Ciencia Noticias

A non-proliferation solution: Using antineutrinos to surveil nuclear reactors
2024-01-17 22:13:32
Nuclear power constitutes an essential source of energy in many countries worldwide, including France, U.S., China, and Japan, among others. While nuclear power plants have less environmental impact than coal power plants with regards to climate change, the technology employed in them can be used for undesirable purposes, namely the production of materials for nuclear weapons.
Las 'centrales eléctricas' artificiales aprovechan la energía del viento y la lluvia
2024-01-17 18:38:39
Las plantas artificiales se adentran en el siglo XXI.Los investigadores desarrollaron "plantas de energía" literales (pequeños generadores con forma de hoja que crean electricidad a partir de una brisa o de gotas de lluvia) y las describieron en ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.El equipo probó los recolectores de energía incorporándolos a plantas artificiales.
Electrostatic generator to produce renewable energy from flexible structures
2024-01-17 18:38:39
To shapeshift into the yoga pose called "destroyer of the universe," a human must gumby a leg behind their neck to point their toes directly at the sky. For non-gumbys, that feat might seem superhuman or even metahuman—is that a person or a pretzel? Now, an ultraflexible metamaterial could perform equally super feats to generate clean energy from the abundant but often overlooked energy that vibrates through our world.
Your fingerprint is actually 3D—research into holograms could improve forensic fingerprint analysis
2024-01-17 15:38:59
When you use your fingerprint to unlock your smartphone, your phone is looking at a two-dimensional pattern to determine whether it's the correct fingerprint before it unlocks for you. But the imprint your finger leaves on the surface of the button is actually a 3D structure called a fingermark.
Usando IA para desarrollar una batería que use menos litio
2024-01-17 15:38:59
Un equipo de investigadores de IA de Microsoft que trabajan con colegas del Laboratorio Nacional del Noroeste del Pacífico ha utilizado IA para desarrollar una batería que utiliza menos litio.Juntos, publicaron un artículo que describe su trabajo en el servidor de preimpresión arXiv.
2023 TechNode Content Team Annual Insights: Wild Year of AI · TechNode
2024-01-17 15:15:47
Get ready for the annual insights from TechNode Content Team! The year 2023 can be considered a groundbreaking year in the technology field. As wrapping
The solution space of the spherical negative perceptron model is star-shaped, researchers find
2024-01-17 13:36:32
Recent numerical studies investigating neural networks have found that solutions typically found by modern machine learning algorithms lie in complex extended regions of the loss landscape. In these regions, zero-energy paths between pairs of distant solutions can be established.
Investigadores crean una red neuronal artificial para drones para optimizar el consumo de energía
2024-01-16 22:19:14
Las redes de la generación futura deben proporcionar altas velocidades de transmisión y una cobertura flexible.Una forma de hacerlo es a través de redes de vehículos aéreos no tripulados o drones.Operan en el rango de ondas milimétricas.Pero las desventajas son el uso de una amplia gama de antenas y mayores pérdidas durante la propagación de la señal.Todo esto requiere energía y las baterías de los drones tienen una capacidad limitada.
Advancing high-speed electromagnetic suspension: A scheme for enhanced stability, track irregularity suppression
2024-01-16 22:16:58
The maglev train represents a type of modern urban rail transit transportation tool, boasting many technical advantages such as low noise, green environmental protection, small turning radius, good stability and high comfort. These advantages are due to the suspension mode of the train.
New method for addressing the reliability challenges of neural networks in inverse imaging problems
2024-01-16 22:16:58
Uncertainty estimation is critical to improving the reliability of deep neural networks. A research team led by Aydogan Ozcan at the University of California, Los Angeles, has introduced an uncertainty quantification method that uses cycle consistency to enhance the reliability of deep neural networks in solving inverse imaging problems.
Se descubrió que los sulfuros de dos metales mejoran la función general del material del ánodo en los condensadores de iones de litio
2024-01-16 22:16:57
El uso de sulfuros metálicos duales, específicamente ZnS/CuS, muestra una marcada mejora en la estabilidad electroquímica y el rendimiento cuando se incluyen en el diseño de condensadores flexibles de iones de litio en comparación con el uso de sulfuros de metales de transición y materiales de fibra de carbono.
Computer scientists makes noisy data: Can it improve treatments in health care?
2024-01-16 21:33:15
University of Copenhagen researchers have developed software able to disguise sensitive data such as those used for machine learning in health care applications. The method protects privacy while making datasets available for the development of better treatments.
Team develops a new deepfake detector designed to be less biased
2024-01-16 21:33:15
The image spoke for itself. University at Buffalo computer scientist and deepfake expert Siwei Lyu created a photo collage out of the hundreds of faces that his detection algorithms had incorrectly classified as fake—and the new composition clearly had a predominantly darker skin tone.
Los investigadores proponen un nuevo esquema para Internet de las cosas que utiliza computación en la niebla
2024-01-16 21:33:15
Investigadores de la RUDN han propuesto un nuevo esquema para la red Internet de las cosas.Utiliza drones voladores que procesan datos en lugar de centros de datos en la nube, lo que acelera la red.Los resultados fueron publicados en Drones.
Improving energy efficiency of Wi-Fi networks on drones using slime mold method and a neural network
2024-01-16 19:02:47
The demand for high-quality wireless communications is growing along with the number of applications and devices. One way to provide such a network is to use a system of drone routers. Such a system would be useful, for example, in situations where it is necessary to quickly and simultaneously provide a signal to a large area—during natural disasters, large-scale incidents, and public events.
Investigando la computación cuántica y el aprendizaje automático como herramientas efectivas en dinámica de fluidos
2024-01-16 19:02:47
Para evitar las pérdidas de los aviones, los ingenieros han estudiado durante mucho tiempo el flujo de aire sobre perfiles aerodinámicos, como las alas de los aviones, para detectar los ángulos cuando se produce la separación del flujo.Recientemente, un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad Jiao Tong de Shanghai, incluidos Xi-Jun Yuan y Zi-Qiao Chen, investigó el uso de la computación cuántica en relación con el aprendizaje automático como una forma más precisa de resolver este tipo de problemas.
From cannabis harvest to flexible solar panels: Using organic electronics to develop next-gen devices
2024-01-16 17:34:31
Organic electronics—electronics where the active material is carbon-based—are making possible diverse new technologies ranging from sensors for monitoring cannabinoid levels in cannabis plants to lightweight, bendable solar panels. Real-world applications could result in solar panels you roll up and take with you on your next camping trip, or cannabis producers knowing the optimal time to harvest plants.
Discovery permite una producción de hidrógeno verde rentable y respetuosa con el medio ambiente
2024-01-16 16:21:46
Se ha desarrollado una tecnología innovadora que permite la producción de hidrógeno verde de una manera más rentable y respetuosa con el medio ambiente, acercándonos a una sociedad neutra en carbono mediante la sustitución de costosos catalizadores de metales preciosos.
Africa's chance for green electricity
2024-01-16 16:21:45
A joint study by the University of Tübingen, the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research, the University of Osnabrück and the University of Rwanda has found that 80% of the energy required in Africa could come from renewable sources by 2040—if the capacity of existing power plants were fully utilized and all the plants currently on the drawing-board were built. The international study has been published in the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.
El avance de la ciencia de materiales podría conducir a aviones que optimicen su forma en vuelo
2024-01-16 16:21:45
Los materiales y objetos podrían adoptar diferentes formas por sí mismos mediante un método desarrollado en el KTH Royal Institute of Technology.Pruebas innovadoras demostraron cómo se puede manipular la fusión y el enfriamiento a microescala de una amplia gama de materiales, como plásticos y metales, para reorganizar su masa y formar nuevas formas.

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