Ciencia Noticias

Researchers help robots navigate efficiently in uncertain environments
2024-03-14 15:12:13
If a robot traveling to a destination has just two possible paths, it needs only to compare the routes' travel time and probability of success. But if the robot is traversing a complex environment with many possible paths, choosing the best route amid so much uncertainty can quickly become an intractable problem.
An electricity generator inspired by the drinking bird toy powers electronics with evaporated water
2024-03-14 15:12:12
Inspired by the classic drinking bird toy, scientists in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China have developed an engine that efficiently converts energy from water evaporation into electricity to power small electronics. The device produces energy outputs exceeding 100 volts—much higher than other techniques that generate electricity from water—and can operate for several days using only 100 milliliters of water as fuel, according to a study published March 14 in the journal Device.
Scientists can now remove nanoplastics from our water with 94% efficiency
2024-03-14 14:08:37
University of Waterloo researchers have created a new technology that can remove harmful nanoplastics from contaminated water with 94% efficiency. The study, "Utilization of epoxy thermoset waste to produce activated carbon for the remediation of nano-plastic contaminated wastewater," was published in the journal Separation and Purification Technology.
Fast-charging lithium-sulfur batteries on the horizon
2024-03-14 13:37:48
New research shows that the next generation of lithium-sulfur (Li||S) batteries may be capable of being charged in less than five minutes, instead of several hours as is currently the case. The paper is published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.
SpaceX cleared to launch Super Heavy-Starship rocket on third test flight today
2024-03-14 10:46:03
Today's test flight of the SpaceX Super Heavy-Starship rocket follows two launches last year that were only partially successful.
Even robots make mistakes: How humans walk with imperfect exoskeletons
2024-03-13 21:35:39
When lower limb exoskeletons—mechanical structures worn on the leg—do not operate properly, some people adjust quickly while others compensate with their ankle or hip, expending more energy than necessary, according to a new study by University of Michigan researchers.
Suspended solar panels see the light
2024-03-13 21:35:37
In the 80 years since the shocking collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington, engineers have designed suspended structures to minimize their universal weakness: resonance. If not designed to deal with oscillations caused by forces like wind, the frequency of these forces would cause tensions to build and inevitably break the structure.
Researchers develop new control method that optimizes autonomous ship navigation
2024-03-13 21:09:36
The study of ship maneuvering at sea has long been the central focus of the shipping industry. With the rapid advancements in remote control, communication technologies, and artificial intelligence, the concept of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) has emerged as a promising solution for autonomous marine navigation. This shift highlights the growing need for optimal control models for autonomous ship maneuvering.
Scientists use novel technique to create new energy-efficient microelectronic device
2024-03-13 20:57:07
A breakthrough could help lead to the development of new low-power semiconductors or quantum devices.
Los nuevos 'papertronics' ofrecen una alternativa biodegradable a los circuitos tradicionales
2024-03-13 20:57:07
A medida que Internet de las cosas conecta más dispositivos en una red colectiva (incluso sensores de un solo uso, como envases de alimentos, agricultura o "vendas inteligentes"), la necesidad de dispositivos electrónicos biodegradables se vuelve cada vez más urgente.
Engineering team discovers new high-performance solar cell material
2024-03-13 19:00:54
A Dartmouth Engineering-led study published in Joule has reported the discovery of an entirely new high-performance material for solar absorbers—the central part of a solar cell that turns light into electricity—that is stable and Earth-abundant. The researchers used a unique high-throughput computational screening method to accelerate the discovery process and were able to quickly evaluate approximately 40,000 known candidate materials.
Mejora de los problemas de los mineros con la investigación de seguridad
2024-03-13 19:00:54
En la búsqueda de condiciones de trabajo más seguras en el sector minero, una revisión reciente publicada en el International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering ha resaltado lo que podría convertirse en una rica veta para futuros esfuerzos de seguridad.El estudio, que analizó 54 artículos de investigación, no sólo categoriza las medidas de seguridad existentes sino que también identifica lagunas en la literatura existente, lo que podría conducir a investigaciones más específicas.
Satélites para comunicaciones cuánticas: cifrado mediante leyes físicas
2024-03-13 19:00:53
Gracias a los constantes avances en el desarrollo de las computadoras cuánticas y su rendimiento cada vez mejor, en el futuro será posible descifrar nuestros procesos de cifrado actuales.Para abordar este desafío, investigadores de la Universidad Técnica de Munich (TUM) están participando en un consorcio de investigación internacional para desarrollar métodos de cifrado que aplicarán leyes físicas para evitar la interceptación de mensajes.Para salvaguardar las comunicaciones a largas distancias, la misión espacial QUICK³ desplegará satélites.
Un estudio encuentra que cambiar la ruta de los aviones para reducir las estelas de vapor no es tan costoso como se pensaba
2024-03-13 15:42:33
Un pequeño equipo de científicos medioambientales ha descubierto mediante simulaciones que desviar los aviones comerciales para reducir las estelas de vapor sería menos costoso de lo que se pensaba anteriormente.En su estudio, publicado en la revista Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, el grupo utilizó datos de estudios anteriores para crear simulaciones de aviones enrutados para evitar el desarrollo de estelas de vapor.
De las redes recurrentes a GPT-4: medir el progreso algorítmico en modelos de lenguaje
2024-03-13 14:50:18
En 2012, los mejores modelos de lenguaje fueron pequeñas redes recurrentes que luchaban por formar oraciones coherentes.Un avance rápido hasta el día de hoy, y los grandes modelos de lenguaje como GPT-4 superan a la mayoría de los estudiantes en el SAT.¿Cómo ha sido posible este rápido progreso?
New method helps analyze changes in solar photovoltaic power generation across the globe
2024-03-12 21:15:06
The shift toward renewable energy sources decreases our reliance on fossil fuels, providing a cleaner, more sustainable alternative. However, with their increasing use and development, we also face new challenges. Solar photovoltaic (PV) plants, for instance, are subject to the whims of the weather and many other environmental conditions. This variability leads to inconsistent power output from these plants.
Scientists achieve record efficiency for next-generation roll-to-roll printed solar cells
2024-03-12 21:15:06
Scientists from Australia's national science agency, CSIRO, have led an international team to a clean energy breakthrough by setting a new efficiency record for fully roll-to-roll printed solar cells.
Replica theory shows deep neural networks think alike
2024-03-12 21:15:06
How do you know you are looking at a dog? What are the odds you are right? If you're a machine-learning algorithm, you sift through thousands of images—and millions of probabilities—to arrive at the "true" answer, but different algorithms take different routes to get there.
Towards a universal mechanism for successful deep learning
2024-03-12 20:18:48
Image classification is a complex task that deep learning architectures perform successfully. Those deep architectures are usually comprised of many layers, with each layer consisting of many filters.
New traffic signal would improve travel time for both pedestrians and vehicles, says modeling study
2024-03-12 20:18:27
Adding a fourth light to traffic signals—in addition to red, green, and yellow—would shorten wait times at street corners for pedestrians, as well as improve traffic flow for both autonomous vehicles and human drivers. And the more autonomous vehicles there are in the traffic network, the shorter the wait times for everyone.

Showing 1841 to 1860 of 2458 results

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