科學 訊息

Repurposing oil and gas infrastructure: A geothermal revolution in the North Sea?
2024-10-08 05:27:44
As we navigate the complex landscape of energy transition, a promising solution is emerging from an often overlooked source: our existing oil and gas infrastructure. While the need to move away from fossil fuels is clear, the path forward must be both workable and sustainable—technically, economically, and environmentally.
AI challenge seeks questions to test human-level intelligence
2024-10-08 05:27:44
Two of San Francisco's leading players in artificial intelligence have challenged the public to come up with questions capable of testing the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) like Google Gemini and OpenAI's o1. Scale AI, which specializes in preparing the vast tracts of data on which the LLMs are trained, teamed up with the Center for AI Safety (CAIS) to launch the initiative, Humanity's Last Exam.
Another major hurricane is approaching Florida, one of the most rapidly intensifying on record
2024-10-08 03:55:58
“This is definitely off the charts.”
Study finds electric vehicle subsidies help the climate and automakers—but at a cost
2024-10-08 02:03:10
A new study shows that electric vehicle tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act reduced pollution and boosted U.S. automakers, but largely benefited buyers who would have purchased EVs without subsidies.
Texting while walking puts pedestrians in danger, finds study
2024-10-08 02:03:10
New UBC research analyzing actual pedestrian interactions with vehicles on busy streets concludes that distracted pedestrians face higher safety risks compared with undistracted road users.
Psychosocial risks of collaborative robots: Emphasizing the need for worker engagement
2024-10-07 16:16:37
The growing use of collaborative robots in the workplace may pose significant psychosocial risks to workers' mental health and their job security, but there are ways for organizations to smooth the transition, according to research from the Monash University Business School.
Enhanced electrocapillarity technique advances battery interface analysis
2024-10-07 14:19:44
Batteries power everything from smartphones to electric vehicles, with their performance hinging on the critical interface between the electrode and electrolyte. Penn State and industry researchers have developed a method to observe this interface at a higher resolution, which could potentially reveal new ways to improve battery efficiency and lifespan.
Scientists develop machine learning tool to accurately identify Arabic dialects in 22 Arabic-speaking countries
2024-10-07 14:19:44
Scientists from the University of Sharjah believe they have created an artificial intelligence system that can automatically identify which Arabic dialect someone is speaking. The work is published in IEEE Xplore.
IAEA team samples seawater near Fukushima plant to ensure safe release of wastewater
2024-10-07 12:18:49
A team of scientists from the International Atomic Energy Agency arrived in Fukushima on Monday as part of an annual monitoring and sampling mission to ensure safety of the discharge of treated radioactive wastewater into the sea, officials said.
Maps show track of Hurricane Milton as forecasters predict landfall in Florida this week
2024-10-06 21:09:00
Forecasters predict Hurricane Milton will make landfall around the Tampa Bay area on Wednesday, bringing with it upwards of 120 mph winds.
New ultrathin optical device can precisely capture and stimulate the mammalian brain
2024-10-06 20:07:20
Reliably tracking and manipulating the mammalian nervous system in laboratory or clinical settings allows neuroscientists to test their hypotheses, which may in turn lead to new important discoveries. The most well-established and widely used technologies for studying the brain utilize electrodes, devices that can monitor or stimulate electrical activity in their surroundings.
Plastic-eating enzyme identified in wastewater microbes
2024-10-05 22:20:04
Plastic pollution is everywhere, and a good amount of it is composed of polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This polymer is used to make bottles, containers and even clothing. Now, researchers report in Environmental Science & Technology that they have discovered an enzyme that breaks apart PET in a rather unusual place: microbes living in sewage sludge. The enzyme could be used by wastewater treatment plants to break apart microplastic particles and upcycle plastic waste.
Researchers propose hydrogen storage using existing infrastructure in lakes and reservoirs
2024-10-05 22:20:04
In a new Nature Communications study, researchers propose a new method for hydrogen storage using existing pipes located at the bottom of lakes and reservoirs.
2024-10-05 00:15:00
本週,一段 TikTok 病毒式傳播後,大腳怪再次熱鬧起來,非信徒們指指點點,大笑不已……但一位博士。該主題的專家告訴 TMZ,這是他們的笑話。
Helene disrupts yellow jacket, bee nests in North Carolina, prompting massive Benadryl, EpiPen requests
2024-10-04 23:22:08
Deadly flooding from Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina has disrupted the underground nests of yellow jackets, bees and other insects.
2024-10-04 20:17:24
城市空中交通(UAM)是一種透過在低空飛行人員和貨物來避免交通擁堵的交通方式。這聽起來可能像科幻小說或動畫片《傑森一家》中的東西,該動畫片描繪了人們乘坐飛行汽車從一個地方到另一個地方。然而,隨著電動飛行計程車最早可能在 2025 年開始在美國運營,這個概念將成為現實。
2024-10-04 17:55:05
英國政府週五宣布投資近 220 億英鎊(288 億美元)的項目,以捕獲和儲存工業和能源生產產生的碳排放。
2024-10-04 17:55:04
DEDALUS 科學合作夥伴之一的雅典國立技術大學 (NTUA) 完成了一項研究,根據住宅電力消費者的歷史用電量對他們進行分組,以製定更有針對性的需求響應計劃。
2024-10-04 17:55:04
平均而言,美國人大約 90% 的時間都在室內度過,我們在工作、學校或家中呼吸的空氣會影響我們的整體健康和福祉。
2024-10-04 14:31:44

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