and separatism.

Those who are free are subject to rigorous surveillance and restrictions - from home visits from officials to bans on beards and veils.

China has remained defiant despite escalating global criticism of its treatment of Uighurs. This week, the United States said it would curb visas for officials over the alleged abuses and blacklisted 28 Chinese firms it accuses of rights violations.

A picture from August 29, 2017, shows a cemetery in Xayar, Xinjiang province

The same view on July 5, 2019, shows no sign of the facility

While the official explanation ranges from urban development to the 'standardisation' of old graves, overseas Uighurs say the destruction is part of a state crackdown to control every element of their lives. Above, a picture from August 29 in 2017 (left) shows a cemetery and the same view on July 5 in 2019 shows no sign of the facility in Xayar, Xinjiang province

An estimated one million mostly Muslim ethnic minorities have been rounded up into re-education camps in Xinjiang in the name of combatting religious extremism and separatism. A picture from April 24 in 2018 (left) shows the Teywizim cemetery in Hotan, Xinjiang province, and the same view on August 6 in 2019 shows the graveyard has been knocked down

In China, urban growth and economic development has laid waste to innumerable cultural and historic sites. This photo taken on September 12, 2019, shows people walking next to a Uighur cemetery in Shayar in the region of Xinjiang

Activists and scholars say the clearances are especially egregious in Xinjiang, where they parallel the erasure of other cultural and spiritual sites - including at least 30 mosques and religious sites since 2017. This photo taken on September 12, 2019, shows a traditional Uighur cemetery destroyed in Shayar in Xinjiang where Uighurs and other ethnic minorities live

According to satellite imagery analysed by AFP and Earthrise Alliance, the Chinese government has, since 2014, exhumed and flattened at least 45 Uighur cemeteries - including 30 in the past two years.

The Xinjiang government did not respond to a request for comment.

The destruction is 'not just about religious persecution,' said Nurgul Sawut, who has five generations of family buried in Yengisar, southwestern Xinjiang.

'It is much deeper than that,' said Sawut, who now lives in Australia and last visited Xinjiang in 2016 to attend her father's funeral.

'If you destroy that cemetery ... you're uprooting whoever's on that land, whoever's connected to that land,' she explained.

According to satellite imagery, the Chinese government has exhumed and flattened at least 45 Uighur cemeteries since 2014 - including 30 in the past two years. Above, a picture from August 20 in 2014 (left) showing a cemetery in Xayar, Xinjiang province, and the same view (right) on July 5, 2019, shows it has been replaced with a newly built standardised cemetery,

In Aksu, local authorities bulldozed a graveyard where Uighur poet Lutpulla Mutellip was buried. Above, a picture from July 2 in 2015 (left) show Mutellip's grave and the same view on April 25 in 2018 shows a new park called 'Happiness Park'

A satellite image taken on May 13 in 2019 again shows prominent Uighur poet Mutellip's destroyed grave is now a theme park

This photo taken on September 14, 2019, shows a panda statue in 'Happiness Park', which is located where an enormous Uighur cemetery used to be before local authorities destroyed it in 2018. Renowned Uighur poet Mutellip was buried there

This photo taken on September 14, 2019 shows a sign at the entrance of 'Happiness Park' in Aksu in the region of Xinjiang

From the destruction of holy shrines, the tombs of saints, to the destruction of tombs of families, all of this is disrupting the relationship between people and their history... 

Rachel Harris, a London-based researcher of Uighur culture

Even sites featuring shrines or the tombs of famous individuals were not spared.

In Aksu, local authorities turned an enormous graveyard where prominent Uighur poet Lutpulla Mutellip was buried into 'Happiness Park,' with fake pandas, a children's ride, and a man-made lake.

Mutellip's grave was like 'a modern day shrine for most nationalist Uighurs, patriotic Uighurs,' recalled Ilshat Kokbore, who visited the tomb in the early 90s and now resides in the US.

The 'Happiness Park' project saw graves moved to a new cemetery in an industrial zone out in the desert. The caretaker there said he had no knowledge of the fate of Mutellip's remains.

The Aksu government could not be reached for comment.

The destruction is 'not just about religious persecution,' said Nurgul Sawut, who has five generations of family buried in Yengisar, southwestern Xinjiang. Above, people walk past a mosque in Urumqi, the regional capital, on September 11, 2019

'The destruction of the graveyards is very much part of the wider raft of policies that are going on,' said Rachel Harris, who researches Uighur culture at the School of Oriental and African Studies University of London. This photo taken on September 10, 2019 shows a general view of a large Muslim cemetery on the outskirts of Urumqi, the regional capital of Xinjiang

Tamar Mayer, a professor of geosciences at Middlebury College, who researches Uighur shrines and cemeteries, described the new sites as homogenous and tightly packed. Families, which traditionally leave gifts by the graves, no longer have 'space to mourn', she added. This photo taken on September 12, 2019 shows a general view of a Uighur cemetery in Shayar

Aziz Isa Elkun, a Uighur activist in Britain whose father was buried in one of the many destroyed cemeteries in Shayar, agreed: 'If you want to build new graves then you can, but you do not need to destroy the old ones'. This photo taken on September 10, 2019 shows a man walking next to a traditional Uighur cemetery, which was destroyed in Urumqi, the regional capital

In China, urban growth and economic development has laid waste to innumerable cultural and historic sites, from traditional hutong neighbourhoods in Beijing to segments of Dali's ancient city wall in southwestern Yunnan province. It is an issue Beijing itself has acknowledged.

The government has also been criticised for its irreverence towards burial traditions outside of Xinjiang, including the destruction of coffins in central Jiangxi last year to force locals to cremate.

But activists and scholars say the clearances are especially egregious in Xinjiang, where they parallel the erasure of other cultural and spiritual sites - including at least 30 mosques and religious sites since 2017, an AFP investigation found in June.

'The destruction of the graveyards is very much part of the wider raft of policies that are going on,' said Rachel Harris, who researches Uighur culture at the School of Oriental and African Studies University of London.

'From the destruction of holy shrines, the tombs of saints, to the destruction of tombs of families, all of this is disrupting the relationship between people and their history, and the relationship between the people and the land that they live on,' she said.

The official explanation for cemetery removal or relocation varies by site.

The move to raze Uighur cemeteries is not new - satellite imagery shows destruction from more than a decade ago. Above, a new cemetery is seen on the outskirts of Aksu, Xinjiang where bodies from a destroyed Uighur graveyard were moved 

Uighurs and ethnic minorities are still exempt from certain policies like cremation, which goes against Islamic tradition, and authorities appear to be hardening their stance, said Rian Thum, a Uighur history expert at the University of Nottingham

They used to have a 'non-confrontational approach to Uighur culture, but now any policy that attacks Uighur culture seems to get a boost rather than put in check as their approach has changed,' said Thum. This photo taken on September 10, 2019 shows a general view of a large Muslim cemetery on the outskirts of Urumqi, the regional capital of Xinjiang

People stand in front of a park where a Uighur cemetery used to be located in Kuche in the region of Xinjiang. This week, the US said it would curb visas for officials over the alleged abuses and blacklisted 28 Chinese firms it accuses of rights violations

In Urumqi, the regional capital, a cemetery near the international airport was cleared to make way for an urban 'reconstruction' project.

In Shayar, where the local government has built new cemeteries near some of the old sites, an official told AFP the programme was aimed at 'standardisation.'

A sign by a new cemetery in Shayar, which replaced a graveyard from the 18th century containing about 7,500 graves, echoed this statement.

The rebuilt sites 'saved space, protected the ecosystem' and were 'civilised', it said.

'The new cemeteries are standardised, clean, and they're convenient for residents,' Kadier Kasimu, deputy director of Shayar's cultural affairs bureau, told AFP.

Xinjiang authorities this week claimed its authorities were carrying out 'normal' tasks after shocking footage purported to show hundreds of shackled and blindfolded Muslim prisoners being transferred. Above, a mosque is seen in Urumqi

UN experts and activists say at least one million ethnic Uighurs and other Muslims are held in the detention centres in Xinjiang. China describes them as 'training centres' helping to stamp out extremism and give people new skills. Above, a newly built cemetery to bury bodies moved from a destroyed Uighur graveyard is seen on the outskirts of Aksu

Former detainees have revealed that Muslims were forced to eat pork and speak Mandarin in the internment camps. Above, a photo from September 10, 2019, shows a taxi next to a large Muslim cemetery on the outskirts of Urumqi, the regional capital

China has also kept thousands of Uighur children away from their Muslim parents before indoctrinating them in camps posing as schools and orphanages, recent evidence shows. Above, a photo taken on September 13, 2019 shows the works of a park in a place where before there was a Uighur cemetery in Kuche in the region of Xinjiang

Muslims make up about two per cent of the 1.4 billion population in China. However, as the country is so populous, its Muslim population is expected to be the 19th largest in the world in 2030. Above, a photo taken on September 12, 2019 shows a general view where there used to be a Uighur cemetery in Shayar in the region of Xinjiang

Tamar Mayer, a professor of geosciences at Middlebury College, who researches Uighur shrines and cemeteries, described the new sites as homogenous and tightly packed.

Families, which traditionally leave gifts by the graves, no longer have 'space to mourn', she said, adding the policy seemed to be an attempt to 'sanitise the area from Uighurs'.

Aziz Isa Elkun, a Uighur activist in Britain whose father was buried in one of the many destroyed cemeteries in Shayar, agreed: 'If you want to build new graves then you can, but you do not need to destroy the old ones.'

The Shayar government did not respond to AFP's questions on the process of moving remains to new sites.

But it is clear that human remains have been left behind in the process.

A pervasive security apparatus has subdued the ethnic unrest that has long plagued Xinjiang. Chinese officials have largely avoided comment on the re-education camps, but some said that ideological changes are needed to fight separatism 

Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang have been told to vow loyalty to the Communist Party of China and President Xi. Pictured, a woman walks past a screen showing images of Chinese President Xi Jinping in Kashgar on June 4, 2019

Authorities in China's Xinjiang region have rounded up an estimated one million mostly Muslim Turkic-speaking minorities into internment camps in what they call an 'anti-terror' campaign

On a trip to Xinjiang in September, AFP visited 13 destroyed cemeteries across four cities and saw bones in at least three Shayar sites.

Local officials dismissed the evidence - one even picked up a bone, held it next to his right shin, and declared it 'too big to be a human's'.

But seven forensic anthropologists who saw images taken by AFP identified a number of human remains, including a femur, feet, hand bones, and part of an elbow.

'There are a range of ages,' said Xanthe Mallett, a criminologist at the University of Newcastle.

In Hotan, southern Xinjiang, residents were given just two days to claim their dead, according to a government notice photographed by AFP in May.

'Any tombstone that was not claimed during the registration period will be relocated as an unclaimed corpse,' it read in Uighur.

'The owner of the tombstone is solely responsible for any consequences coming out of the failure in registration.'

Omir Bekali, who claims to have been detained in one of the Muslim re-education camps, cries as he details the psychological stress endured in the internment camp. The programme aims to rewire detainees' thinking and reshape their identities 

has also been criticised for its irreverence towards burial traditions outside of Xinjiang, including the destruction of coffins in central Jiangxi last year to force locals to cremate. Uighur men are seen leaving a mosque after prayers in Xinjiang's Hotan

China is systematically indoctrinating Uighur Muslim children with detainee parents in what has been described as 'children's education camps', investigation has show. Pictured, a Uyghur woman holds a child in her home on September 12, 2016

The move to raze Uighur cemeteries is not new - satellite imagery reviewed by AFP shows destruction from more than a decade ago.

But while Uighurs and ethnic minorities are still exempt from certain policies like cremation, which goes against Islamic tradition, authorities appear to be hardening their stance, said Rian Thum, a Uighur history and culture expert at the University of Nottingham.

They used to have a 'non-confrontational approach to Uighur culture, but now any policy that attacks Uighur culture seems to get a boost rather than put in check as their approach has changed,' said Thum.

The security crackdown in Xinjiang has also made it easier for authorities to ram through policies, said Tahir Hamut, a Uighur poet in the US who left Xinjiang in 2017.

'No one dares to speak up now,' he told AFP. 'No one raises demands with the government.'

Who are the Chinese Muslims?

Muslims are not a new presence in China. Most of China's Muslim communities, including the Hui, Uighurs and Kazakhs, have lived in China for more than 1,000 years, according to fact tank Pew Research Center

The largest concentrations of Muslims today are in the western provinces of Xinjiang, Ningxia, Qinghai and Gansu. 

A substantial number of Muslims live in the cities of Beijing, Xi'an, Tianjin and Shanghai. 

Chinese Muslim men take part in gathering for the celebration of the Muslim holiday, Eid al-Adha, or the Muslim Feast of the Sacrifice, at the Niu Jie mosque in Beijing, China

They make up about two per cent of the 1.4 billion population in China. However, as the country is so populous, its Muslim population is expected to be the 19th largest in the world in 2030.

The Muslim population in China is projected to increase from 23.3 million in 2010 to nearly 30 million in 2030.

Those who grow up and live in places dominated by the Han Chinese have little knowledge about Islam - or religions in general - thus view it as a threat. 

Beijing's policymakers are predominately Han. 

At the same time, radical Muslim Uighurs have killed hundreds in recent years, causing China to implement even more extreme measures to quash potential separatist movements.

Uighurs in particular have long been used to heavy-handed curbs on dress, religious practice and travel after a series of deadly riots in 2009 in Urumqi, according to the Financial Times.

Schoolchildren were banned from fasting during Ramadan and attending religious events while parents were banned from giving newborns Muslim names such as 'Mohammed' and 'Jihad'. 

Certain symbols of Islam, such as beards and the veil, were also forbidden. Women with face-covering veils are sometimes not allowed on buses. Unauthorised pilgrimages to Mecca were also restricted.