Ciencia Noticias

Charting new paths in AI learning: How changing two variables leads to vastly different outcomes
2024-02-21 17:21:56
In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industries from health care to finance, understanding how these digital brains learn is more crucial than ever. Now, two researchers from EPFL, Antonia Sclocchi and Matthieu Wyart, have shed light on this process, focusing on a popular method known as Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD).
Baby seal with neck entangled in plastic rescued in New Jersey amid annual pup migration
2024-02-21 15:38:31
The young seal had been on a 300-plus-mile migration from New England when she was found with plastic from a bottled water case wrapped around her neck, rescuers said.
Tiny power converters that run on vibrational energy
2024-02-21 14:29:13
University of California San Diego and CEA-Leti scientists have developed a ground-breaking piezoelectric-based DC-DC converter that unifies all power switches onto a single chip to increase power density. This new power topology, which extends beyond existing topologies, blends the advantages of piezoelectric converters with capacitive-based DC-DC converters.
Quantum annealers and the future of prime factorization
2024-02-21 13:12:11
Researchers at the University of Trento, Italy, have developed a novel approach for prime factorization via quantum annealing, leveraging a compact modular encoding paradigm and enabling the factorization of large numbers using D-Wave quantum devices.
Studying flight paths and neighborhoods could lead to more considerate aviation
2024-02-20 23:23:40
When aerospace engineer Matthew Clarke overlayed flight paths in urban environments over maps showing social stratification, he noticed something significant. The flights went directly overhead low-income neighborhoods.
Cobalt-free electrodes achieved with nickel ions
2024-02-20 23:23:39
Many electric vehicles are powered by lithium-ion batteries that rely on cobalt—a scarce, expensive metal with high environmental and social costs. A team of researchers from Japanese and French universities has now developed a practical nickel-based electrode material that opens new avenues to cobalt-free batteries for electric vehicles.
Orbital angular momentum-mediated machine learning for high-accuracy mode-feature encoding
2024-02-20 23:23:39
As a derivative product of artificial neural networks, ChatGPT became extremely popular in 2023, breaking the shortest time record for technology product users to exceed 100 million. It is a large-scale language model based on machine learning (deep learning), in which learning of language rules from massive input texts plays an important role.
Researchers take next step toward better performing batteries using less critical raw materials
2024-02-20 23:23:39
Marnix Wagemaker and Alexandros Vasileiadis in collaboration with researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have published a paper in Nature Sustainability on fast-charging sodium-ion batteries and improvements made to the negative electrode. These can be made from organic materials. This reduces the dependence on rare materials that do not come from Europe.
Asymmetric fire-retardant electrolytes could ensure safety and stability in lithium metal batteries
2024-02-20 21:57:01
New research published in Energy Material Advances holds significant implications for the future of high-energy-density batteries.
Science fiction meets reality as researchers develop techniques to overcome obstructed views
2024-02-20 19:20:13
After a recent car crash, John Murray-Bruce wished he could have seen the other car coming. The crash reaffirmed the USF assistant professor of computer science and engineering's mission to create a technology that could do just that: See around obstacles and ultimately expand one's line of vision.
Improving traffic signal timing with a handful of connected vehicles
2024-02-20 19:20:12
With GPS data from as little as 6% of vehicles on the road, University of Michigan researchers can recalibrate traffic signals to reduce congestion and delays at intersections significantly.
Un guante inteligente adaptable puede enseñar nuevas habilidades físicas
2024-02-20 19:17:50
Probablemente hayas conocido a alguien que se identifica como un aprendiz visual o auditivo, pero otros absorben el conocimiento a través de una modalidad diferente: el tacto.Ser capaz de comprender las interacciones táctiles es especialmente importante para tareas como aprender cirugías delicadas y tocar instrumentos musicales, pero a diferencia del vídeo y el audio, el tacto es difícil de grabar y transferir.
Engineers develop promising calcium-based battery that's rechargeable and operates at room temperature
2024-02-20 15:38:55
A multi-institutional team of Chinese engineers has developed a proof-of-concept calcium-based battery that withstands 700 charge cycles at room temperature. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes the challenges they addressed in developing the battery and what they have learned about the possible use of calcium-based batteries in consumer products in the future.
Edible electronics are being developed to assist rescue operations and go inside hospital patients
2024-02-20 15:03:43
Professor Dario Floreano is a Swiss-Italian roboticist and engineer engaged in a bold research venture: the creation of edible robots and digestible electronics.
Which animal is a better spy—a pigeon or a cat? We actually know the answer.
2024-02-20 10:23:21
The CIA spent $20 million on an eavesdropping cat, but it’s the humble pigeon that’s pulled off the greatest intelligence heists.
Satellite weighing as much as adult rhino to crash through Earth's atmosphere this week
2024-02-20 06:54:44
A satellite weighing about as much as an adult male rhinoceros is set to re-enter Earth's atmosphere this week, but scientists don't yet know when or where exactly the return will be.
NASA looking for 4 volunteers to spend a year living and working inside a Mars simulator
2024-02-20 06:54:44
Ever wonder what it's like to live on Mars? Now, you can apply to try out life on the Red Planet. Here's how to qualify.
Women need less exercise than men for same cardiovascular benefits, researchers find
2024-02-20 01:17:17
A study published Monday revealed a gender gap in cardiovascular benefits when it comes to exercise.
'Green' or 'blue' hydrogen—what difference does it make? Not much for most Australians
2024-02-19 20:15:19
Hydrogen can play a key role in Australia's energy transition by giving us additional ways of storing and moving energy around. As the world shifts towards cleaner energy production, there's a push to make hydrogen production cleaner as well. In Australia, low-emission hydrogen is produced in two main ways.
Un nuevo informe de la NASA sugiere que podríamos ver energía espacial después de 2050
2024-02-19 20:00:10
La energía solar basada en el espacio (SBSP, por sus siglas en inglés) ha sido noticia recientemente, tras la exitosa prueba de un demostrador de energía solar en el espacio que tuvo lugar el verano pasado.Si bien el concepto es fundamentalmente sólido, hay muchos obstáculos que superar si se quiere que la tecnología se adopte ampliamente, uno de los cuales es el costo.

Showing 2041 to 2060 of 2219 results

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