electric car
圖片來源:Unsplash/CC0 公共領域

The Biden administration is using稅收抵免, regulations andfederal investmentsto shift drivers toward electric vehicles.但只有當駕駛確信自己能夠在需要的時間和地點找到可靠的充電設施時,他們才會做出改變。

過去四年,美國各地公共充電埠的數量has doubled。截至 2024 年 8 月,全國擁有 192,000 個公共充電端口,每週新增約 1,000 個公共充電器。Infrastructure rarely expands at such a fast rate.

Agencies are分配數十億美元透過 2021 年兩黨基礎設施法案授權建設充電基礎設施。這種擴展使長途電動車旅行變得更加實用。這也使EV所有權對於無法在家中收費(例如某些公寓居民)的人更可行。

Charging technology is also improving.現在,速度達到了350千瓦的速度,足以在不到10分鐘的時間內為標準的電動車充電。The industry has also begun to shift to a standard calledISO 15118,它控制電動車與電網之間的介面。

This standard enables a plug-and-charge system: Just plug in the您就完成了,無需與應用程式或多個支付系統競爭。許多現有的充電器都可以對其進行改裝,而無需安裝全新的充電器。

Tesla's decision to open itsreliable Supercharger network非特斯拉車輛承諾進一步擴大快速充電器的使用範圍,儘管這種轉變is proceeding slowly

作為一個researcher studying the adoption of EVs, I'm encouraged by these advancements.但仍需要讓每個人的充電體驗更加可靠和方便。的故事充電問題 abound onlineand are a popularfocus for EV critics。Here are the key issues drivers are confronting.

Broken, slow or inaccessible

儘管電動車充電基礎設施在過去幾年有所改善,但可靠性仍然是一個關鍵問題。例如,加州大學柏克萊分校研究人員 2022 年的一項研究發現,灣區近 30% 的公共非特斯拉快速充電器沒用。2023 年的一項全國研究使用人工智慧模型來分析駕駛員對電動車充電站的評論reached a similar result

這些發現凸顯了充電網路需要更強大的維護和監控系統。Federal guidelines require that chargers must have an年平均「正常運轉時間」或功能時間大於 97%, but this metric is not always as clear-cut as it sounds. While many charging-point operators report high uptime percentages, their figures often exclude factors such as slow charging speeds or incomplete charges that degrade users' experience.

Many drivers complain about throttling—chargers that dispense electricity at less than the maximum rate the car is capable of accepting, so the car charges more slowly than expected. Sometimes this is normal. Cars willcharge more slowly as their battery gets closer to fullin order to avoid damaging the battery. Other factors can includeweather conditions and the number of other vehiclessimultaneously using the charging station.

Drivers' issues with chargers involve more than just uptime. Technical barriers, such as payment processing and vehicle-charger communication, can sometimes prevent a charge from starting or being completed.

To ensure that all EVs can charge smoothly on any network, groups such as theNational Charging Experience Consortium字元輸入are bringing automakers, charging providers and national laboratories together to address these issues.

Other obstacles are more local, such as long lines at charging stations and chargers that are blocked by parked cars, snowbanks or other obstacles. Finding vehicles with internal combustion engines parked in EV charger spots is common enough thatit has a name: getting ICEd。There's a clear need for more comprehensive solutions to help the charging experience keep pace with demand for EVs.


At the University of California, Davis, we are working with the加州能源委員會to understand the range of charging obstacles that EV drivers face. As part of a three-year study, we are sending undergraduate students out to test thousands of chargers across the entire state of California.

So far, our results show that just over 70% of charge attempts have succeeded. Many issues have caused failed charges, including traffic congestion at charging stations, damaged or offline chargers, difficulty using navigation apps to find charging stations, and malfunctioning chargers.

Quantity and quality both matter

As federal investments continue to pour money into EV charging, our findings indicate that it's important to use these resources not only to expand the network but also to improve the user experience at every step.

需要改進的領域包括對充電器維護進行更嚴格的監督;反映真實性能的更穩健的正常運行時間要求;and better collaboration between automakers, charging-point operators and software providers to ensure that vehicles and chargers can work together seamlessly.

The future of EV adoption depends not just on how many chargers are available, but on how reliable and easy they are to use.By addressing specific pain points that drivers face, policymakers and industry leaders can create a charging ecosystem that truly supports the needs of all EV drivers.可靠性是激發人們對電動車充電基礎設施的廣泛信心並確保其能夠跟上日益增長的電動車數量的關鍵。在路上。

本文轉載自對話根據知識共享許可。閱讀原創文章The Conversation

引文:充電而非續航里程正成為電動車駕駛最關心的問題(2024 年 10 月 10 日)檢索日期:2024 年 10 月 10 日取自 https://techxplore.com/news/2024-10-range-electric-car-drivers.html
