कानून समाचार

Couple Having Sex In Random Stranger's Driveway In Michigan, Ring Video Shows
2024-09-13 13:34:52
When the mood struck for a horny couple in Michigan, they pulled their car into a random family's driveway and started having sex outside ... and it's all on video.
Italy busts ring trafficking retro video games from China
2024-09-13 11:36:23
Italy's financial police said Friday they have dismantled a ring trafficking counterfeit vintage video game consoles from China containing some of the most popular titles of the 1980s and 90s.
Britney Spears Will Continue to Pay Child Support After Jayden's 18th Birthday
2024-09-13 01:29:13
Happy Birthday, Jayden James!!! It's time to celebrate, both your adulthood and the fact child support from Britney Spears will not end on this special day.
Brooklyn Driver in Stolen Tow Truck Drama Revealed and Arrested
2024-09-13 01:29:05
Cops have arrested the man they say is the Brooklyn driver who went viral for stealing a tow truck that was about to repossess his vehicle.
Germany bans Islamic center over alleged Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood ties
2024-09-12 21:24:47
Germany's Brandenburg state has banned a relatively small Islamic center operating in the town of Fürstenwalde, east of Berlin, over alleged terror ties.
संघीय एजेंटों द्वारा छापे जाने के बाद NYPD आयुक्त एडवर्ड कैबन ने इस्तीफा दे दिया
2024-09-12 21:24:43
एनवाईपीडी कमिश्नर एडवर्ड कैबन ने गुरुवार को अपने इस्तीफे की घोषणा की, संघीय एजेंटों द्वारा एनवाईसी मेयर एरिक एडम्स के अंदरूनी घेरे पर छापा मारने के एक हफ्ते से भी कम समय बाद।
Does credit card debt forgiveness hurt your credit score?
2024-09-12 21:24:30
Debt forgiveness can be a smart solution for your high-rate card debt, but it can also impact your credit score.
Mogul sues real estate firm for allegedly hiding Jeff Bezos was purchaser of his $79 million home
2024-09-12 21:24:29
Businessman Leo Kryss alleges he wouldn't have shaved $6 million from his mansion's sale price if he had known Bezos was buyer.
Judge rejects attempt to free Marcellus Williams, Missouri inmate facing execution
2024-09-12 21:24:23
A judge declined to vacate the conviction and death sentence of Missouri inmate Marcellus Williams, who is set to be executed Sept. 24.
हलचल अकादमियां: पश्चिम अफ्रीका के ऑनलाइन घोटालेबाज दूसरों को धोखाधड़ी और सेक्सटॉर्शन का प्रशिक्षण दे रहे हैं
2024-09-12 20:13:20
जैसे-जैसे दुनिया तेजी से जुड़ती जा रही है, डिजिटल धोखाधड़ी एक स्थानीय समस्या से एक वैश्विक समस्या बन गई है।पश्चिम अफ्रीका, विशेष रूप से घाना और नाइजीरिया, "ऊधम साम्राज्यों" के उदय का गवाह बन रहा है - अनौपचारिक अकादमियाँ जो व्यक्तियों को डिजिटल घोटाले करने के लिए प्रशिक्षित करती हैं।
Facebook has scraped public data from Australian users without an opt out. What can be done?
2024-09-12 16:42:54
Facebook acknowledged in a Senate inquiry yesterday that it is scraping the public photos of Australian users to train its artificial intelligence (AI) models.
Meta's home county backs call for warning labels on social media posts
2024-09-12 13:18:25
San Mateo County, California, home to tech giant Meta, urged Congress to pass legislation requiring social media companies to add labels to their platforms warning people about their potential to harm users' mental health.
Ireland launches EU privacy probe into Google AI development
2024-09-12 13:18:25
An Irish regulator helping to police European Union data privacy launched an investigation Thursday into Google's artificial intelligence development.
Google's AI model faces European Union scrutiny from privacy watchdog
2024-09-12 08:52:01
European Union regulators said Thursday they're looking into one of Google's artificial intelligence models over concerns about its compliance with the bloc's strict data privacy rules.
EU consumer groups slam 'manipulative' video game spending tactics
2024-09-12 08:52:01
European consumer groups on Thursday accused the world's biggest video game companies of "purposefully tricking" consumers, including children, to push them to spend more.
Riley Strain Investigation Clears Bars Where He Drank of Wrongdoing
2024-09-11 14:21:05
Riley Strain's death is not the fault of the bars that served him while he was clearly intoxicated ... so says the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
टैक्स, डेटा और दुष्प्रचार को लेकर यूरोप की बड़ी तकनीक से लड़ाई
2024-09-10 14:33:43
यूरोपीय संघ ने मंगलवार को अलग-अलग मामलों में दो बड़ी कानूनी जीत हासिल की, जिसमें Apple और Google पर अरबों यूरो का बकाया था।
EU scores 'big win' in court against Apple, Google
2024-09-10 14:33:43
The EU's top court on Tuesday delivered two major victories in the bloc's battle to rein in tech giants by ruling against Apple and Google in separate legal sagas with billions of euros at play.
न्यू जर्सी के सीनेटर बॉब मेनेंडेज़ पर कतर निवेश से जुड़े उपहार प्राप्त करने का आरोप लगाया गया
2024-09-10 14:16:33
न्यू जर्सी के एक डेमोक्रेट सीनेटर बॉब मेनेंडेज़ पर हाल ही में खुले सुपरसीडिंग अभियोग में कतर के बारे में सकारात्मक बयान देने के बदले में भव्य उपहार स्वीकार करने का आरोप है।
5 पर रिश्तेदारों से फिरौती मांगने के लिए कैलिफोर्निया में प्रवासियों को बंधक बनाने का आरोप लगाया गया
2024-09-10 11:45:25
अभियोजकों ने कहा कि तीन बंधकों को एक मोटल में ले जाया गया, जहां एक बाथरूम की खिड़की से भाग निकला और पास की दुकान में भाग गया।

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