November 12, 2019 | 9:59pm

No one is going to confuse President Trump’s remarks Tuesday at the Economic Club of New York with anything approaching eloquence. He is at his worst when he stiffly reads the teleprompter or flies widely off script with gratuitous remarks about the “fake-news media.”

Worse: His insistence that the Federal Reserve is to blame for any economic turbulence the country faces. Sorry, Mr. President, that award goes to how you’re conducting your trade wars, particularly with China, through tit-for-tat tariffs — which is why stocks moved off their highs after you mentioned those policies during the speech.

But his delivery and trade quirks aside, the speech was a strong argument as to why Americans may well believe that the president deserves a second term — particularly when they consider the alternative: a cast of lefty candidates vowing to destroy an economy that’s actually working for most people.

Yes, the specter of impeachment hovered over the scene. But the speech was also delivered against the backdrop of the strongest economy in years, and not just for the rich. Trump rightly pointed out how, through tax cuts and regulatory rollbacks, jobs are growing, and so are wages.

He’s done much better than his predecessor. Yes, President Barack Obama inherited a financial meltdown in 2009, but he also produced an economy that had middle-class incomes plummeting to levels not seen in years.

Wall Street flourished under Obama, while the wealth and wages of average Americans stagnated. Trump has delivered what Obama couldn’t on the economy.

As Trump pointed out, the Congressional Budget Office projected that fewer than 2 million jobs would be created by this time in 2019. He delivered 7 million. People aren’t leaving the workforce in droves as they did in years past; they’re coming back in.

Trump was most impressive when he explained how excess regulation has contributed to the hollowing out of Middle America. My guess: He was influenced here by his economic aide, the free-market guru Larry Kudlow, who was sitting at his side during the speech and has made a career exposing how nanny-state regulators have stifled the animal spirits of our economy in ways that hurt ordinary ­Americans.

Trump called it an “unethical regulatory assault on American people,” carried out in large part by “bureaucrats” who would gain new strength under any of the Democrats running for the 2020 nomination.

Environmental regulations sound good on paper — until you see the human cost. Family farms are shut down because puddles in central California are deemed protected marsh lands. Towns in West Virginia are ravaged by unemployment and the opioid epidemic because the war on coal has devastated the local economy.

Trump sounded a not-so-subtle warning that his economic progress can easily be reversed by the Democratic Party’s new front-runner, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is running on economic and social policies — Medicare for All, massive tax increases and lots more regulation — that are far to the left of even Obama’s.

The good news is she probably won’t win, because she can’t make the logical case that Trump’s economic plans aren’t working. People may not like Trump — despite the strong economy, his unfavorable ratings remains high. This leaves an opening for a moderate like former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, which is why he’s moving toward entering the race on a platform that, while he’s not like Trump, he’s also not going to nuke the system.

Bloomberg knows what the ­progressives in the Democratic Party either don’t know or won’t admit: that most Americans are probably not going to change what’s working just because the president can’t stop tweeting.

Trump’s speech on Tuesday made that case, so look for him to make it again and again.

Charles Gasparino is a senior correspondent at Fox Business Network.