Ciencia Noticias

World added 50% more renewable energy but more needed: IEA
2024-01-11 16:54:26
The world added 50 percent more renewable energy capacity in 2023 over the previous year but more is needed in the battle against climate change, the International Energy Agency said Thursday.
Electrodos de metales no nobles de gran durabilidad para la producción de hidrógeno a partir de agua de mar
2024-01-11 16:54:25
La electrólisis del agua utilizando fuentes de energía renovables se ha convertido en un método limpio y prometedor para la producción de hidrógeno.Sin embargo, su amplio consumo de agua dulce plantea limitaciones para las regiones con abundantes recursos hídricos.Por lo tanto, es imperativo desarrollar una nueva tecnología para la electrólisis del agua que pueda aprovechar directamente el abundante suministro de agua de mar.
Warming threatening penguins in
2024-01-11 16:35:32
2024-01-11 China Daily Editor:Li Yan
Los investigadores descubren un complejo proteico que controla la reparación del ADN
2024-01-11 16:32:36
La reparación de daños en el material genético (ADN) del cuerpo humano se lleva a cabo mediante mecanismos altamente eficientes que aún no han sido completamente investigados.Un equipo científico dirigido por Christian Seiser del Centro de Anatomía y Biología Celular de la MedUni de Viena ha descubierto un punto de control de estos procesos no reconocido hasta ahora.
Laser-controlled liquid metals herald new era for soft robotics
2024-01-11 16:08:59
Researchers at The University of Queensland (UQ) are developing new 4D printing technology that produces shape-shifting liquid metals for soft robotics.
Catalytic combo converts CO₂ to solid carbon nanofibers while offsetting emissions
2024-01-11 16:03:51
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and Columbia University have developed a way to convert carbon dioxide (CO2), a potent greenhouse gas, into carbon nanofibers, materials with a wide range of unique properties and many potential long-term uses. Their strategy uses tandem electrochemical and thermochemical reactions run at relatively low temperatures and ambient pressure.
Having good friendships may make for a healthier gut microbiome
2024-01-11 15:00:43
Social connections are essential for good health and well-being in social animals, such as ourselves and other primates. There is also increasing evidence that the gut microbiome—through the so-called "gut-brain axis"—plays a key role in our physical and mental health and that bacteria can be transmitted socially, for example through touch.
A 22-million-year-old petrified mangrove forest found in the Panama Canal
2024-01-11 14:58:47
A team of environmental and natural scientists from Universidad EAFIT in Colombia, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, and Boise State University in the U.S. has found evidence of an ancient petrified mangrove forest on an island in the Panama Canal. For their study, reported in the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, the group collected fossils and sediment samples from the island.
2023 was officially the hottest year ever. These charts show just how warm it was — and why it's so dangerous.
2024-01-11 01:07:47
A breakdown of the numbers and elements that made 2023 the hottest year on record paints a picture of what's to come.
Beyond cotton and polyester: Evaluating emerging feedstocks and conversion methods for the fashion industry
2024-01-10 22:39:37
The global population has grown to exceed 8 billion, and the demand for textiles has increased with it. Common synthetic fibers like polyester can be manufactured quickly and cheaply, but their negative environmental impacts are becoming increasingly concerning. Although a natural and biodegradable fiber, cotton requires sizable land and water use, which also stresses the environment.
Una técnica de medición arroja nueva luz sobre los semiconductores para combustibles solares
2024-01-10 22:39:36
Los científicos están avanzando en el uso de semiconductores para convertir la luz solar en energía renovable.En las células solares, los semiconductores convierten la luz solar en electricidad.Cuando los semiconductores entran en contacto directo con el agua, pueden utilizar la luz solar para convertir el agua en hidrógeno, un combustible libre de carbono.La energía producida por el semiconductor está dada por su fotovoltaje.
AI predicts the strength of a composite reinforced with titanium carbide and bromide after processing
2024-01-10 22:39:36
Metal matrix composites are a modern alternative to steel. They are molecular-reinforced materials, which consist of a metal reinforcement matrix and filler. Such composites can be further strengthened, for example, using titanium monobromide or titanium carbide.
Mathematicians compare machine learning models for forecasting 5G and 6G traffic
2024-01-10 22:39:36
5G and 6G networks must take into account the load and adapt resource consumption at every moment. To do this, they need to track current indicators and be able to predict them. This is how services will make decisions about dividing the network into slices and balancing the load. Typically, machine learning models are used for prediction.
La investigación sobre modernizaciones de energía profunda arroja ahorros de costos prometedores y resultados de bienestar humano
2024-01-10 21:28:32
La modificación y mejora de los cerramientos y los sistemas mecánicos de los edificios de apartamentos multifamiliares más antiguos puede lograr eficiencias netas de uso de energía cero y ayudar a los habitantes a reducir los costos de energía, respirar mejor aire y vivir más cómodamente, cambios que tienen una amplia aplicación para el clima estatal y nacional.-Esfuerzos de cambio, lo ha demostrado un equipo multidisciplinario de profesores y estudiantes investigadores.
Hydropower is global. Should hydropower research be, too?
2024-01-10 21:28:32
When Dany Tome first arrived at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) campus in Golden, Colorado, he did not notice the golden grasses waving from the hillsides or the solar panels set in neat, geometric rows atop parking structures and gullies.
Three strategies to boost green electricity in Switzerland
2024-01-10 21:28:30
Switzerland's ambitious green electricity targets are realistic. A new study by the SWEET EDGE consortium shows that three distinct strategies would make it possible to cover electricity needs and lead to the employment of several thousands of people in the sector of new renewable energy. The findings are published in the journal Applied Energy.
Lithuanian researchers recycle surgical masks for hydrogen-rich gas production
2024-01-10 20:56:45
During the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of tons of used surgical masks were dumped every month without a real vision to manage them. Although the world has successfully passed the critical period, a serious industrial eco-solution must be developed to deal with this waste.
Testing automated crack-detection methods for concrete
2024-01-10 20:56:32
An EPFL Master's student in civil engineering has evaluated the effectiveness of new computer-based methods for inspecting potentially dangerous cracks in concrete.
AI helps whittle down candidates for hydrogen carriers in liquid form from billions to about 40
2024-01-10 20:56:24
In a computational study leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have assessed 160 billion molecules, a number exceeding the people born in the entire span of human history. Their goal was to screen the molecules for suitability as liquid carriers of hydrogen.
Tactile lithophane development makes hard scientific data available to students with blindness
2024-01-10 20:56:24
A first-of-its-kind tactile learning device developed by Baylor University chemistry professors to make science accessible to students with blindness or low vision (BLV) has opened the possibility of the transfer of any scientific data or images for sighted students into functional, thorough formats for students with blindness. The work is published in the journal Science Advances.

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