Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has arrived and those who are new to the game might find themselves overwhelmed with everything to do. Even veterans might find themselves encountering new and surprising obstacles. No matter your familiarity with the game, the following Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth YouTube video walkthrough will help you navigate the world and overcome all bosses within each chapter.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth YouTube video walkthrough

The following Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth walkthrough is broken into each of the 14 chapters. All sections include a brief overview of the chapter including what you will do and who you will fight. The YouTube videos that are embedded below cover the entire chapter and have no commentary.

Chapter 1 – Fall of a Hero

Chapter 1 offers a recap of the first game. To begin with, follow the main path in Nibelheim and spend some time talking to the people of the region. Head to the inn to move to the next section. You’ll need to go back and forth to the inn and eventually you’ll start the main quest line. This quest will give you a solid overview of all aspects of the game from random fight encounters to tutorials about other mechanics. Speak with Sephiroth and then return to the town. After a few more encounters, the flashback sequence will end and you’ll wake up in bed.

Chapter 2 – A New Journey Begins

Chapter 2 is all about teaching you how to play Queens Blood, how the shops and trading posts work, and of course, continuing the story. Continue through the chapter, completing a story quest with Aerith after which you’ll escape the city. You’ll reach the Grasslands, the first hubworld in the game. Your main goal is to find out where you’re going, so find a chocobo and ride it across the swamp to get to the next area of the game.

Chapter 3 – Deeper into Darkness

After crossing the swamp and defeating a boss you’ll enter Chapter 3. In this chapter, you’ll enter the Caves of Mythril where you’ll track shadowy figures in block robes. This part is rather linear, with room for a bit of exploring, but for the most part you’ll be following waypoints to the next section.

Chapter 4 – Dawn of a new Era

Chapter 4 introduces the second major hub, Juno. Here you’ll need to capture a chocobo with a unique ability that lets you maneuver around the environment. There’s a small town beneath Juno where you will fight another boss and do some side quests. When you’re ready, ride the dolphin to the control panel to reach the next section of the hubworld.

Once you reach this next part of the city, the goal is to to disguise Cloud as one of Shinra’s soldiers. Follow the waypoints to find a locker with your costume. At this point, group up with your battalion and perform a mini game in a parade. Rufus will confront you, at which point you’ll need to flee the city without being discovered. You’ll meet and fight Roche before you can escape Juno and sneak aboard a cruise ship heading to Costa del Sol.

Chapter 5 – Blood in the Water

Chapter 5 is all about the cruise ship. You can explore, speak with people, and even enter an optional Queen’s Blood tournament. Head to bed when you’re ready. After being awoken by an alarm, you’ll need to follow waypoints to fight fiends in the cargohold of the ship. Defeat JENOVA to complete the chapter.

Chapter 6 – Fool’s Paradise

Chapter 6 has the squad arrive at Paradise in Costa del Sol where you’ll meet Johnny and head to the nearby inn. At this point, you’ll have no weapons in a bid to relax and enjoy your vacation, but first you’ll need to track down the robed figures. The next hurdle in this chapter is that you’ll need to get a companion card which will allow you to purchase a swimsuit so you can enter the beach to continue the story.

Once you get to the beach, you’ll switch control of Cloud to either Tifa or Aerith. You can switch between either character as they walk around. There are a couple of main questlines here that see you earn money to purchase Tifa and Aerith a swimsuit – you can choose between two, it doesn’t matter which one you pick. Go with the one you like best.

When everyone is on the beach in their swimsuits, Hojo will arrive and you’ll have a fight against a giant Grasptropod. Defeat the boss and try to enjoy the last remnants of your vacation before returning to the inn.

The next day, you’ll head to Mt Corel, but first you’ll get a new party member – Yuffie.

Chapter 7 – Those Left Behind

Chapter 7 sees you in pursuit of the shadowy robed figures once more as you head to Mt Corel. Just follow the main waypoint as you head up the mountain. The squad will split in two at some point, at which you’ll all continue on the hike and eventually encounter a fight once some Turks drop off a few foes. You’ll fight the Custom Valkyrie boss and then meet up with Barret’s half of the group.

Continue along the main path to eventually reach a Mako reactor. Here you’ll learn more about the black-robed figures and Yuffie will empathize with them. After this, you’ll discover a giant fish whale known as a weapon.

Head deeper into the mine to fight more enemies and learn a new grapple hook mechanic. You’ll be using this grapple hook to traverse the mine. The party will be separated once again as you take control of Yuffie. Eventually, you’ll lower a bridge to grant access to the whole party, but before this there will be some mini games and a boss fight against, Gigatrice. Once this is defeated, you’ll arrive at Barret’s home town. Here you’ll learn about Barret’s past before heading to the next chapter at the Gold Saucer.

Chapter 8 – All That Glitters

At the beginning of Chapter 8, you’ll take a tram to the Gold Saucer. Enter the park to learn about a new mini game, after which the team will split up as Cloud and Barret head to the hotel to find a place to rest for the night.

Speak to the innkeeper and you’ll meet Cait Sith, who will help you with a place to stay. After this, you can spend some time checking out the hotel. Head to bed when you’re ready, which will activate the next section of the chapter.

Open the door to be greeted by a party member. The person it is will depend on who have the deepest connection with. You’ll go on a date with them throughout Gold Saucer and learn about all the squares: Wonderment, Event, Speed, Battle, Chocobo, Skywheel. Here you’ll learn about the various mini games on offer.

As you leave Battle Square, you’ll hear about an incident and will now need to work to clear Barret’s name with Dio. To do this, you’ll be heading beneath Gold Saucer in search of the culprit.

Follow Cait Sith into an elevator down to the Dustbowl. Follow the waypoint to reach a cutscene where the party is kidnapped. The next morning you’ll find yourself in a cell. To earn your freedom, you’ll need to win a chocobo race for Gus. Here you’ll meet up with Billy who will help you restore Piko by finding greens around the area to feed him.

There are three different things you must do to get greens: a mini game, defeat three Queen’s Blood players, and defeat Cactuars in the Dustbowl. Once you have all three, feed them to Piko and then head back to the Gold Saucer to learn how chocobo racing works.

After winning the race, Gus will free your party, and you’ll continue to look for the culprit behind the Gold Saucer incident. Next up is a boss fight against Dyne and then Shinra, followed by an escape in a buggy.

Chapter 9 – The Planet Stirs

At the onset of Chapter 9 you’ll be joined by Cait Sith as you head toward Gongaga. This is the fourth hubworld that you can spend some time exploring and doing side quests. Once you meet with Aerith, she’ll take you to Zack and then you can spend some time chatting with everyone.

Head to bed when you’re ready to proceed. Speak with the village leader and then head down into the jungle to find the Mako reactor. Along the way you’ll be fighting and navigating obstacles, but it’s a relatively straight line to your goal.

Enter the reactor and then follow the whispers. Within the reactor are some collectibles to find, puzzles to solve, and environmental obstacles to overcome. When you reach the center, you’ll fight H1024 which was released by Scarlet.

After this, the perspective shifts to Tifa, a few hours earlier in the campaign. Tifa will need to follow the same path Cloud took, this time it’s faster thanks to the chocobo and grappling hook. Fight through the Shinra forces and into the center of the reactor. Inside the Mako reactor is a fight against Scarlet in her Crimson Mare 2.

When the cutscene ends, Tifa will awaken back at the village, at which point the group decides to head to the next area. To do this requires a flight, so go to the airstrip as highlighted by the waypoint.

Chapter 10 – Watcher of the Veil

Chapter 10 starts with the squad at Cosmo Canyon, a new hubworld in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Follow the winding path in and around the canyon until you reach the main city. This section of the game is all about exploring Red XIII’s history and how the planet functions.

Take some time to speak with your companions, visit the stores, and complete side quests. When you’re ready, attend the River of Lights festival. This event is another opportunity to talk with everyone and increase your relationship with them.

As the story progresses, you will go with Red XIII and Barret into a cave network beneath the city. Your party is locked here as you learn more about these two characters. There will be a few puzzles to solve and combat encounters before you learn about the Gi.

At this point, Red XIII will need to find three idols to open the door. There is the ruby, emerald, and amber altar. Through this section are more gates to unlock followed by a final boss fight against Gi Nattak.

Return to Cosmo Canyon to learn that the black robed figures are heading to Nibelheim. Head to the airstripe and take Sid’s plane to the new region.

Chapter 11 – The Long Shadow of Shinra

Once you arrive in Chapter 11, follow the main path down to Nibelheim. Cait Sith will need to access a terminal so that the party knows where to go next. Cloud, Yuffie, and Tifa will split off and head up the mountain.

Fight your way up the mountain to reach another reactor. There will be evidence of a battle between Shinra and Wutai. Head deeper into the reactor to reach a boss fight against Diabolic Variant. Defeat the boss to find the deputy commissioner’s keycard.

At this point, the perspective will shift back to Cait Sith, Barret, and Aerith. Cloud will remotely unlock the manor, which lets the other party sneak into the property. After making it to the manor, you’ll wind up in a trap and need to escape by playing as Cait Sith. Crawl through vents, activate switches, and deal with elevators to escape.

Right before the boss fight against Forgotten Specimen, you will need to unlock a door with a code. The code is hidden behind some nearby crates.

With the boss fight done, take an elevator to the lab to meet up with Cloud’s half of the group. Access the terminal and then defeat Vincent. Exit the manor, head back to town, and fight Roche once more. Head to the airstrip and fly on back to the Gold Saucer.

Chapter 12 – The Golden Key

Head to Costa del Sol in your nifty speedboat to reach the familiar hubworld location. Fast travel to Gold Saucer and split up to search for Dio. Once you find Dio, head back to the hotel at which point you’ll be woken up by your companion to go see a play called Loveless. This is a long quick-time segment that ends on the Ferris wheel.

With the Loveless section done, you’ll have to go into battle to get the keystone. This arena battle consists of three regular battles and three back-to-back boss fights. The Turks, Rufus Shinra, and Abzu.

This next section is a cat-and-mouse game as you try to chase Cait Sith. When you’ve caught him multiple times, you’ll head to the helipad. After this encounter at the helipad, you’ll need to head back to the boat at Costa del Sol and the party will agree to head north. Note that continuing will permanently close off the world. Finish any tasks you have before moving on.

Chapter 13 – Where Angels Fear to Tread

Chapter 13 will have you heading north to the Temple of the Ancients. Work your way through the temple, fighting enemies, and looking for some treasure off the beaten path. The inside of the temple will be complex and deconstructed, you’ll need to work through this to reach the center. Solving this section requires you to use a new puzzle mechanic that rotates the various islands. Rotate them to progress and eventually reach a fight against the Red Dragon.

This next section has the squad split into two groups. You’ll complete one section first before jumping back in time and doing the same with the second group. There are some small puzzles about bringing objects together to help traverse the environment.

For Cloud’s group, you’ll fight against Reno and Rude. This fight ends once Aerith’s group arrives at which point a fight against Tseng and Elena will take place. Head to the center of the temple where each character will go on their own trial to face their greatest fear.

At the center of the temple you will retrieve the Black Materia and fight the Demon Gate. Once the cutscene finishes, Chapter 13 will come to a close.

Chapter 14 – The End of the World

Chapter 14 has Cloud awaken in the Forgotten Capital and the group heads to the City of the Ancients to find Aerith. There’s a small battle before entering the city, at which point Cloud will enter the city alone. There will be one last resting point for you to prepare for the final boss against Sephiroth. There will be a fight against JENOVA and then three boss fights against different versions of Sephiroth. After defeating Sephiroth, you will have successfully completed Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

There you have it, a complete video walkthrough for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It was a long journey, with a lot of emotional moments, explosive boss fights, and much more. Be sure to check out our Shacknews YouTube channel and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth page for guides to help you find collectibles, romance characters, and much more.

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler