Ciencia Noticias

Research enhances stability and efficiency of perovskite solar cells
2024-01-10 19:22:50
A research team has achieved notable advancements in the stability and efficiency of perovskite solar cells. Their work not only paves the way for the commercialization of perovskite solar cells (PSCs), but also offers significant potential in green hydrogen production technology, ensuring long-term operation with high efficiency. The study has been published in Advanced Energy Materials.
Preguntas y respuestas: modelos lingüísticos: una guía para los perplejos
2024-01-10 19:22:49
Los modelos lingüísticos han dominado, de manera algo subrepticia, las noticias durante el último año.A menudo llamados "inteligencia artificial", estos sistemas son la base de chatbots como ChatGPT y Google Bard.
Los científicos identifican una falla de seguridad en los modelos de consulta de IA
2024-01-10 19:22:46
Los científicos informáticos de UC Riverside han identificado una falla de seguridad en los modelos de inteligencia artificial (IA) del lenguaje visual que puede permitir que los malos actores utilicen la IA con fines nefastos, como obtener instrucciones sobre cómo fabricar bombas.
Psychological profiling study finds that language-based AI models have hidden morals and values
2024-01-10 19:22:32
Just like humans, AI-based large-language models have characteristics such as morals and values. However, these are not always transparent. Researchers of the University of Mannheim and GESIS—Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences have now analyzed how the settings of the language models can be made visible and have examined the consequences these prejudices might have on society.
A new method to develop recyclable, organic and flexible electronics
2024-01-10 12:44:29
The electronics industry has been in continuous development over the past decades, leading to the development, fabrication and sale of a broad range of consumer devices. In recent years, many engineers have been focusing their efforts on flexible electronics that can be used to create wearable devices, such as smartwatches, earbuds, fitness trackers, and even smart jewelry, and electronic implants for medical applications.
Josh Morrison took risks for science, and he thinks you can, too
2024-01-10 12:34:42
From kidney donations to human challenge trials for Covid-19 vaccines, Josh Morrison shows the vast good any individual can do.
Jason Matheny está ayudando a la humanidad a prepararse para las amenazas existenciales del futuro
2024-01-10 12:34:41
Desde la IA hasta los riesgos de la bioingeniería, Jason Matheny estudia a qué se enfrentarán los gobiernos en los próximos años.
Hydrogen energy back in the vehicle conversation at CES 2024
2024-01-10 08:53:56
While electric vehicles are gaining the lion's share of the attention for carbon-neutral technology at CES 2024, hydrogen energy has snuck its way back into the conversation thanks to two automotive giants.
New findings reveal koalas' health risks following bushfires, will aid in future rescue efforts
2024-01-10 06:21:06
A new publication featured in Veterinary Sciences will guide future wildlife rescue and rehabilitation after Australian bushfires. These findings provide critical information for improving koala care during subsequent fire seasons.
2023 es el año más caluroso registrado mientras la Tierra se acerca a su límite clave
2024-01-10 06:06:56
El año 2023 fue el más caluroso jamás registrado, y el aumento de la temperatura de la superficie de la Tierra casi superó el umbral crítico de 1,5 grados Celsius, dijeron el martes los observadores del clima de la UE.
Improving soil health with aeration curing for sludge management
2024-01-09 22:45:33
The construction industry is recognized for its high resource consumption and large waste generation. Among the waste products generated are construction-generated sludge (CGS) and construction-generated surplus soil (CGSS). These can be used for various applications such as backfilling, creating environmentally friendly building materials like bricks, and soil stabilization.
Los investigadores desarrollan un método de diseño óptimo para la transmisión de energía por microondas
2024-01-09 22:45:33
Un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de Xidian en China ha logrado un nuevo resultado en el campo de la transmisión de energía por microondas.Su estudio, publicado en Engineering, presenta un método de diseño óptimo para la iluminación de la apertura de la antena con un área de recolección anular, con el objetivo de maximizar la potencia radiada en el área de recolección.
Ruedas verdes, cielos luminosos: un nuevo análisis revela la conexión entre los vehículos eléctricos y la energía fotovoltaica
2024-01-09 22:45:33
Las personas que poseen vehículos eléctricos (EV) tienen más probabilidades de ir un paso más allá y agregar paneles solares a su hogar, según un análisis de un estudio de comportamiento realizado por investigadores del Laboratorio Nacional de Energía Renovable (NREL) del Departamento de Energía de EE. UU.Por el contrario, el impacto de poseer paneles solares también influye en si un propietario compra un vehículo eléctrico, pero no tanto.
NASA Delays Plans To Put Humans Back On The Moon
2024-01-09 22:32:59
Houston, we have a problem.
Researchers are developing AI to make the internet more accessible
2024-01-09 22:00:43
In an effort to make the internet more accessible for people with disabilities, researchers at The Ohio State University have begun developing an artificial intelligence agent that could complete complex tasks on any website using simple language commands.
Unique framework of tin bimetal organic compound facilitates stable lithium-ion storage
2024-01-09 22:00:43
Battery capacity is one of the primary bottlenecks in efficient renewable energy storage and significant reductions in carbon emissions. As a battery anode that releases electrons in a lithium-ion battery (LIB), tin (Sn) and Sn-mixture alloys could theoretically store more energy at a higher density than more common carbon-based anodes.
Neighbors can save money by suspending car charging for 30 seconds, Norwegian researchers say
2024-01-09 22:00:43
A lot is happening these days in the Norwegian electricity grid. The Nordic countries are experiencing increasing levels of variability in electricity generation from new wind and solar power plants, combined with decreasing production from plants fueled by fossil coal and gas.
Engineers create a zwitterionic hydrogel system to swiftly eliminate micropollutants from water
2024-01-09 22:00:18
"Zwitterionic" might not be a word you come across every day, but for Professor Patrick Doyle of the MIT Department of Chemical Engineering, it's a word that's central to the technology his group is developing to remove micropollutants from water. Derived from the German word "zwitter," meaning "hybrid," "zwitterionic" molecules are those with an equal number of positive and negative charges.
Report highlights a range of emerging photovoltaic technologies
2024-01-09 22:00:18
Photovoltaic (PV) solar energy is emerging as a significant contributor to global sustainable energy production. Inspired by the continued technological progress of PV, and motivated by the challenges ahead, the Journal of Photonics for Energy (JPE) recently published a status report on emerging photovoltaics written by a community of 41 experts from across the globe.
Nanowire contacts push the boundaries for high-performance electronics
2024-01-09 22:00:18
Space comes at a premium on electronic chips: Powerful electronics need more and more connections, crammed into smaller and smaller spaces. Established technologies are reaching the limits of what is physically possible. Now, researchers at Fraunhofer IZM-ASSID have teamed up with other partners to level up a connection technology patented by NanoWired GmbH that uses wires at a nanometer scale. The team demonstrated how the novel technology could be used in the industrial production of 300 mm wafers.

Showing 2401 to 2420 of 2458 results

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