from the who-said-it dept

This week, our first place winner on the insightful side is Thad with a comment on our post about Democrats moving from fact-checking to vibe-checking:

I think describing it as “vibes” is reductive. The vibe is certainly part of it, but it’s not just about vibes. It’s about substance, too.

When we talk about how weird the Republicans are, we’re not just talking about Trump’s hair or whatever, we’re talking about Alito quoting a fucking 17th-century witch-hunter to justify overturning Roe. We’re talking about the Heritage Foundation wanting to put an end to recreational sex and the Project 2025 guy having ties to Opus Dei.

That shit is weird, man. Not weird like Trump’s spray-tan is weird, weird like a bunch of self-professed Christians running a guy who raped a woman and then responded to the allegations by calling her ugly is weird.

Context matters.

Like, if there’s a group of adults meeting in robes and calling themselves dragons and wizards, that’s a little weird, but if it’s a LARP session that’s a very different class of weird than if it’s a Klan rally.

In second place, it’s an anonymous comment about Jim Jordan demanding that advertisers explain why they don’t advertise on MAGA media sites:

GOP: We love the free market and free speech!
Free market: Advertising on your sites is a PR nightmare. We’re taking our business elsewhere.
GOP: That’s not what we meant!

For editor’s choice on the insightful side, we start out with another comment (also anonymous) about vibe checks over fact checks:

We are post-truth. Facts don’t matter anymore. If they did, president Trump never would have happened. Between Trickle-Down-Economics and the Iraq war, the right wing has blown all its credibility with rational people. To maintain any level of power, they necessarily had to create an environment where there is no objective truth.

Reality and facts are for the rational. Anyone thinking of voting GQP at this stage is the game needs a different tack.

Next, it’s a comment from Pseudonymous Coward about House Republicans killing KOSA:

My personal suspicion is that it has more to do with “we don’t want the Dems to pass anything they can claim has bipartisan support in an election year” than anything to do with what the bill does or does not do.

Over on the funny side, our first place winner is tanj with a comment on our post about the Fifth Circuit ruling against the FCC’s rural broadband subsidy program:

I find it unsurprising that TD is in favor of rural subsidies that would make the site more accessible.

In second place, it’s an anonymous clapback to some dumb comment calling us degenerates:

Can you stop fucking the keyboard for just one post?

For editor’s choice on the funny side, we’ve got a pair of comments from Pixelation. First, it’s one about AI mass surveillance at the Paris Olympics:

It’s okay because, France has always been at war with Eastasia.

Finally, it’s one about Google autocomplete following up “President Donald” with “duck” before “Trump”:

Well, to be fair, Donald Duck would make a better president.

That’s all for this week, folks!