In the span of 10 months, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller reportedly sent at least 46 emails to a Breitbart reporter pushing materials from the think tank Center for Immigration Studies, which has been deemed an anti-immigrant hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center since 2016. The revelation was published Wednesday by the SPLC, following another report out Monday that found Miller pressed white-nationalist materials on staffers at the right-wing website in advance of the 2016 presidential election. Katie McHugh, a former Breibart reporter who was fired from the website, has told the SPLC that Miller was introduced to her to help shape her reporting. “We used [CIS material] to spin a narrative where immigrants of color were not only dangerous, violent individuals but also posed an existential threat to America,” she said. “We never fact-checked anything. We never called up other organizations to get any other perspective about those studies.… It was understood. You just write it up.”

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