विज्ञान समाचार

AI research uncovers 300 ancient etchings in Peru's Nazca desert
2024-09-24 17:52:13
Japanese scientists have used artificial intelligence to uncover 303 new etchings in Peru's Nazca desert—doubling the amount of known geoglyphs made some 2,000 years ago by a pre-Inca civilization.
मैक्स को Google AI-जनित बंद कैप्शन मिल रहे हैं
2024-09-24 16:14:19
क्या पहले किसी ने वाक्-से-पाठ का उपयोग किया है?
Tripling renewable energy capacity is ‘within reach,’ report says
2024-09-24 16:14:19
What it’ll take to triple renewable energy, according to the International Energy Agency.
बायोडीजल ईंधन के उच्च मिश्रण से परिवहन उत्सर्जन में कटौती हो सकती है
2024-09-24 14:24:19
राष्ट्रीय नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा प्रयोगशाला (एनआरईएल) के शोधकर्ताओं के अनुसार, वर्तमान में पेट्रोलियम डीजल में मिश्रित बायोमास-आधारित डीजल ईंधन के अधिक प्रतिशत के उपयोग को रोकने वाली बाधाओं की पहचान की गई है, साथ ही उन्हें दूर करने की रणनीतियों की भी पहचान की गई है।
Powering Africa: New model compares options for off-grid solar in 43 countries
2024-09-23 23:54:10
Sub-Saharan Africa, home to 80% of the global population without electricity access, is unlikely to reach the United Nations' goal of access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030.
An alternate approach to fabricating strengthened steel
2024-09-23 23:54:10
Potential fusion power plants require materials capable of withstanding extreme conditions. Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steel represents a top candidate material, but current production is labor and cost intensive.
New origami-inspired system turns flat-pack tubes into strong building materials
2024-09-23 23:54:10
Engineers at RMIT University have designed an innovative tubular structural system that can be packed flat for easier transport and pop up into strong building materials. This breakthrough is made possible by a self-locking system inspired by curved-crease origami—a technique that uses curved crease lines in paper folding.
Researchers enhance efficiency of small electric drives for pumps and fans
2024-09-23 22:05:13
Small electric motors can be found in many household appliances, tools and computers as well as in modern cars, where they drive auxiliary units such as pumps and fans. Individually, each of these motors does not consume much energy, but taken together they offer a great savings potential.
परमाणु और हाइड्रोजन-उत्पादन प्रौद्योगिकियों को जोड़ने से जीवाश्म ईंधन का किफायती विकल्प संभव हो सकता है
2024-09-23 22:04:31
भविष्य का ऊर्जा बुनियादी ढांचा उस बुनियादी ढांचे से बहुत अलग दिख सकता है जिस पर हम आज भरोसा करते हैं।राष्ट्रीय परमाणु प्रयोगशाला के विशेषज्ञों की एक टीम के शोध से पता चलता है कि परमाणु ऊर्जा का उपयोग करके हाइड्रोजन उत्पादन को बढ़ावा देना आर्थिक रूप से व्यवहार्य हो सकता है।
Clean technology mandates can slash prices and carbon emissions to spark cascade of positive tipping points
2024-09-23 17:36:30
Governments can start a global cascade of "positive tipping points" to cut prices and carbon emissions by using mandates to switch investment from polluting fossil fuels to clean technologies, according to a new report launched today at Climate Week NYC.
Google DeepMind unveils two new AI-based robot hand systems—ALOHA Unleashed and DemoStart
2024-09-23 14:16:33
Engineers working on Google's DeepMind project have announced the development of two new AI-based robot systems. One called ALOHA Unleashed was developed to advance the science of bi-arm manipulation. The other, called DemoStart, was developed to advance the capabilities of robot hands that have multiple fingers, joints, or sensors.
Orlando's energy future: Millions of solar panels, 75-ton batteries—and anxious residents
2024-09-23 14:16:32
The electricity provider for Orlando, Florida, and its customers could use relationship therapy as they venture together into an era of sunshine powering homes, cars and most everything else.
Biohybrid robots controlled by electrical impulses in mushrooms
2024-09-23 01:30:36
Building a robot takes time, technical skill, the right materials—and sometimes, a little fungus.
Aviation can achieve net-zero by 2050 if immediate action is taken, says report
2024-09-23 01:19:10
Cambridge University has today released a report outlining a five-year roadmap to help the aviation sector achieve net-zero climate impact by 2050.
Greenland had been ice-free for extended periods of time - study
2024-09-22 08:28:11
Recent findings show Greenland's ice-covered center once supported a lush tundra ecosystem. What does this historical shift mean for current climate change and rising sea levels?
राइनो ने अपने तरह की पहली पैर की सर्जरी करवाई, यह बहुत प्यारा है
2024-09-22 05:41:21
पांच घंटे के इस अभूतपूर्व ऑपरेशन को करने में 10 पशुचिकित्सकों की एक टीम लगी।
How Ozempic Works—and What’s Still a Mystery
2024-09-22 05:41:20
Few medications have become as popular and culturally relevant as Ozempic has, but how exactly do it and similar drugs affect our body? And what's left to learn?
Russian Cosmonauts Smash Record for Longest Stay on the ISS
2024-09-22 05:41:20
The pair exceeded the previous record of 370 consecutive days spent on board the space station.
Deepak Chopra on why he believes artificial intelligence could be a "spiritual guide"
2024-09-21 13:34:32
Deepak Chopra told "CBS Saturday Morning" that he wants to look at AI's positive impacts instead of "doomsday scenarios."
Demand-side actions could help construction sector deliver on net-zero targets
2024-09-20 23:35:39
Using state-of-the-art energy efficiency technologies to renovate existing properties and construct new ones could enable Europe's construction sector to almost eliminate its carbon emissions by 2060, a new study suggests.

Showing 181 to 200 of 2219 results

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