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7/6: Saturday Morning7/6: Saturday Morning

01:17:05 根據已故喜劇演員的官方社交媒體頁面的說法,在“布魯斯兄弟”和“國家羔羊的動物之家”工作的女演員兼製片人朱迪·貝魯什·皮薩諾(Judy Belushi Pisano)也去世了。

She was 73.

"Today, our hearts are heavy as we say goodbye to our sweet Judy," read a在 Instagram 上發帖週六。她堅定不移的奉獻精神和富有創造力的天才與丹·艾克羅伊德(Dan Aykroyd)和約翰·貝魯希(John Belushi)一起生下了《藍兄弟》(Blue Brothers),這是對音樂和笑聲的永恆證明。

News of her passing was alsopublished in the MV Times, a news outlet covering news about Martha's Vinyard, where Belushi Pisano spent most of her later years.

Belushi Pisano遇到了她未來的丈夫during high school在伊利諾州惠頓。They married in 1976 and were together until his death from a drug overdose in 1982.

"National Lampoon's Animal House" New York City Premiere - After Party
John Belushi與妻子Judy Belushi Ron Galella/Ron Galella透過Getty Images收集

She endured the worst of Belushi's addiction struggles and yet devoted much of her life after his death to honoring his memory. She was involved in the 2020 Showtime documentary "John Belushi."

"There was no one like her. Judy made everyone feel loved," his estate said in the social media post. "She was nonjudgmental, light, funny and pure. You could be truly yourself around her, that alone was a gift."

Belushi Pisano married film producer Victor Pisano in 1990. They divorced in 2010.


Lucia Suarez Sang 是 CBSNews.com 的副總編輯。此前,Lucia 曾擔任康乃狄克州 FOX61 News 的數位內容總監,並曾為 FoxNews.com、Fox News Latino 和 Rutland Herald 等媒體撰稿。