CONCOW, Calf. – The day after the Camp Fire ravaged the town of Concow, California — a small mountain hamlet directly east of the town of Paradise — a team of urban search and rescue personnel, coroner’s investigators and firefighters sifted through the charred husk of what was once a home along Schwyhart Lane.

Elsewhere, the fire was still raging. It would continue for another 16 days, but it had already taken the bulk of its toll on the ridge-top communities above Chico.

The team was in Concow on Nov. 9 on a morbid mission: to find the remains of those lost in the fire so they could be returned to their loved ones — a task carried out by dozens of teams like this all over the burned area.

At the Schwyhart Lane house, the team was looking for someone specific: a 72-year-old wife and mother named Ellen Walker who was feared to have not been able to escape.

They found her that day. Like most who fell victim to the intense heat of the Camp Fire, her body had been reduced to fragments of bone.

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But what that team did not know, as they meticulously collected the remains for transport to the Sacramento County Coroner’s Office, was that she was not the only person to die in that home.

Mixed with Ellen’s bones were the remains of another person, whose identity remains a mystery to this day.

Out of the 85 people who died in the Camp Fire, this person is the only one who has not yet been identified.

“I’ll tell you that this has been a very perplexing case,” said Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea, whose team is heading the investigation into the final missing person. “We don’t have a lot of details, which has made it particularly difficult to determine this individual’s identity.”

There is no matching missing person’s report, no known grieving family, no DNA to compare to and no logical explanation for why the bones were found where they were.

A year after the fire, this person's identity still escapes the experts who were able to confirm 84 of the fire’s 85 victims.

The mailbox and address sign are the only things left standing of the home that once belonged to Ellen and Lon Walker in Concow, California after it was burned by the Camp Fire in 2018. Ellen, along with a still unidentified person, were two of 85 people who were killed in the fire.

Unidentified Camp Fire victim: An older man who had dental work

Several facts are known about the second person who died at the home along Schwyhart Lane, but only three give clues to who they might be — he was a man, older and had dental work with crowns.

The rest of what’s known only adds to the mystery, Honea said.

Ellen lived at that home in Concow with her husband, 76-year-old Lon Walker, a truck driver who left home early that morning for a job. Lon survived the fire, leaving mere hours before it sparked. 

There was no car at the residence that could give clues to who the man was. As far as Ellen’s family is concerned, she was alone at the house when the Camp Fire raged over the hill from its origin point in nearby Pulga.

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Lon, who has since remarried and lives in Oroville, is frustrated with the investigation. He said he and his family don’t understand how another person could have been found at the house; they wonder if there has been a mistake.

“I need to get some answers, and I don’t know if they’re going to give them to me or not,” Lon said.

An aerial shot of Concow, California on Oct.  2, 2019. Just shy of a year after the Camp Fire tore through the community.

He and Ellen were married in 1988 at the Starlite Chapel in Reno, Nevada after they met through a dating service.   

“She was an incredible woman; she was a proper lady,” he said. “She left a legacy with me that will last the rest of my life.”

But both Honea and Sacramento County Coroner Kimberly Gin are certain there were two sets of remains. Duplicate bones were found. DNA testing revealed definitively that they belonged to two people.

They deduced that the unidentified person was a man by comparing bone sizes. One set matched female sizes, and the other matched male.

This is not the first time investigators believed that they had found remains mixed from two different people in the wake of the fire. 

In September, the Camp Fire death toll was reduced from 86 to 85 when investigators determined remains that were originally thought to be from two people were from one.

In that case, the extreme heat of the fire caused a bone to shrink so dramatically that pathologists initially thought it was from a different person.

But that's not the case with the remains found on Schwyhart Lane. 

“No … this is a separate person,” Gin said.

Genealogy might hold the answer 

Investigators are now working to extract enough DNA from the remains for genealogical testing.

The hope, Gin said, is that they can enter that sample into an online database and find an ancestor who can then be traced to a living relative. Detectives in Sacramento County used a similar method last year to catch the man now accused of being the Golden State Killer.  

The condition of the bones may make that impossible.

“Unfortunately, the fire burned so intensely that the majority of these individuals … were consumed to a large degree,” Honea said.

In the Camp Fire — like the deadly fires that have raged through California with increasing frequency — the intense heat reduced its victims to little more than fragments.

On Nov. 9, when the search team first visited the home on Schwyhart Lane, they collected what little remains they could find into a five-gallon bucket — standard procedure for recovery teams, according to Honea.

That five-gallon bucket weighed just 2.5 pounds when it was delivered to the Sacramento County Coroner’s Office, Honea said, giving investigators very little to work with.

It wasn’t until a forensic pathologist in Sacramento sifted through the remains that they realized there were actually two people there. 

“When you consider that you have the remains of two individuals that have been consumed to the point where just 2.5 pounds of material is left, you can understand how badly damaged they are and how intense that fire was,” Honea said.

Remembering The Camp Fire's 'red dragon glow'

On a brisk October morning in Concow just shy of a year after the fire, Jonny McMiller, 35, worked with the help of some friends to install a gate across Schwyhart Lane.

McMiller lives at the end of the lane but only met Lon after the fire. He didn’t get a chance to meet Ellen.

When fire raged down the ridge from Pulga on Nov. 8, his log cabin was likely among the first structures in Concow to burn.

He was also probably one of the last people to see the Walkers' house still standing.

That Nov. 8 morning, he woke up to a world on fire. A “red dragon glow” was looming just over the ridge, he said.

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McMiller immediately began to wake his neighbors, rallying them to leave — a task that took about 15 minutes. By the time he got back to his house, his deck was on fire.

“It moved down that ridge pretty quick,” he said.

He grabbed what he could from inside, jumped in his truck and tore down the road, making one stop in Ellen and Lon’s driveway. He laid on the horn, hoping someone would come out if they were home.

Nobody did.

“I learned later that she was not in the best of health at the time,” McMiller said. Many of those who have died in California's recent wildfires have been sick or elderly. 

He saw no sign of anyone inside the house.

McMiller has no idea how another person would have ended up there. The fire came fast, and he hypothesized that maybe it was someone running; maybe someone came back and tried to get Ellen.

Honea refuses to speculate. 

“It weighs upon me,” Honea said. “I certainly had wanted to have everybody identified for a lot of reasons — one, of course, to bring closure to the families — and the fact that this one case is still outstanding is very unfortunate.

“It’s a very perplexing case, but again we are doing our best. … I certainly hope that at some point in the near future we can positively identify this individual and start that healing process for his family.”

Follow Sam Gross on Twitter: @samzgross