Over the past 100 days, dozens of moving and unifying prayer events have taken place, with thousands of attending worshippers.

People light the Hanukkah candles for the release of Israelis kidnapped in the Gaza Strip by Hamas terrorists at the Western Wall, December 7, 2023. (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
People light the Hanukkah candles for the release of Israelis kidnapped in the Gaza Strip by Hamas terrorists at the Western Wall, December 7, 2023.
(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

To mark the 100th day since the October 7 massacre, 100,000 memorial candles were lit at the Western Wall by grieving families and worshippers, in memory of those murdered and fallen within these last 100 days, on Sunday.

This ceremony was attended by families of the hostages, bereaved families, and soldiers who were injured and came to express gratitude for the miracle that they survived. 

During the ceremony, the father of one of the fallen recited the Kaddish. The prayer 'El Maleh Rachamim' was also recited for the elevation of the souls of those murdered and fallen in the Swords of Iron Operation.

The ceremony concluded with a moving rendition of 'Akhinu Kol Beit Yisrael' in a prayer for the speedy return of the abducted.

Attendees individuals across Israeli society

Over the past 100 days, dozens of moving and unifying prayer events have taken place, with thousands of attending worshippers including bereaved families, families of hostages, injured individuals, soldiers and reservists, family members, Magen David Adom volunteers, ZAKA volunteers, police officers, firefighters, rescue personnel, and the general public. They all came to the Western Wall for prayer and comfort.

People protest demanding the release of Israelis held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, in the southern Israeli city of Kiryat Malakhi, October 28, 2023 (credit: FLASH90)

100,000 memorial candles were lit in the Western Wall Plaza at a dedicated memorial candle facility, established through an initiative by the 'Kolel Yisrael - Together We Will Win' association.

The memorial candles are replaced daily by the orderlies of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation. Many times at the Western Wall, a chilling and powerful scene unfolds, as families of the murdered and fallen search for the names of their loved ones among the hundreds of names listed on the plaque, which is frequently updated. 


There have been candle lighting ceremonies at the Western Wall for the murdered, fallen and those taken captive, both in December and in November. At the ceremony in December, individuals lit Hannukah candles for those taken hostage.