President TrumpDonald John TrumpFormer National Security Adviser John Bolton gets book deal: report Trump administration proposes fee for asylum applications, spike in other immigration fees Biden expresses shock that Trump considers attending Russia May Day event MORE on Sunday urged Republican lawmakers not to fall into the "fools trap" of saying his July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was "not perfect, but is not impeachable."

In a tweet he again referred to the conversation at the center of the House impeachment inquiry, in which he urged Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenDecember Democratic debate venue switched to Loyola Marymount University Biden expresses shock that Trump considers attending Russia May Day event Strategists say Warren 'Medicare for All' plan could appeal to centrists MORE, as "perfect."

"The call to the Ukrainian President was PERFECT. Read the Transcript! There was NOTHING said that was in any way wrong. Republicans, don’t be led into the fools trap of saying it was not perfect, but is not impeachable," Trump tweeted.

"No, it is much stronger than that. NOTHING WAS DONE WRONG!" he added.

The call to the Ukrainian President was PERFECT. Read the Transcript! There was NOTHING said that was in any way wrong. Republicans, don’t be led into the fools trap of saying it was not perfect, but is not impeachable. No, it is much stronger than that. NOTHING WAS DONE WRONG!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019

Trump has frequently used the refrain "read the transcript!" to respond to critics of the conversation he had with Zelensky, while Democrats and some conservative critics have argued that it was improper for the president to press a foreign leader to open a criminal investigation into Biden, a front-runner for the 2020 Democratic nomination.

Republican defenders of the president have largely argued that the president's actions were not improper because, they assert, military aid to Ukraine was not held up over the request for an investigation into Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

Some GOP lawmakers have, however, criticized the president for bringing up an investigation into Biden, such as House Armed Services ranking Republican member Rep. Mac ThornberryWilliam (Mac) McClellan ThornberryAmerica's avengers deserve an advocate Lawmakers dismiss fresh fears of another government shutdown Lobbying World MORE (Texas), who called Trump's actions "inappropriate," but not impeachable.