The full Hunter's Moon rises behind the Chrysler Building in New York City on October 24, 2018 as seen from Jersey City, New Jersey. (Photo by Gary Hershorn/Getty Images)

2018 年 10 月 24 日,從新澤西州澤西城看到的獵人滿月在紐約市克萊斯勒大廈後面升起。(加里·赫肖恩/蓋蒂圖片社拍攝)蓋蒂圖片社



隨著我們的衛星從第一季開始逐漸變亮,它會變得越來越亮,直到週日黃昏時升起,幾乎 100% 被照亮。

然而,本月的滿月「獵人之月」也將顯得特別小,只有平均滿月大小的 14%。

Lithograph of an astronomical diagram showing the phases of the Moon as it orbits the Earth. The appearance of the Moon when viewed from Earth is dependent on the relative positions of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun. When the Moon is directly between the Sun and Earth, its illuminated side is invisible to us and the Moon cannot be seen from Earth. This phase is known as the New Moon. As more of the illuminated surface of the Moon becomes visible it is said to be waxing, and just under 15 days after the New Moon, it is directly opposite the Sun and is seen as the Full Moon. It then wanes, with progressively less of its surface visible until, after 29.5 days, the cycle is complete and it disappears, becoming a New Moon again.  (Photo by SSPL/Getty Images)


SSPL 來自 Getty Images


情況並非總是如此,但本月的滿月恰好是 2019 年最遠的滿月,距離剛剛超過 40 萬公里。我們的衛星有一個橢圓形的軌道,因此在 27.3 天的軌道上總有一個點是它距離地球最近的點,反之亦然,當它是距離地球最遠的點時。這些點可能發生在月球軌道上的任何時間;它們發生在上弦月和滿月時的可能性一樣大,但只有當它與滿月重合時,人們才會感到興奮。當然,這是超級月亮。


One day after the full Hunter's Moon, the moon rises behind lower Manhattan and One World Trade Center in New York City on October 25, 2018, as seen from Green Brook Township, New Jersey. (Photo by Gary Hershorn/Getty Images)

2018 年 10 月 25 日,在獵人滿月一天后,從新澤西州格林布魯克鎮看到,月亮從紐約市曼哈頓下城和世貿中心一號大樓後面升起。(加里·赫肖恩/蓋蒂圖片社拍攝)蓋蒂圖片社


滿月恰好發生在世界標準時間 21:08,這幾乎恰好是歐洲的黃昏/月出時間和北美的下午晚些時候。




  • 2019 年 10 月 13 日星期日月出:日出前,接近滿月的月亮將在西方落下。
  • 2019 年 10 月 13 日星期日月落:這是大多數人都會看的。滿月將從東方升起,幾乎與西方的日落同時發生。
  • 2019 年 10 月 14 日星期一月出:日出後,接近滿月的月亮將在西方落下。
