Salud Noticias

People seeking drug treatment can't take their pets. This Colorado group finds them temporary homes.
2024-07-23 01:33:47
Pawsitive Recovery places the pets of people struggling with substance abuse into foster families who can temporarily care for them while their owners get help.
Hiker missing for 2 weeks found alive in Kentucky's Red River Gorge after rescuers hear cry for help: "Truly a miracle"
2024-07-22 17:17:02
The rescue team called it "truly a miracle" that the hiker survived so long without food or water.
Julio es el Mes del Orgullo por la Discapacidad.Esto es lo que debes saber.
2024-07-22 17:16:28
La lucha por la comunidad, la inclusión y la aceptación sigue siendo fuerte 34 años después de que se promulgara la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades.
El actuador de bolsa plegable mejora la extensión de los dedos en guantes de rehabilitación suaves
2024-07-22 15:30:27
Los guantes de rehabilitación suaves se han convertido en herramientas populares para ayudar a los pacientes con discapacidades relacionadas con la función de la mano a recuperar el movimiento de los dedos.Estos guantes suelen utilizar actuadores neumáticos blandos que emplean presión de aire para generar movimientos.A pesar de las importantes mejoras de diseño en los últimos años, muchos actuadores blandos disponibles tienen inconvenientes para lograr el movimiento bidireccional típico de las articulaciones de los dedos: dichos actuadores blandos facilitan la flexión (o flexión) de los dedos pero no su enderezamiento (o extensión).
Details emerge about deaths of dad and daughter from Wisconsin and 3rd hiker who died in Utah park
2024-07-22 00:26:27
Three hikers died in suspected heat-related cases at parks in Utah, including a father and daughter who ran out of water.
Kamala Harris, once Biden's voice on abortion, would take an outspoken approach to health
2024-07-21 23:11:05
An intensified focus on women's health and abortion could help galvanize Democratic voters in the final sprint to the election.
Software developers want AI to give medical advice, but questions abound about accuracy
2024-07-20 14:02:37
AI bots like Google AI have given incorrect information, with the results ranging from humorous to potentially dangerous.
Isabella Strahan, the daughter of Michael Strahan, announces she is cancer-free
2024-07-19 17:21:06
"Great scans, everything was clear. Cancer-free,"19-year-old Isabella Strahan said after a battle with medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor​.
Shannen Doherty's divorce from Kurt Iswarienko was finalized one day before her death
2024-07-19 14:29:48
Shannen Doherty had accused Kurt Iswarienko of prolonging the divorce so he didn't have to pay spousal support.
Médicos de confianza de la televisión 'falsificaron' para promover estafas de salud en las redes sociales
2024-07-17 22:54:31
Algunos de los médicos televisivos más reconocidos del Reino Unido son cada vez más "falsificados" en videos para vender productos fraudulentos en las redes sociales, según descubre hoy The BMJ.
Satnav permite respuesta médica y de emergencia
2024-07-17 21:50:23
La navegación por satélite no se trata sólo de direcciones de viaje;sus aplicaciones se extienden a operaciones de búsqueda y rescate, agricultura, vehículos autónomos, deportes y, sorprendentemente, incluso a la salud.El programa NAVISP de la ESA apoya a las empresas europeas en la creación de soluciones de navegación por satélite con todo tipo de aplicaciones, entre ellas respuesta a emergencias y atención sanitaria.
The best U.S. hospitals for cancer care, diabetes and other specialties, ranked
2024-07-16 23:23:38
A new rankings list from U.S. News & World Report​ aims to highlight the top ranked hospitals for different specialized care needs, from cancer to cardiology.
Face mask effectiveness: What science knows now
2024-07-15 13:57:46
Does wearing a face mask help to prevent COVID? Four years after the pandemic began, here's what scientists have learned.
Pregnant Gypsy Rose Blanchard Addresses “Question of Paternity”: “100 Percent Ken’s Baby”
2024-07-15 07:54:11
Gypsy Rose sets the record straight amidst speculation about who the father of her baby is.
Richard Simmons Dead at 76
2024-07-14 14:06:27
Richard Simmons -- the legendary fitness guru -- has died at 76 ... TMZ has learned.
Smoothies vs. Milkshakes: What's the Difference?
2024-07-14 02:54:35
If you're wondering if your drink is a smoothie vs milkshake, this is everything you need to know about their differences!
Richard Simmons, fitness guru, dies at age 76
2024-07-13 23:58:55
Richard Simmons devoted his life to making people sweat with his "Sweatin' to the Oldies" workout videos.
Tres trabajadores avícolas de Colorado dan presunto positivo por gripe aviar
2024-07-13 12:04:31
Los tres estaban sacrificando aves de corral en una granja cuando mostraron síntomas leves, incluyendo conjuntivitis e infecciones respiratorias comunes, dijeron funcionarios de salud estatales.
She signed up for a complicated clinical trial. It may cure her lupus.
2024-07-13 12:01:37
Sierra Butler was offered the opportunity to be just one of two people enrolled in a clinical trial looking at a therapy that could put her lupus into remission.
New York City's Sob Parlour provides a paid place for people to cry in peace
2024-07-12 22:32:03
You might've heard of rage rooms — places to smash things to relieve some stress — but how about a place to go cry in comfort?

Showing 121 to 140 of 439 results

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