
艾瑪·拉多卡努(Emma RaducanuRenne Zhai。在一個最近對《婦女健康》雜誌的採訪,拉卡努公開了關於她的母親和教練尼克·卡瓦迪(Nick Cavaday)在塑造職業決定中至關重要的。

Though Emma shows remarkable independence, she is quick to point out that her mother and coach play key roles in helping her while making tough choices, such as opting for surgery and deciding not to compete in mixed doubles with安迪·穆雷溫布頓今年。我的媽媽在所有感官上都是我的大支柱 -Raducanu shared。她內而外認識我,這很怪異,所以我常常去找她。她是我最好的朋友。



Renne Zhai, originally from Shenyang, China, moved to Toronto for her career in finance, where she met Ian Raducanu, Emma’s father.她的背景極大地影響了艾瑪作為運動員的心態。拉杜卡努認為,母親傳給她的紀律和自信植根於中國古代文化的強大價值。These principles have helped Emma maintain the confidence needed to excel on the tennis court despite her challenges.

Emma emphasized how crucial her mother’s guidance has been in making her the person and player she is today. From tough career decisions to personal matters, Renne’s influence remains the most important thing for her daughter. While her mother has been of great help to her, Emma once also revealed how her parents are pushy and how tennis was not her choice, but rather an implementation.



Emma Raducanu reveals how her parents have been ‘pushy’ towards her

Did Emma Raducanu's parents' strictness make her a champion, or was it too much pressure?

Emma Raducanu, in an interview with the Times earlier this year, opened up about her parents. She suggested that it was her dad who forced her to play tennis. However, as she got older, it became her priority to play tennis and she started to push herself.

“They are so pushy.When I was younger more so.現在他們正處於一個他們告訴我他們認為最好的地方,但是他們最終意識到,他們推動的越多,我將越來越抗拒,”said Emma Raducanu further in the interview. However, this has helped her in many ways as well.



She suggested that she had seen many parents who were lenient towards their kids.“It’s OK if you lost”,said Raducanu about the parents who used to encourage their children despite the loss. However, she further added that those kids were nowhere to be seen now. Hence, her parents’ strictness paved the way for a better future.

Thus, Emma Raducanu, who is an up-and-rising tennis player, opened up about the impact of her parents while shaping her tennis career. While her mother has been very helpful throughout her tennis journey, it was due to her parents’ strictness that she got the chance to become one of the best and even win a grand slam at the美國公開賽