Meghan Markle’s life has been anything but calm since she married Prince Harry. Since joining the royal family, she’s had a crash course in scrutiny and media bias. She hasn’t had a moment to enjoy her title or being a new mother because the British media has been attacking her since the moment that she said: “I do.”

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex | Toby Melville – WPA Pool/Getty Images

This holiday season after a particularly rough time, Markle and Prince Harry have decided to forgo the usual celebrations at Sandringham and spend Christmas in the U.S., but will Markle get any peace there?

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s holiday plans

As this is Archie Harrison Mountbatten Windsor’s first Thanksgiving, Markle and Harry want him to spend the time in America with Markle’s family, including her mother Doria Ragland.

The original plan was that the couple would spend Thanksgiving in the U.S. and then return to the U.K. for Christmas. But now, the pair have changed their minds.

Why aren’t Prince Harry and Meghan Markle spending Christmas with the Queen?

Prince Harry has spent every Christmas with the Queen, save for when he was in Afghanistan in 2012. Markle has also been present at these festivities for the past two years. But this year, the couple needed a break from it all.

“Christmas at Sandringham can be quite stressful, so perhaps they don’t want to go with Archie at such a young age,” royal biographer Ingrid Seward said. “Having said that, Sandringham has played host to many many children through the ages and is well set up for them.”

“I think it’s sad they don’t want to be part of the family gathering, particularly now that the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are in their dotage. The Queen might be a little hurt but she’s far too gracious to ever let it show or be known,” Seward continued.

“It does seem to be nothing to do with Archie and to do with their own personal feelings,” Seward said.

Will Meghan Markle have a peaceful Christmas?

If Markle and Prince Harry are trying to flee the U.K. for the holidays in the hopes of getting a break from all of the scrutiny and media attention that they have received, then they are in for a rude awakening. Several publications have already begun to write that Markle is snubbing the Queen by wanting to spend the holidays with her own family after spending them with Harry’s for the past two years.

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In Tembisa, Johannesburg, today The Duke and Duchess visited to meet young entrepreneurs at the YES hub – a hive for creativity and social enterprise. Their visit was an amazing tour of the ingenuity and opportunity – seeing businesses that varied from food to essential sanitary products for local women. During their visit, they were able to sample food from ‘Chef Mish’ – a local masterchef winner – which he makes at the site as part of his catering business and cafe. They then joined YES community members to take part in training and tests that will help them gain skills and find work. On the third stop today, entrepreneur Moss showed The Duke and Duchess the organic produce he's growing in the township with aquaponics – supplying local restaurants. And finally, The Duke and Duchess met the women behind the amazing Blossom Care Solutions – who are making 80,000 sanitary pads every month for women in their community. They are 100% compostable, and provide an essential low-cost product for women and girls. The Duchess has long campaigned on this issue and wrote in Time magazine in 2017, saying: “In communities all over the globe, young girls’ potential is being squandered because we are too shy to talk about the most natural thing in the world. To that I say: we need to push the conversation, mobilize policy making surrounding menstrual health initiatives, support organizations who foster girls’ education from the ground up, and within our own homes, we need to rise above our puritanical bashfulness when it comes to talking about menstruation.” • See our previous post to see The Dukes speech #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica Photo ©️ PA images

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It is unlikely that the media will stop writing stories about the royal couple just because they are no longer in the U.K.

Meghan Markle’s trouble with the media

Prince Harry recently revealed that he and Markle are suing the parent company of Mail on Sunday for their slanderous treatment of Markle.

“Unfortunately, my wife has become one of the latest victims of a British tabloid press that wages campaigns against individuals with no thought to the consequences – a ruthless campaign that has escalated over the past year, throughout her pregnancy and while raising our newborn son,” Harry wrote in an open letter.

“For these select media this is a game, and one that we have been unwilling to play from the start,” he continued. “I have been a silent witness to her private suffering for too long. To stand back and do nothing would be contrary to everything we believe in.”