科学 新闻

A soft swimming robot without wires or batteries that can test for contaminants
2024-01-22 13:58:00
A team of biomedical engineers and roboticists affiliated with multiple institutions across China has developed a type of small, soft robot that can swim through water and test for contaminants. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the team notes that the robot can be powered and controlled using radio waves.
How Cayo Santiago's monkey research survived Hurricane Maria
2024-01-22 07:46:35
With dedicated staff and a little bit of luck, decades of data and biological samples from the monkeys of Cayo Santiago narrowly escaped destruction.
How Ozempic, other weight-loss drugs are "changing medicine"
2024-01-21 15:28:00
GLP-1 class medications reduce cardiovascular risk and treat diabetes. But they also allow people to lose an average of 10-20 percent of their body weight in the first year. What does that mean for the overweight or obese?
A cation replacement method to realize highly preforming electrolytes for multivalent metal batteries
2024-01-21 13:29:31
As the use of electric and hybrid vehicles increases in many countries worldwide, the development of safe and better-performing battery technologies becomes increasingly crucial. Most notably, engineers have been trying to increase the safety and energy capacity of batteries while also ensuring their scalability and slowing down their degradation over time.
Oxygen vacancies boost performance of aqueous zinc ion batteries, study finds
2024-01-19 19:52:34
According to research published in Small, a team led by Prof. Hu Linhua from Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) found that the electrochemical properties of NH4V4O10 can be successfully enhanced by introducing oxygen vacancies.
Decoupled style structure in Fourier domain method improves raw to sRGB mapping
2024-01-19 19:52:34
A team of researchers led by Professor Xie Chengjun and Associate Professor Zhang Jie at Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), unveiled Fourier-ISP, a novel deep-learning based framework for RAW-to-sRGB image conversion.
Researchers demonstrate scalability of graph neural networks on world's most powerful computing systems
2024-01-19 19:52:32
Solving today's most complex scientific challenges often means tracing links between hundreds, thousands or even millions of variables. The larger the scientific dataset, the more complex these connections become.
Researchers develop 70kW-level high power density vanadium flow battery stack
2024-01-19 19:52:31
Recently, a research team led by Prof. Li Xianfeng from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) developed a 70 kW-level high-power density vanadium flow battery stack. Compared with the current 30kW-level stack, this stack has a volume power density of 130kW/m3, and the cost is reduced by 40%.
Scientists fabricate high-temperature-resistant separators for lithium-ion batteries
2024-01-19 18:36:40
Scientists have fabricated high-temperature-resistant polyethylene terephthalate (PET) separators for lithium-ion batteries. The study, by researchers from the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Advanced Energy Science and Technology Guangdong Laboratory, was published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
DeepMind's AI system AlphaGeometry able to solve complex geometry problems at a high level
2024-01-19 15:24:04
A team of AI researchers at Google's DeepMind, working with a colleague from New York University, has developed an AI system called AlphaGeometry that has demonstrated an ability to solve complex geometry problems at a high level.
Novel snake-like robot 3D prints its own body to grow longer
2024-01-19 14:29:17
A trio of soft robotics researchers at Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, in Italy, working with a colleague from the University of Montpellier, in France, has developed a unique type of robot that 3D prints its own body as a means to grow longer. In their paper published in the journal Science Robotics, the group describes how they created their robot and the possible uses for it.
Next-generation batteries could go organic, cobalt-free for long-lasting power
2024-01-18 23:35:25
In the switch to "greener" energy sources, the demand for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries is surging. However, their cathodes typically contain cobalt—a metal whose extraction has high environmental and societal costs. Now, researchers in ACS Central Science report evaluating an earth-abundant, carbon-based cathode material that could replace cobalt and other scarce and toxic metals without sacrificing lithium-ion battery performance.
Why electric trucks are our best bet to cut road transport emissions
2024-01-18 23:35:22
Transport is likely the hardest economic sector to decarbonize. And road vehicles produce the most greenhouse gas emissions of the Australian transport sector—85% of its total. Freight trucks account for only 8% of travel on our roads but 27% of transport emissions.
Research team designs privacy-protecting algorithm for better wireless communication
2024-01-18 23:35:22
In today's increasingly interconnected world, high-quality communication has become more vital than ever. Accurately estimating the dynamic status of communication channels is a key factor in achieving this. Recently, a joint research team designed a new algorithm that offers high-level estimation accuracy and privacy protection with low computational and communication costs. This research was published in Intelligent Computing.
Novel frequency-adaptive methods enhance remote sensing image processing
2024-01-18 21:27:24
Researchers led by Prof. Xie Chengjun and Associate Prof. Zhang Jie at the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a novel deep learning-based method for satellite imagery.
Quantum computing to spark 'cybersecurity Armageddon,' IBM says
2024-01-18 21:27:20
Governments and businesses are not prepared for the havoc quantum computers will sow in cybersecurity by the end of the decade, according to an International Business Machines Corp. executive.
Mini-robots modeled on insects may be smallest, lightest, fastest ever developed
2024-01-18 21:27:20
Two insect-like robots, a mini-bug and a water strider, developed at Washington State University, are the smallest, lightest and fastest fully functional micro-robots ever known to be created.
Tiny AI-based bio-loggers revealing the interesting bits of a bird's day
2024-01-18 16:33:11
Have you ever wondered what wildlife animals do all day? Documentaries offer a glimpse into their lives, but animals under the watchful eye do not do anything interesting. The true essence of their behaviors remains elusive. Now, researchers from Japan have developed a camera that allows us to capture these behaviors.
Machine learning method speeds up discovery of green energy materials
2024-01-18 16:33:11
Researchers at Kyushu University, in collaboration with Osaka University and the Fine Ceramics Center, have developed a framework that uses machine learning to speed up the discovery of materials for green energy technology.
Researchers create framework for large-scale geospatial exploration
2024-01-17 22:13:37
When combating complex problems like illegal poaching and human trafficking, efficient yet broad geospatial search tools can provide critical assistance in finding and stopping the activity. A visual active search (VAS) framework for geospatial exploration developed by researchers in the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis uses a novel visual reasoning model and aerial imagery to learn how to search for objects more effectively.

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