Ciencia Noticias

Path to lower emissions demands a smarter grid, say researchers
2024-02-22 18:29:24
Researchers at the University of Adelaide believe the global investment being made in smart metering infrastructure could fall short of fulfilling promised benefits to customers if key systems issues are not addressed.
Las tecnologías termoeléctricas pueden ayudar a impulsar un futuro sin emisiones de carbono
2024-02-22 17:37:19
Los termómetros son una maravilla subestimada del ingenio humano construida sobre la comprensión de principios físicos relativamente simples.Los termómetros de mercurio y alcohol dependen del volumen de líquido que crece o se contrae como reacción al cambio de temperatura.Los termómetros infrarrojos sin contacto, por el contrario, leen la radiación térmica emitida por cualquier objeto, desde una sartén hasta el cuerpo humano.
Amorphous solar cells with FIDO technology are more efficient, stable and lightweight
2024-02-22 17:13:26
A group led by researchers at Nagoya University in Japan has created a material based on fullerene indanones (FIDO), which promises to improve the durability of next-generation solar cells. Durability has been one of the biggest hurdles in their practical application and commercialization. The researchers published their findings in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Exploring the use of silicon microresonators for artificial neural networks
2024-02-22 16:45:06
Researchers have made significant progress in the development of artificial neural networks using tiny silicon devices called microresonators, paving the way for faster and more energy-efficient artificial intelligence systems. These networks mimic the computing capabilities of the human brain, breaking away from traditional digital computer architectures and leveraging the speed, low power dissipation and multi-wavelength capabilities of photonics.
Nuevos conocimientos estructurales podrían conducir a una mejora mecánica de las aleaciones
2024-02-22 15:37:23
Una nueva clase de materiales metálicos con posibles aplicaciones en turbinas de aviones, reactores nucleares y equipos para exploración espacial puede soportar temperaturas extremas y resistir fracturas, pero los científicos no han entendido por qué hasta ahora.
Texas county issues local state of emergency ahead of solar eclipse
2024-02-22 15:15:59
The county expects its population to double in the days leading up to and after the eclipse.
Massive fireball lights up night sky across large swath of U.S.
2024-02-22 15:09:06
People across the eastern U.S. and in parts of Canada saw a dazzling light show on Wednesday night, as a fireball entered the atmosphere and burned up.
Commentary: Cement is a big part of the carbon problem. How to make it part of the solution
2024-02-22 14:09:39
In 2014, hundreds of Angelenos gathered downtown to watch more than 2,000 trucks pour concrete into a vast hole. During that event, Los Angeles set a world record: 80 million pounds of concrete were laid down over 18 straight hours to form the foundation for the Wilshire Grand Center, which now towers 73 stories over the city.
Can AI help us predict extreme weather?
2024-02-21 23:40:29
AI models are revolutionizing weather forecasts.
In-depth analysis: Automated machine learning from the perspective of bilevel optimization
2024-02-21 22:54:01
Recently, professors Risheng Liu from Dalian University of Technology and Zhouchen Lin from Peking University collaborated on an opinion article published in the National Science Review (NSR). Their article delves deeply into AutoML from the perspective of bilevel optimization, achieving unified modeling of various AutoML tasks while exploring challenges and opportunities. This article will be included in the NSR's special topic on "Automating Machine Learning."
An ultrafast SnO₂ passivation strategy for low-temperature manufacture of perovskite solar cells
2024-02-21 22:54:00
SnO2 has been widely used as electron transport layers (ETLs) for efficient perovskite solar cells (PSCs) due to its high transparency, high electron mobility, and favorable band alignment. PSCs based on chemical bath deposition (CBD)-prepared SnO2 have demonstrated the best performance so far.
Artificial intelligence recognizes and learns to predict patterns in behavior from video
2024-02-21 21:28:26
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, the University Hospital Bonn and the University of Bonn have created an open-source platform known as A-SOiD that can learn and predict user-defined behaviors, just from video. The results of the study have now been published in the journal Nature Methods.
Researchers develop automated toolchain for future mobility
2024-02-21 21:08:44
Development of embedded electronic systems for future mobility, be it self-driving cars or autonomous air taxis, depends on complex processing and application services. To better manage this challenge, eight European partners have developed an automated toolchain within the XANDAR collaboration coordinated by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Freezing electronics to control diamond spin qubits
2024-02-21 20:24:39
Researchers from Fujitsu and QuTech have developed new and ultra-cold electronic circuits to control diamond-based quantum bits. As a result of their joint research project, it becomes possible to build larger quantum computers, through overcoming the "wiring bottleneck," while maintaining high-quality performance.
New system combines human, artificial intelligence to improve experimentation
2024-02-21 18:49:48
Though artificial intelligence decreases human error in experimentation, human experts outperform AI when identifying causation or working with small data sets.
Researchers develop AI that can understand light in photographs
2024-02-21 18:49:48
Despite significant progress in developing AI systems that can understand the physical world like humans do, researchers have struggled with modeling a certain aspect of our visual system: the perception of light.
3D printing promises more efficient ways to make custom explosives and rocket propellants
2024-02-21 17:21:56
Imagine you're driving to work on a rainy day, when a distracted, reckless driver hits your car out of nowhere. With a "boom," an air bag deploys faster than you can blink your eyes to save your life.
Automated method helps researchers quantify uncertainty in their predictions
2024-02-21 17:21:56
Pollsters trying to predict presidential election results and physicists searching for distant exoplanets have at least one thing in common: They often use a tried-and-true scientific technique called Bayesian inference.
Las nuevas 'baterías de agua' se mantienen frías bajo presión
2024-02-21 17:21:56
Un equipo global de investigadores y colaboradores de la industria dirigido por la Universidad RMIT ha inventado "baterías de agua" reciclables que no se incendian ni explotan.
Neural networks made of light: Research team develops AI system in optical fibers
2024-02-21 17:21:56
Artificial intelligence is pivotal in advancing biotechnology and medical procedures, ranging from cancer diagnostics to the creation of new antibiotics. However, the ecological footprint of large-scale AI systems is substantial. For instance, training extensive language models like ChatGPT-3 requires several gigawatt-hours of energy—enough to power an average nuclear power plant at full capacity for several hours.

Showing 2021 to 2040 of 2219 results

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