Ciencia Noticias

La salmuera hipersalina producida por fracking nos ha dejado en un aprieto, pero un nuevo proceso podría ayudar a secarla
2024-10-11 00:52:57
Innovaciones aparentemente milagrosas han hecho posible saciar la sed cada vez mayor de nuestra sociedad industrial.¿Necesitas más energía?Fractíquelo con rocas profundas.¿Agua dulce?Desalar los flujos oceánicos.¿Metales preciosos?Lixivíelos de minerales de baja ley que antes no eran explotables.
Los investigadores logran una resolución récord mundial en simulaciones de turbulencias
2024-10-11 00:52:57
Desde el agua que sale del grifo hasta las reacciones químicas en los motores a reacción que impulsan los aviones, las turbulencias afectan nuestra vida cotidiana.Los investigadores de Georgia Tech están estudiando la compleja física de la turbulencia en entornos simplificados que podrían ayudarnos a comprender mejor la naturaleza y la ingeniería.
Scientists improve catalytic converter efficiency to cut harmful pollution from hydrogen engines
2024-10-11 00:52:55
Hydrogen-burning internal combustion engines offer great promise in the fight against climate change because they are powerful without emitting any earth-warming carbon. They can power heavy-duty trucks and buses and are suited for off-road and agricultural equipment and backup power generators, providing cleaner alternatives to diesel engines.
El patrón de alas de libélula refuerza las bóvedas y cúpulas mejor que los antiguos métodos romanos y generados por la tecnología
2024-10-11 00:52:33
Investigadores de Skoltech y sus colegas de la Universidad de Granada, España, han determinado las formas más eficientes de reforzar bóvedas y cúpulas en arquitectura.El equipo comparó qué tan bien varios patrones tradicionales y no convencionales de nervaduras de refuerzo permiten que una estructura resista cargas tanto distribuidas uniformemente como asimétricas.
Optimización de la estructura y fabricación de células solares para obtener energía más asequible
2024-10-11 00:52:33
En la Universidad de la Ciudad de Hong Kong (CityUHK) se está llevando a cabo una nueva técnica de fabricación para mejorar sustancialmente las perspectivas de comercialización de células solares de perovskita mediante una mayor estabilidad, confiabilidad, eficiencia y asequibilidad.
New data augmentation algorithm could facilitate the transfer of skills across robots
2024-10-10 15:33:24
In recent years, roboticists have developed a wide range of systems designed to tackle various real-world tasks, ranging from completing household chores to delivering packages or finding target objects in delineated environments.
By mimicking ironing, researchers perfect 3D printing control over color, texture, and shade
2024-10-10 15:33:24
Multimaterial 3D printing enables makers to fabricate customized devices with multiple colors and varied textures. But the process can be time-consuming and wasteful because existing 3D printers must switch between multiple nozzles, often discarding one material before they can start depositing another.
New composite material uses ultra-thin rubber-like layers to combine stiffness with high damping capacity
2024-10-10 15:33:23
A compressor hums, an air conditioning system rattles, a railway carriage chassis clatters, sending reverberations through its passengers. Vibrations are not only annoying but can also be harmful. Over the long term, they can destroy materials and machines and shorten their service lives. What's more, the noise generated by vibrations is harmful to human health and well-being.
New technology converts wastewater to sustainable aviation fuel with potential 70% reduction in emissions
2024-10-10 15:33:23
Made from renewable materials like biomass and agricultural waste, sustainable aviation fuel has enormous potential to decarbonize the aviation industry. But widespread adoption has yet to take off.
Los ingenieros desarrollan una forma de agilizar las pruebas de células solares, acelerando un proceso que puede ser lento y costoso
2024-10-10 15:33:23
El proceso de prueba de nuevas tecnologías de células solares ha sido tradicionalmente lento y costoso, y requiere múltiples pasos.Dirigido por un doctorado de quinto año.Estudiante, un equipo de Johns Hopkins ha desarrollado un método de aprendizaje automático que promete acelerar drásticamente este proceso, allanando el camino para soluciones de energía renovable más eficientes y asequibles.
Could natural, underground hydrogen be a gusher of clean energy in Alaska?
2024-10-10 15:33:23
Alaska geologist Mark Myers hopes that underground reserves of hydrogen could fuel a new state energy industry.
A severe solar storm is headed toward Earth this week, forecasters say
2024-10-10 09:36:26
Space weather forecasters say a severe solar storm heading to Earth could stress power grids even more as the U.S. deals with major back-to-back hurricanes.
The status and trend of audible sound-based tool wear monitoring
2024-10-10 09:35:59
In general, tool failure contributes about 7% to the down time of machine centers. And more severely, tool failure will reduce the machining quality of parts, and even damage the machine. Therefore, Tool wear condition monitoring (TWCM) is an important part of intelligent manufacturing, and has been a research hotspot since 1968.
Climate solution: Form Energy secures $405M to speed development of long-awaited 100-hour battery
2024-10-10 09:35:59
Form Energy, a company that is beginning to produce a longer-lasting alternative to lithium batteries, hit a milestone Wednesday with an announcement of $405 million in funding.
Small turbines can capture wasted energy and generate electricity from man-made wind sources
2024-10-10 05:53:57
A pair of electrical engineers at Distance University of Madrid, working with a colleague from Mision Critica-Data Center, ZFB Technology Services, in Columbia, has developed a methodology for generating electricity from man-made wind sources using small turbines.
Overcoming 'catastrophic forgetting': Algorithm inspired by brain allows neural networks to retain knowledge
2024-10-10 05:53:56
Neural networks have a remarkable ability to learn specific tasks, such as identifying handwritten digits. However, these models often experience "catastrophic forgetting" when taught additional tasks: They can successfully learn the new assignments, but "forget" how to complete the original. For many artificial neural networks, like those that guide self-driving cars, learning additional tasks thus requires being fully reprogrammed.
Octopus-inspired adhesive shows promise for underwater salvage operations
2024-10-10 05:53:56
Using mechanisms inspired by nature to create new technological innovations is a signature of one Virginia Tech research team. The group led by Associate Professor Michael Bartlett has created an octopus-inspired adhesive, inspired by the shape of octopus suckers, that can quickly grab and controllably release challenging underwater objects.
Can advanced AI can solve visual puzzles and perform abstract reasoning?
2024-10-09 21:55:54
Artificial Intelligence has learned to master language, generate art, and even beat grandmasters at chess. But can it crack the code of abstract reasoning—those tricky visual puzzles that leave humans scratching their heads?
How a subfield of physics led to breakthroughs in AI, and from there to this year's Nobel Prize
2024-10-09 21:55:54
John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton received the Nobel Prize in physics on Oct. 8, 2024, for their research on machine learning algorithms and neural networks that help computers learn. Their work has been fundamental in developing neural network theories that underpin generative artificial intelligence.
An electronic tongue that detects subtle differences in liquids also provides a view into how AI makes decisions
2024-10-09 21:55:54
A recently developed electronic tongue is capable of identifying differences in similar liquids, such as milk with varying water content; diverse products, including soda types and coffee blends; signs of spoilage in fruit juices; and instances of food safety concerns.

Showing 41 to 60 of 2219 results

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