Ciencia Noticias

From greenhouse gas to green fuel
2024-01-12 18:21:43
An integral part of the transition to green energy is sensibly utilizing the occasional surplus electricity generated by renewable sources. One possibility is using such surplus energy to produce hydrogen via electrolysis. This green hydrogen can then either serve as an energy carrier itself or be used in further synthesis reactions.
Una revolución en la construcción prefabricada puede ayudar a resolver la crisis climática y inmobiliaria
2024-01-12 17:18:03
El mundo enfrenta una creciente escasez de viviendas y una creciente emergencia climática.Estos urgentes problemas globales exigen acciones rápidas y soluciones innovadoras.
Investigating dataset bias in machine-learned theories of economic decisions
2024-01-12 16:21:50
Researchers at the Center for Cognitive Science at TU Darmstadt and hessian.AI have investigated the properties of behavioral economic theories automatically learned by AI.
Researchers develop a versatile, reconfigurable and damage-tolerant single-wire sensor array
2024-01-12 15:31:02
Researchers from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have developed a sensor array design technology inspired by the human auditory system. By mimicking the human ear's ability to distinguish sounds through tonotopy, this innovative sensor array approach could optimize the application of sensor arrays in fields such as robotics, aviation, health care, and industrial machinery.
Los investigadores desarrollan una batería de iones de sodio de alta energía y ciclo largo
2024-01-12 15:31:01
La creciente demanda de almacenamiento de energía está impulsando la investigación y el desarrollo de la tecnología de baterías.La batería de iones de sodio es un reemplazo confiable y asequible de las baterías de iones de litio.La fácil accesibilidad y disponibilidad del sodio hace que las baterías de iones de sodio sean más atractivas y competitivas.
Precise chemical doping of organic semiconductors in an aqueous solution
2024-01-12 15:31:01
A research team consisting of NIMS, the University of Tokyo and the Tokyo University of Science has developed the world's first technique capable of precisely doping an organic semiconductor in an aqueous solution without requiring a vacuum or a nitrogen atmosphere using special equipment.
Reflective materials and irrigated trees: Study shows how to cool one of the world's hottest cities by 4.5°C
2024-01-12 14:06:35
It's possible to significantly reduce the temperatures of a major city in a hot desert climate while reducing energy costs, a new study by UNSW Sydney shows.
Los científicos muestran cómo el mecanismo de aprendizaje superficial utilizado por el cerebro puede competir con el aprendizaje profundo
2024-01-12 14:01:58
Las técnicas de aprendizaje de redes neuronales surgen de la dinámica del cerebro.Sin embargo, estos dos escenarios, aprendizaje cerebral y aprendizaje profundo, son intrínsecamente diferentes.Una de las diferencias más destacadas es la cantidad de capas que posee cada uno.
The Peregrine lunar lander has another 48 hours left in space
2024-01-12 05:05:27
NASA and Astrobotic reports that several of the payloads are collecting data in the meantime.
Bulky additives could make cheaper solar cells last longer
2024-01-12 01:06:21
An insight into preventing perovskite semiconductors from degrading quickly, discovered at the University of Michigan, could help enable solar cells estimated to be two to four times cheaper than today's thin-film solar panels.
New lubricants could offer cheaper and greener rail services
2024-01-11 23:29:21
New lubricants, combined with new knowledge about how they should be applied to train wheels and rails, have the potential to reduce rail sector costs in Norway by hundreds of millions of kroner during the next decade.
How tidal range electricity generation can protect coastal areas
2024-01-11 23:29:21
Tidal range schemes can protect estuaries and coastal areas from the effects of sea level rise according to a new study by Lancaster researchers.
Study pinpoints the weaknesses in AI
2024-01-11 21:01:18
ChatGPT and other solutions built on machine learning are surging. But even the most successful algorithms have limitations. Researchers from University of Copenhagen have proven mathematically that apart from simple problems it is not possible to create algorithms for AI that will always be stable. The study, posted to the arXiv preprint server, may lead to guidelines on how to better test algorithms and reminds us that machines do not have human intelligence after all.
Un estudio explora cómo interactuamos con los conductores remotos
2024-01-11 21:01:18
La investigación de la Universidad de Newcastle está ayudando a arrojar luz sobre la importante interacción entre los usuarios y los conductores remotos que supervisan el funcionamiento de los vehículos automatizados.
Brain-inspired model enhances wastewater treatment predictions
2024-01-11 21:01:18
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) play a crucial role in environmental protection by mitigating risks to public health and aquatic ecosystems through the prevention of pollutant release. Accurately predicting effluent quality, especially levels of ammonia nitrogen (NH3) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), is essential for ensuring water safety and enhancing the efficiency of WWTPs. Despite advances in data-driven methods, persistent challenges arise from the complexity of wastewater data.
Un nuevo informe actualiza a la NASA sobre la energía solar espacial
2024-01-11 19:15:15
La energía solar basada en el espacio ofrece posibilidades tentadoras para la energía sostenible; en el futuro, los sistemas de recolección orbitales podrían recolectar energía en el espacio y transmitirla de manera inalámbrica a la Tierra.Estos sistemas podrían servir en ubicaciones remotas de todo el planeta para complementar la infraestructura de transmisión de energía terrestre que se requiere hoy en día.
Blizzards are inescapable, but the most expensive winter storm damage is largely preventable, says engineer
2024-01-11 18:38:20
Winter storms can easily become billion-dollar disasters as the snow piles up on interstates and collapses roofs and power lines. Yet, while canceled flights and business interruptions can't be avoided, what turns a snowstorm into a disaster often can be.
Artificial intelligence helps unlock advances in wireless communications
2024-01-11 18:38:20
A new wave of communication technology is quickly approaching and researchers at UBC Okanagan are investigating ways to configure next-generation mobile networks.
Methodology for regulating fuel stratification and improving fuel economy of GCI mode via double main-injection strategy
2024-01-11 18:38:20
Exploring advanced combustion mode with high efficiency and low emissions has been the dream of successive generations of researchers. Conventional diesel engines have high compression ratios thus with thermal efficiencies of 35%–45%, but the diffusion combustion characteristics of diesel make NOx and soot emissions high.
Research shows artificial intelligence fails in grammar
2024-01-11 16:54:31
A study of UAB and URV researchers and published in PNAS shows that human beings recognize grammatical errors in a sentence while AI does not. Researchers have compared the skills of humans and the three best large language models currently available.

Showing 2361 to 2380 of 2458 results

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