科学 新闻

2024-08-28 13:26:37
SpaceX launches 21 Starlink satellites, but rocket's first stage crashes on landing barge
2024-08-28 13:26:36
The landing mishap ended a string of 267 successful booster recoveries.
Researchers develop a new humanoid platform for robotics research
2024-08-28 12:06:09
Advancements in the field of robotics are fueled by research, which in turn heavily relies on effective platforms to test algorithms for robot control and navigation. While numerous robotics platforms have been developed over the past decades, most of them have shortcomings that limit their use in research settings.
Novel organic redox-active molecules for flow batteries show stable cycling performance
2024-08-28 11:12:13
Organic redox-active molecules (ORAMs) are abundant and diverse, offering significant potential for cost-effective and sustainable energy storage, particularly in aqueous organic flow batteries (AOFBs). However, ensuring the stability of the ORAMs during the charge and discharge process is critical, as side reactions can deactivate them and eliminate their redox activity. Air stability remains a challenge for many ORAMs, complicating their practical use.
2024-08-28 06:08:56
联合国周二表示,到 2024 年,东京-横滨仍然是世界上最大的科技集群,尽管中等收入经济体的科技集群在创新领域增长最快。
SpaceX 再次推迟北极星黎明号的发射,这是创纪录的商业太空行走任务
2024-08-28 03:03:38
SpaceX 正在溅落区等待更好的天气,机组人员将在那里结束为期五天的任务。
Insights from satellite data pave the way to better solar power generation
2024-08-27 19:58:53
Amidst the ongoing energy crisis and under the threat of climate change, exploiting renewable energy sources has quickly become a global necessity. Though our options are varied, solar energy seems to be our best bet—experts estimate that it may become our main energy source well before the turn of the century.
2024-08-27 19:58:52
人们日益关注空气污染及其对人类健康和气候变化的有害影响,导致车辆排放标准日益严格。这些法规有助于显着减少运输源中的一氧化碳、碳氢化合物、氮氧化物和颗粒物。欧盟的欧 7 标准将于 2026 年生效,通过设立 10 纳米颗粒物排放阈值并要求在 -7°C 下进行低温排放测试,进一步收紧了这些限制。
NASA 开发吊舱以帮助自主飞机操作员
2024-08-27 19:58:52
Protecting electric grid health with drone-based power line inspection
2024-08-27 19:58:50
A sensor on the electric grid picks up a strange blip in current or voltage. What's happening, and will it cause an outage? Usually, a utility worker must travel in person to check. Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have now developed a new automated drone inspection system that can respond rapidly to unusual electric grid behavior, especially in remote areas that are tough for a worker to reach.
Engineers develop AI system for real-time sensing of flooded roads
2024-08-27 17:25:49
Roadway-related incidents are a leading cause of flood fatalities nationwide, but limited flood-reporting tools make it difficult to evaluate road conditions in real time.
New lithium-ion battery recycling method is Earth-friendly and more economical
2024-08-27 15:32:00
Lithium-ion batteries are everywhere, in cell phones, computers, electric vehicles, and even toys, to name only a few places. They have become an integral part of our everyday lives.
A new and simple approach extending data expansion-based implicit discourse relation classification
2024-08-27 14:54:37
Discourse relation classification is a fundamental task for discourse analysis, which is essential for understanding the structure and connection of texts. Implicit discourse relation classification aims to determine the relationship between adjacent sentences and is the most challenging in discourse relation classification because it lacks explicit discourse connectives as linguistic cues and sufficient annotated training data.
Starfleet Academy Beams Into Production
2024-08-27 14:33:11
Plus, Bryce Dallas Howard has an unfortunate update about the Escape to Witch Mountain series.
The Sharpest Black Hole Images Ever Are Around the Corner. Here's Why
2024-08-27 14:33:11
The highest-resolution ground-based observations by the Event Horizon Telescope is paving the way for the future of black hole astronomy.
研究人员测试 3D 打印超级合金在极端条件下的稳定性
2024-08-27 14:33:10
New framework developed to allow rapid evaluation of decarbonization technologies towards net zero
2024-08-26 20:18:00
A new novel high-level framework is set to improve efficiency in life cycle assessment. In a paper, appearing in Journal of Cleaner Production, the stakeholder-driven framework is applied to an aviation case study.
Synchronized foot vibrations improve virtual walking experiences, study shows
2024-08-26 20:17:54
New research reveals that synchronized foot vibrations and posture significantly enhance virtual walking experiences for stationary observers, improving self-motion, walking sensation, and embodiment. Standing posture was most effective, but sitting and lying positions also benefited from synchronized vibrations. These findings have practical applications in virtual reality (VR) for training, rehabilitation, and entertainment, offering improved immersion and realism even for users with physical limitations.
Precision orbit overhaul: LEO satellites team up to refine GPS accuracy
2024-08-26 20:17:54
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) accuracy is crucial for precise applications, yet regional networks often face challenges in maintaining this precision. Integrating data from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites with ground stations offers a promising solution to these challenges. Given these limitations, there is a clear need to explore more effective methods of GNSS orbit determination.
2024-08-26 20:17:54
2024 年 5 月,俄罗斯发射了一颗卫星,一些观察家认为这是一种武器系统,可以有针对性地摧毁在轨其他卫星。

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