Ciencia Noticias

AI bias: The organized struggle against automated discrimination
2024-03-04 16:48:18
In public administrations across Europe, artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision making (ADM) systems are already being used extensively.
City without walls: Buildings, energy, psychology overlap, says researcher
2024-03-04 14:42:38
Although he built his career around buildings, Fengqi "Frank" Li likes to break down walls. Li was trained as an architect, but he doesn't box himself in. Currently he is working as a computational developer at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory. But Li considers himself a designer. To him, that's less a box than a plane—a landscape scattered with ideas, like destinations on a map that can be connected in different ways.
Three-man, one-woman crew ready for weather-delayed launch to space station
2024-03-03 22:57:48
With an on-time launch Sunday, the Crew 8 fliers will reach the International Space Station early Tuesday.
¿Qué focas tienen orejas?
2024-03-02 15:40:14
Los lobos marinos y los leones marinos también se conocen como focas orejas.En los parques nacionales y estatales de Redwood y sus alrededores, la foca de orejas que se ve con más frecuencia es la de California.Lobos marinos y leones marinosTambién se les conoce como focas de orejas.
Netflix’s Spaceman is slow, sad sci-fi — with a lovable space spider
2024-03-02 02:09:30
A strangely compelling exploration of loneliness.
Everything We Know About Metaphor: ReFantazio
2024-03-02 00:24:38
The upcoming RPG from the team behind many beloved Persona games is worth looking out for
Electrolyte solution reduces Li-ion battery recharging time while capacity remains at low temperatures
2024-03-01 21:25:42
A team of chemists and engineers affiliated with several institutions has found an electrolyte solution that can be used to reduce the recharging time of lithium-ion batteries while allowing battery capacity to remain comparatively high at low temperatures.
Huracanes y redes eléctricas: eliminar cortes de energía a gran escala con un nuevo enfoque
2024-03-01 17:36:08
Los cortes de energía a gran escala causados ​​por ciclones tropicales se pueden prevenir casi por completo si se protege un conjunto pequeño pero crítico de líneas eléctricas contra los daños de las tormentas, según un nuevo estudio publicado en Nature Energy.Los científicos del Instituto de Potsdam para la Investigación del Impacto Climático (PIK) desarrollaron un nuevo método que puede utilizarse para identificar esas líneas críticas y aumentar la resiliencia del sistema.
AI outperforms humans in standardized tests of creative potential
2024-03-01 13:48:58
In a recent study, 151 human participants were pitted against ChatGPT-4 in three tests designed to measure divergent thinking, which is considered to be an indicator of creative thought.
Study observes a room-temperature nonlinear Hall effect in elemental bismuth thin films
2024-03-01 12:21:24
After the advent of 5G, engineers have been trying to devise techniques to further enhance wireless communication technology. To increase these systems' data transmission rate, they will ultimately need to extend their carrier frequency beyond 100 gigahertz, reaching the terahertz range.
Redes térmicas: la infraestructura que falta que necesitamos para ayudar a lograr una calefacción libre de carbono
2024-03-01 12:21:23
La mayoría de los que vivimos en el hemisferio norte tenemos un problema fundamental: queremos reducir nuestras emisiones de carbono, pero también necesitamos calentar nuestros hogares.
Examinando los posibles beneficios y peligros de la IA
2024-03-01 04:19:12
La inteligencia artificial generativa está avanzando rápidamente y pronto será omnipresente en la vida cotidiana, haciéndonos más productivos y ayudando a resolver problemas complejos y al mismo tiempo creará nuevas cuestiones legales y éticas, afirmó un profesor de la Universidad de Cincinnati.
Device that withstands 1,400°C temperatures could improve solar energy production
2024-03-01 01:55:12
An innovative probe which can operate in temperatures as high as molten lava has been created by researchers.
From organics to fuels: Computational models can accelerate and scale up biomass conversion
2024-03-01 01:55:11
Your yard clippings could eventually fuel an airplane. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) researchers are tackling the difficult task of using agricultural waste generated from plant-to-food processing to make fuels that can power an airplane or a ship rather than relying on fossil fuels.
Researchers create new compound to build space-age antennas
2024-03-01 01:55:11
In a first-of-its-kind development, UBC Okanagan researchers, in collaboration with Drexel University, have created a new compound that can be used to 3D print telecommunication antennas and other connectivity devices. These 3D printed products, created by combining a two-dimensional compound called MXenes with a polymer, can be used as an alternative for metallic counterparts and can make a vast improvement in communication technology including elements such as antennas, waveguides and filters.
Fire-resistant sodium battery balances safety, cost and performance
2024-03-01 01:55:03
A sodium battery developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin significantly reduces fire risks from the technology, while also relying on inexpensive, abundant materials to serve as its building blocks.
Guiding future research on 'extraordinary potential' of next-generation solar cells
2024-02-29 23:33:01
Today's commercial solar panels can convert about 15% to 20% of the sunlight they absorb into electrical energy—but they could be much more efficient, according to researchers at Soochow University. The next generation of solar cells has already demonstrated 26.1% efficiency, they said, but more specific research directions are needed to make such efficiency the standard and expand beyond it.
Researchers improve the stability of perovskite solar cells
2024-02-29 23:33:01
Perovskite solar cells are thought of as the strongest contender to replace conventional silicon solar cells in next-generation photovoltaics. They are made of an A+ cation, a B2+ divalent cation, and an X- halide. Generally containing Pb2+ or Sn2+, they achieve high power conversion energy that is suitable for commercial use.
Eco-label strategy selection for green product development in supply chain
2024-02-29 23:33:01
The green lifestyle has been increasingly popular in recent years. According to the 2023 China Consumption Trend Report, 73.8% of customers prioritize buying environmentally friendly products. Tools such as eco-labels are widely used by companies to show consumers how green their products are.
All-light communication network bridges space, air and sea for seamless connectivity
2024-02-29 23:33:00
Researchers have developed an all-light communication network that enables seamless connectivity across space, air, and underwater environments. The new network design combines different types of light sources to ensure connectivity no matter the environment.

Showing 1941 to 1960 of 2359 results

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