法律 訊息

Billy Baldwin Defends Upcoming 'Rust' Premiere After Halyna Hutchins' Death
2024-10-05 00:15:00
Billy Baldwin is voicing his support for brother Alec Baldwin's upcoming "Rust" premiere ... saying the event isn't as controversial as one might think.
WordPress 商標和開源之爭的最新進展
2024-10-04 23:22:15
以下是迄今為止 WordPress 傳奇中發生的事情。
Stellantis 對 UAW 提起訴訟,聲稱工會無權授權合約中期罷工
2024-10-04 23:22:08
Stellantis 已對美國汽車工人聯合會提起訴訟,繼續就其 2023 年談判協議和 UAW 的罷工威脅展開鬥爭。
2024-10-04 21:35:18
唐納德·川普的最新起訴書對他以及 2024 年意味著什麼
2024-10-04 21:35:12
哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞政治總監芬·戈麥斯週四表示,聯邦起訴書可能會對前總統川普的 2024 年總統競選產生比紐約大陪審團 3 月對他提出的起訴書更嚴重的影響。
2024-10-04 20:17:28
保險資訊研究所估計,在佛羅裡達州以外,大約 99% 遭受持續洪水的房主沒有得到保險。
Domestic extremists with "election-related grievances" could turn to violence, intel bulletin warns
2024-10-04 20:17:25
Political candidates, elected officials and election workers are some of the potential targets, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI warned.
Google says it will stop linking to New Zealand news if a law passes forcing it to pay for content
2024-10-04 17:55:06
Google said Friday it will stop linking to New Zealand news content and will reverse its support of local media outlets if the government passes a law forcing tech companies to pay for articles displayed on their platforms.
2024-10-04 17:55:05
How Los Angeles is addressing homelessness after Supreme Court ruled cities can ban camping
2024-10-04 12:54:48
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass discusses how she aims to solve the problem through a city initiative offering interim housing.
2024-10-04 12:54:47
一名自稱是加斯布魯克斯 (Garth Brooks) 髮型和化妝師的女士在訴訟中指控布魯克斯 2019 年在洛杉磯一家酒店強姦了她。
當局稱,墨西哥發現 12 具帶有酷刑痕跡的屍體,並附有販毒集團訊息
2024-10-04 12:54:46
Missing Utah soldier's wife tells informant she shot husband in his sleep and buried his body, police say
2024-10-04 12:54:45
Jennifer Gledhill said she shot Matthew Johnson on the bed, buried his body and destroyed items to cover up the crime, the informant said.
2024-10-04 12:54:45
2024-10-04 12:52:41
印度政府敦促最高法院駁回更新已有 160 年歷史的強姦法的努力,認為這可能會破壞「婚姻制度」。
Ashton Kutcher Not Being Investigated by Feds in Diddy Case Despite Reports
2024-10-04 10:18:16
Ashton Kutcher is said to be concerned about getting dragged into the Diddy criminal case, but federal investigators do not have him in their crosshairs ... TMZ has learned.
2024-10-04 00:35:47
美國週四宣布查封 41 個網路域名,據稱俄羅斯情報人員使用這些域名試圖存取五角大廈、國務院和其他美國政府僱員的電腦和電子郵件帳戶。
2024-10-03 13:42:23
2024-10-03 02:56:11
看起來像真槍的 BB 槍和彈丸槍的銷量正在上升,但它們與槍械的相似性導致了數十起警察槍擊事件。
歐盟就「有害」內容風險對 Snapchat、TikTok、YouTube 進行質詢
2024-10-03 01:28:18
歐盟對 Snapchat、TikTok 和 YouTube 上發布的「有害」內容表示擔憂,並在週三要求數位平台提供更多有關其平台如何向用戶推薦內容的資訊。

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