Rudy Giuliani appeared on Fox Business Network on Monday, a day after Joe Biden’s presidential campaign sent out a letter to the networks asking them not to book President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer for “pushing out outlandish falsehoods and disinformation.”

Giuliani addressed the Biden campaign letter right off the bat, telling host Maria Bartiromo that “although I’ve been banned, I’m glad to see you have the courage to have me on. I’m very dangerous.”

In the letter, Biden campaign officials Kate Bedingfield and Anita Dunn wrote that if networks do put Giuliani on the air, “you need to give an equivalent amount of time to a surrogate for the Biden campaign.”

After the interview ended, Bartiromo told viewers, “I also want to say we have called Vice President Joe Biden. I welcome the opportunity to have the former Vice President on any of these programs. He’s obviously writing a letter to the news networks not to have Rudy Giuliani on. Please, Vice President Biden, join me when you can.”

A spokesperson for Fox Business Network confirmed that they reached out to Biden and said that they would welcome the former VP or a surrogate on the network.

A spokesperson for the Biden campaign declined comment on Giuliani’s most recent appearance, beyond what the campaign said in their Sunday letter.

During the interview, Giuliani again complained that the media was not giving credence to the allegations he has made against Biden. He even called out Chris Wallace, the host of Fox News Sunday, and said that he was “really annoyed” by Wallace for saying that “Giuliani was giving up dirt for the 2020 election.”

“Like heck I was,” Giuliani said.

On Fox News Sunday, Wallace had asked White House adviser Stephen Miller why Trump “used his private attorney Rudy Giuliani and as we just reported two other private lawyers to dig up dirt on Joe Biden rather than going through his State Department.”

In his Fox Business interview, Giuliani said, “You know what I was doing? I was investigating allegations that go back to November of last year, before Biden was even a candidate, of massive corruption that interfered with the information that I could have used to ward off the entire Mueller probe.”

A little later, Bartiromo asked Giuliani, “Where are the indictments? I mean … when are we going to see [Attorney General] Bill Barr come out and explain to the American people how Donald Trump was framed, then candidate Trump and then President Trump, and what about John Durham’s investigation?” Durham is the U.S. prosecutor investigating the origins of the Russia investigation.

Giuliani responded, “Maria, I have to be very discreet about this, but when my fellow Republicans criticize my doing this investigation, who was doing it if I didn’t do it?”

Biden himself has accused Trump of trying to “hijack this election” following the revelation that Trump, in a July 25 phone call, asked the president of Ukraine to open an investigation into Biden and his son, Hunter.

When Biden was Vice President, Hunter Biden took a position on the board of a Ukrainian gas company. In major pieces on Hunter Biden’s work for the company, Burisma, news outlets like the Washington Post and The New Yorker have not found evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens even though it did raise ethical questions at the time. While Biden did call for Ukraine to fire its prosecutor while he was Vice President, other world leaders also were making similar appeals, on the grounds that the prosecutor was not doing enough to investigate corruption in the country.