건강 소식

Hot sleeper? Rest easy with the best cooling mattresses of 2024
2024-08-18 06:58:06
Keep cool with the best expert-approved mattresses for hot sleepers in 2024.
Can AI add value to medical education and improve communication between physicians and patients?
2024-08-16 15:42:46
For symptoms like a runny nose and a cough, some might think it's a common cold. It doesn't warrant a doctor's visit, so they turn to Google and WebMD for additional reassurance. Now, with advancements in AI, some might be tempted to switch from "Dr. Google" to "Dr. ChatGPT," but can OpenAI's AI-powered chatbot provide accurate medical advice?
남아프리카의 대기 오염: AI를 사용하여 실시간으로 핫스팟을 모니터링하는 저렴한 새 장치
2024-08-15 15:50:09
대기 질은 아프리카에서 가장 중요한 공중 보건 문제 중 하나가 되었습니다.열악한 공기 질로 인해 매년 전 세계적으로 HIV, 결핵, 말라리아를 합친 것보다 더 많은 사람이 사망합니다.그리고 그것은 빙산의 일각에 불과합니다.대기 오염으로 인해 사람들은 두통을 느끼고 피곤함을 느끼기 때문에 생산성이 저하됩니다.
Biden, Harris set to announce lower prescription drug prices at first joint event since he dropped out of 2024 race
2024-08-15 15:16:54
President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are expected to announce lower costs on 10 drugs.
Researchers develop an implantable device to detect and respond to opioid overdose
2024-08-14 16:03:25
In preclinical models, a subcutaneously implanted device was able to continuously monitor vital signs and deliver naloxone automatically and rapidly when it detected opioid overdose.
New York City firefighter dies in drowning while trying to save daughter from rip current at Jersey Shore
2024-08-14 01:26:15
Mark Batista served as both a firefighter and an EMT at the New York City Fire Department for 15 years, officials said in a statement.
욕실 팬 및 미닫이 유리문: 새로운 연구에 따르면 차가운 바람이 집으로 어떻게 들어오는지 알 수 있습니다.
2024-08-13 15:57:52
이제 겨울이 성큼 다가왔습니다. 우리 중 많은 사람, 특히 오래된 집에 사는 사람들은 외풍이 얼마나 심한지 깨닫고 있습니다.실제로 호주에는 세계에서 공기가 가장 잘 통하지 않는 주택이 있습니다.
App helps users transition from doom-scrolling to mindfulness
2024-08-12 17:19:58
Do you find yourself doom-scrolling, or spending more time than you should consuming negative news on the internet and social media and want to stop? Well, there's now an app for that.
White noise to help you sleep? A neurologist explains why people are turning to "sound masking"
2024-08-11 06:45:55
White, brown and pink noise are all examples of "sound masking," which neurologist Dr. Jeffrey Ellenbogen says can help people relax and fall asleep.
Missouri's ban on gender-affirming health care for minors can take effect next week, judge rules
2024-08-11 06:45:54
The ruling means that beginning Monday, health care providers are prohibited from providing gender-affirming surgeries to children.
Researcher designs robot to help children cross streets safely
2024-08-10 13:56:14
It looks a bit like a small lawnmower, but instead of dual handles, a single black pole with a tablet-sized screen attached rises from the machine.
Can weight loss drugs curb more than appetite? What to know about research on other possible effects
2024-08-10 07:59:24
CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook takes a look at new research that suggests popular drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy might help with other cravings.
Natural disasters affect 26 million
2024-08-10 06:44:53
More than 26 million people across China were affected to varying degrees by natural disasters in July, which mainly involved heavy rain, flooding, typhoons and geological disasters, according to an assessment by the country's top disaster relief authorities.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz made menstrual supplies free in schools. "Period poverty" impacts millions.
2024-08-08 11:02:01
The Trump campaign is criticizing Gov. Tim Walz for supplying tampons in schools. But advocates say it's essential for many students.
Sugar substitute erythritol may increase risk for heart attack and stroke, study finds
2024-08-08 10:59:58
Erythritol, a sugar substitute commonly used in reduced-sugar products, may increase risk for negative cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke, according to new research.
로켓 연료에 사용되는 화학 물질은 식품에 널리 퍼져 있다고 Consumer Reports는 밝혔습니다.
2024-08-08 03:33:27
과염소산염은 다양한 식품, 특히 아기와 어린이에게 인기 있는 제품에서 발견된다고 옹호 단체는 말합니다.
How the plastic mountain of waste from health care could be recycled
2024-08-07 16:23:47
Single-use health care items—everything from gloves and blood bags to surgical equipment—have become a growing environmental problem worldwide. Their use has increased sharply in recent years, and there are currently no methods for recycling such plastic medical waste.
Layering stretchable and rigid materials and incorporating machine learning improves accuracy of wearables
2024-08-07 15:17:00
Researchers at Yokohama National University have developed a stretchy, high-precision measurement wearable device that combines soft polymer materials and rigid electronic elements. This device can accurately measure inertial data even if it extends up to 2.5 times its length.
Doctor in Berlin arrested on suspicion of killing 4 elderly patients
2024-08-07 13:54:40
The 39-year-old doctor is suspected of killing four elderly women and trying to cover up the evidence by setting fires at their homes, authorities said.
All injured children in Southport attack out of hospital
2024-08-06 14:40:14
All children admitted to Alder Hey Children's Hospital have now been safely discharged.

Showing 81 to 100 of 439 results

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