Ciencia Noticias

Research introduces new approach for detecting deepfakes
2024-02-27 21:49:00
Research published in the International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computingintroduces a new approach to tackling the challenges posed by deepfake technology, which generates manipulated media content that closely resembles authentic footage.
Customizing sulfone electrolyte in lithium-ion batteries improves their safety and performance
2024-02-27 21:49:00
In our technologically dependent society, the mobility, dependability, and safety of our devices—including phones and laptops—are critical. Just as important is our ability to easily charge and recharge these devices so they are available when we need them.
Imágenes de los límites de los granos que impiden la migración de iones de litio en baterías de estado sólido
2024-02-27 21:49:00
Un equipo de investigación del NIMS ha desarrollado una nueva técnica para obtener imágenes de los límites de los granos que obstruyen la migración de iones de litio en baterías de estado sólido, un tipo prometedor de batería de próxima generación.
Customizable carbon and its potential impact on green energy
2024-02-27 21:49:00
There's a lot of research about moving away from carbon as an energy source, but what if, instead, the carbon that is being used is applied to its full capacity?
Enter the gridworld: Using geometry to detect danger in AI environments
2024-02-27 21:48:59
Spacetime is a conceptual model that fuses the three dimensions of space (length, width, and breadth) with the fourth dimension of time. By doing so, a four-dimensional geometric object is created. Researchers have recently used a similar way of thinking to study AI environments, leading to a unique reframing of AI problems in geometric terms.
Los investigadores utilizan IA y Google Street View para predecir los costos de energía del hogar a gran escala
2024-02-27 17:58:58
Los hogares de bajos ingresos en Estados Unidos soportan una carga energética tres veces mayor que la del hogar promedio, según el Departamento de Energía de Estados Unidos.En total, más de 46 millones de hogares estadounidenses soportan una carga energética significativa, lo que significa que pagan más del 6% de sus ingresos brutos por gastos básicos de energía, como refrigeración y calefacción de sus hogares.
Renewable energy innovation isn't just good for the climate—it's also good for the economy
2024-02-27 17:58:58
As the climate crisis escalates, there are urgent and difficult choices that need to be made to drastically reduce our carbon emissions before more irreparable damage is done.
Movies of ultrafast electronic circuitry in space and time
2024-02-27 16:03:57
Researchers at the University of Konstanz have successfully filmed the operations of extremely fast electronic circuitry in an electron microscope at a bandwidth of tens of terahertz. The study is published in Nature Communications.
The Odysseus lunar lander is on its side and will likely run out of energy soon
2024-02-27 15:47:48
A Jeff Koons statue is on the Moon.
Investigadores desarrollan sensores táctiles sin contacto para robótica
2024-02-27 14:46:10
Un tipo radicalmente nuevo de sensor táctil para robótica y otras aplicaciones de biomimética (biónica) es tan sensible que funciona incluso sin contacto directo entre el sensor y los objetos que se detectan.Detecta interferencias en el campo eléctrico entre un objeto y el sensor, hasta a 100 milímetros del objeto.
Audio explainable artificial intelligence: Demystifying 'black box' models
2024-02-26 22:11:41
AI decision-making is now common in self-driving cars, patient diagnosis and legal consultation, and it needs to be safe and trustworthy. Researchers have been trying to demystify complex AI models by developing interpretable and transparent models, collectively known as explainable AI methods or explainable AI (XAI) methods. A research team offered their insight specifically into audio XAI models in a review article published in Intelligent Computing.
Los investigadores establecen un nuevo récord mundial para las células solares CIGS
2024-02-26 22:11:34
La Universidad de Uppsala posee el nuevo récord mundial de generación de energía eléctrica a partir de células solares de seleniuro de cobre, indio y galio (CIGS).El nuevo récord mundial es del 23,64% de eficiencia.La medición fue realizada por un instituto independiente y los resultados se publican en Nature Energy.
A novel method for easy and quick fabrication of biomimetic robots with life-like movement
2024-02-26 22:10:16
Biomimetic robots, which mimic the movements and biological functions of living organisms, are a fascinating area of research that can not only lead to more efficient robots but also serve as a platform for understanding muscle biology.
La disección virtual complementa la instrucción en el laboratorio de anatomía de ciencia animal
2024-02-26 22:09:47
En una sesión de clase reciente dedicada a revisar los componentes de un sistema digestivo monogástrico, Alexandra Else-Keller le recordó a un estudiante de ciencias animales cómo colocar los dedos mientras examinaba cómo se unen el colon, el estómago y la vesícula biliar.
Pore evolution secrets revealed: New study unlocks additive manufacturing potential
2024-02-26 22:09:16
A collaboration between Queen Mary University of London, University College London (UCL), Rolls-Royce, and a team of international researchers has unlocked the secrets of pore evolution in directed energy deposition (DED) additive manufacturing. Their findings, published in Nature Communications, pave the way for safer and more efficient production of high-value components across diverse industries.
La electrificación de la sociedad impone grandes exigencias a la seguridad del suministro, afirman los investigadores
2024-02-26 22:09:08
Los cortes de energía pueden ser causados ​​por fuertes nevadas y formación de hielo, así como por rayos y fuertes vientos que derriban líneas eléctricas.Además de fenómenos meteorológicos más extremos, Noruega también se enfrenta a un importante déficit de suministro de energía.Entonces, ¿qué podemos hacer para evitar una crisis eléctrica total?
Turning waste into wealth: Synergistic recovery of metal from copper slag
2024-02-26 22:08:19
Copper smelting is a major source of copper production, generating significant amounts of slag. In 2022, China produced over 11,000 kilotons of refined copper, leading to 2.2 to 3 tons of slag per ton of copper produced. This slag contains valuable metals like copper (0.5%–6%), lead (0.2%–0.6%), and zinc (1%–5.5%), which are often not recovered, resulting in resource waste and environmental hazards from leaked toxic ions.
What will it take for China to reach carbon neutrality by 2060?
2024-02-26 22:08:19
To become carbon neutral by 2060, as mandated by President Xi Jinping, China will have to build eight to 10 times more wind and solar power installations than currently exist in the country. Reaching carbon neutrality will also require major construction of transmission lines.
Affective computing: Connecting computing with human emotions for empathetic AI
2024-02-26 22:08:17
Imagine a world where your smartphone can detect your mood just by the way you type a message or the tone of your voice. Picture a car that adjusts its music playlist based on your stress levels during rush hour traffic. These scenarios are not just futuristic fantasies.
Novel material increases efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells
2024-02-26 22:08:17
In an article published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Brazilian researchers describe a strategy to enhance the efficiency and stability of solar cells made of perovskite, a semiconductor material produced in the laboratory. The results of the project could be highly positive for the future of the solar power sector.

Showing 1981 to 2000 of 2359 results

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