Ciencia Noticias

Making homes ready for net zero depends heavily on people's understanding and habits, says UK researcher
2024-09-03 01:07:57
Forty percent of UK greenhouse gas emissions come from households, so the sustainable construction and everyday running of our homes could play a major role in achieving a low-carbon society.
Aluminum foil that can clean water—researchers develop coating that attracts and traps dangerous microbes
2024-09-02 23:23:11
More than 2 billion people around the world do not have access to safe, uncontaminated drinking water. Around 418 million of them live in African countries.
El nuevo algoritmo mejora el emparejamiento bipartito imitando el sistema nervioso
2024-09-02 20:13:34
Cuando le pides a una aplicación de viajes compartidos que te busque un automóvil, las computadoras de la compañía se ponen a trabajar.Saben que quieres llegar a tu destino rápidamente.Saben que no eres el único usuario que necesita transporte.Y saben que los conductores quieren minimizar el tiempo de inactividad recogiendo a alguien que esté cerca.El trabajo de la computadora, dice el profesor asociado del Laboratorio Cold Spring Harbor, Saket Navlakha, es emparejar a los conductores con los pasajeros de una manera que maximice la felicidad de todos.
Los investigadores desarrollan un algoritmo de red neuronal para mejorar la tecnología de detección de gases
2024-09-02 17:05:12
La tecnología de espectroscopia de absorción por láser de diodo sintonizable (TDLAS) tiene un potencial significativo para la detección de gases de efecto invernadero, debido a sus ventajas de mediciones en tiempo real sin contacto.Sin embargo, el cuello de botella técnico de la interferencia cruzada en los espectros de absorción de gases ha limitado significativamente el desarrollo y la aplicación de esta técnica en la medición simultánea de gases multicomponentes.
Seeing the invisible: How X-ray reveals spatter behavior during 3D printing
2024-09-02 15:49:28
Research conducted by UCL researchers reveals and explains the links between vapor depression shape and spatter dynamics during LPBF under various industry-relevant processing conditions.
Researchers probe safety of AI in driverless cars, find vulnerabilities
2024-09-02 15:29:25
Artificial intelligence is a key technology for self-driving vehicles. It is used for decision-making, sensing, predictive modeling and other tasks. But how vulnerable are these AI systems to an attack?
A person's intelligence limits their computer proficiency more than previously thought, say researchers
2024-09-02 15:29:25
A new study has found that intelligence, in the form of general cognitive abilities such as perception, thinking and remembering, is more important than hitherto thought at predicting a person's ability to complete common tasks with a PC. The study was published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies in August 2024.
Virtual and augmented reality can temporarily change the way people perceive distances, finds study
2024-09-02 14:57:22
Researchers at the University of Toronto have found that using virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) can temporarily change the way people perceive and interact with the real world—with potential implications for the growing number of industries that use these technologies for training purposes.
Researchers formalize concept of transportation-enabled services
2024-09-02 14:57:22
In the past two decades, technological leaps in urban infrastructure have driven an explosion of convenience and industry in services such as ride-hailing and delivery of goods.
Research team proposes solution to AI's continual learning problem
2024-09-02 14:57:19
A team of Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) researchers has revealed more about a mysterious problem in machine learning—a discovery that might be a major step towards building advanced AI that can function effectively in the real world.
Pilot plant demonstrates iron-based hydrogen storage feasibility
2024-09-02 14:20:24
Photovoltaics are set to meet over 40% of Switzerland's electricity needs by 2050. But solar power isn't always available when it's needed: there's too much of it in summer and too little in winter, when the sun shines less often and heat pumps are running at full tilt. According to the Swiss federal government's Energy Strategy, Switzerland wants to close the winter electricity gap with a combination of imports, wind and hydropower as well as alpine solar plants and gas-fired power plants.
Exploring the fundamental reasoning abilities of LLMs
2024-09-02 14:20:24
Reasoning, the process through which human beings mentally process information to draw specific conclusions or solve problems, can be divided into two main categories. The first type of reasoning, known as deductive reasoning, entails starting from a general rule or premise and then using this rule to draw conclusions about specific cases.
A quantum neural network can see optical illusions like humans do. Could it be the future of AI?
2024-09-02 14:20:21
Optical illusions, quantum mechanics and neural networks might seem to be quite unrelated topics at first glance. However, in new research published in APL Machine Learning, I have used a phenomenon called "quantum tunneling" to design a neural network that can "see" optical illusions in much the same way humans do.
Los investigadores crean una célula solar en tándem totalmente de perovskita con una eficiencia récord
2024-09-02 14:19:22
Un equipo de ingenieros de la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología de Huazhong en China ha diseñado, construido y probado de forma independiente una célula solar en tándem totalmente de perovskita con una eficiencia récord.Su artículo se publica en la revista Nature Communications.
Scientists develop new structure to control vibration of machines and instruments
2024-09-02 14:19:22
Scientists say they have developed a structure that can absorb and reduce vibrations of engineering and mechanical gadgets more effectively than conventional systems hitherto used to contain the trembling of machines and devices across various industries.
Engineering approach can improve stability of perovskite solar cells under reverse bias conditions
2024-09-02 14:19:22
Solar cells based on perovskites, a versatile class of materials with promising optoelectronic properties, are gradually making their way toward commercialization. While these solar cells can have notable advantages over existing solar cell designs, including higher power conversion efficiencies and lower fabrication costs, their performance has been found to be significantly impaired in reverse bias conditions.
Double-helical design boosts concrete crack resistance
2024-09-02 14:19:21
Taking inspiration from nature, researchers from Princeton Engineering have improved crack resistance in concrete components by coupling architected designs with additive manufacturing processes and industrial robots that can precisely control materials deposition.
Research recommends strategies to optimize overnight maintenance in urban rail systems
2024-08-28 17:34:56
Most urban transit systems have a brief window of time in the wee hours of the morning to perform maintenance work without disrupting passenger service.
Giant batteries to store wind and solar power could speed up South Africa's energy transition
2024-08-28 17:34:56
South Africa is at a pivotal moment in its energy transition: trying to decarbonize its economy (move away from coal) and make sure that everyone has access to reliable and affordable energy. Storage of renewable energy is very important for this transition. Solar and wind power are not available all the time. To keep the national grid stable, renewable energy must be stored somewhere and supplied reliably.
Thermochromic material could make indoor temperature control more energy-efficient
2024-08-28 17:34:56
Rice University researchers have developed a smart material that adjusts its transparency with changes in temperature, outperforming similar materials in terms of durability, transparency and responsiveness. The new polymer blend could significantly enhance energy efficiency for indoor space cooling, according to a new study published in Joule.

Showing 361 to 380 of 2424 results

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