TURKEY has captured and detained the sister of slain leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

A senior Turkish official she was captured on Monday in the Northern Syrian town of Azaz and alongside her husband and daughter-in-law. She is now thought to be currently being interrogated alongside her family. "Rasmiya Awad was captured in a raid on a container near Azaz," the official said.

"We hope to gather a trove of intelligence from s sister on the inner workings of ," he added.

US President Donald Trump announced in late October that US forces had been successful in killing Baghdadi in Syria’s Idlib province.

The raid was a major blow to the group, which has lost territories it held in Syria and Iraq in a series of military defeats by the US-led coalition and Syrian and Iraqi allies.

Slain ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, sister has been captured

Slain ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, sister has been captured (Image: GETTY)

Donald Trump announcing the successful raid on Baghdadi's compound

Donald Trump announcing the successful raid on Baghdadi's compound (Image: GETTY)

President Trump, speaking from the White House, revealed al-Baghdadi died “whimpering and screaming”.

Mr Trump said: ”He reached the end of the tunnel as our dogs chased him down. He ignited his vest, killing himself and his three children.

“His body was mutilated by the blasts. The tunnel had caved on him.”

The US President added that al-Baghdadi died “like a dog” and “like a coward”.

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US military chased Baghdadi down with dogs

US military chased Baghdadi down with dogs (Image: GETTY)

Eleven children were injured.

The US military were inside his compound for two hours without taking any casualties.

Trump significantly concluded the speech at the time by saying “the world is a much safer place”.

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al-Baghdadi's compound shortly before the US raid took place

al-Baghdadi's compound shortly before the US raid took place (Image: GETTY)

Map showing the location of Baghdadi's compound

Map showing the location of Baghdadi's compound (Image: GETTY)

The death of al-Baghdadi acted as an important win for Trump after his controversial withdrawal from US troops suddenly from Syria.

The move was met by bi-partisan criticism in the US, including many of his renowned Republican Allies. Much of the criticism centring around the move potentially opening the door for a resurgence of ISIS.

In the weeks since the assassination whilst ISIS have been in chaos without Baghdadi, the terror group was thought to be lining up successors and plotting revenge attacks.

The US State Department said in a statement following the raid:“The United States is determined to prevent a resurgence of ISIS in Syria and Iraq and continues to work with the Global Coalition to destroy ISIS remnants and thwart its global ambitions.”

The US Government official said that President Trump, by announcing the withdrawal of US forces from northern Syria on October 6, did not suggest that Washington was abandoning the fight against ISIS.

This comes as ISIS named its new leader last week in a video uploaded online.

Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was named the new leader and "caliph" of the terrorist group via official propaganda channels.

It followed days of speculation from followers after al-Baghdadi blew himself up during a US raid on his hideout.

Fear of ISIS revenge attacks remains high

Fear of ISIS revenge attacks remains high (Image: GETTY)

In an audio message, ISIS also confirmed the death of spokesman Abu al-Hasan al-Muhajir - who was killed in a US airstrike.

Abu Hamza al-Qurashi, who delivered the message, was named as the new spokesman.

The message included a threat to the US and called for ISIS terrorists to continue their brutal campaign.