
Natalia Reyes, right, and Mackenzie Davis star in Skydance Productions and Paramount Pictures' ... [+] "TERMINATOR: DARK FATE."


Terminator: Dark Fate bombed this weekend because, for the third time in a decade, audiences have shown that they do not care about Terminator movies.

While James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day was partially about Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), John Connor (Edward Furlong) and the T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) changing the future to prevent global annihilation, the sequels since then, by default, have operated on the notion that Judgement Day is inevitable. No matter what Sarah, John, Kyle Reese or the latest T-800 tries to do, humanity will build the technology that will bring about mankind’s destruction. And now, we have the Terminator series, which thrice has tried to revive itself using different gimmicks (Christian Bale as John Connor in a future war sequel), hooks (Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor in a time-twisting retcon modeled after Star Trek) , and hail Marys’ (Cameron bringing Hamilton and Schwarzenegger back in an R-rated sequel modeled after Star Wars: The Force Awakens) and three times it has died a gruesome box office death.

Terminator: Dark Fate earned $29 million in its opening weekend. That’s a halfway decent 2.74x weekend multiplier, and the film received a B+ from Cinemascore. But even if it legs out, think a 2.72-2.85x weekend-to-final multiplier (between Doctor Strange and Spectre), it’ll still end up with $79- $83 million, below the likes of The Lone Ranger ($88 million in 2013), Terminator: Genisys ($89 million in 2015) and Alita: Battle Angel ($85 million in 2019). Could it make up for the domestic shortfall overseas? Maybe, but it’s also opening with just $28 million in China, which is over the $26.9 million opening day of Terminator: Genisys. It’ll be lucky to clear $55 million in that key territory, proving again that the $113.25 million earned by Genisys in China was more about curiosity (and the end of a local blackout period) than any enduring fandom.

Paramount is on the hook for the domestic disaster, as the film is being distributed by Tencent in China and Fox/Disney in most overseas territories. Either it’s a complete global disaster and another black mark for Fox’s existence under the Disney umbrella, or it’s a blow to Paramount and an unneeded win for Disney as they rev up for Frozen II and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. I don’t want to make a cheap Disney = Skynet (or Legion) comparison, but this doesn’t help anybody except for Disney. It’s yet another example of how having IP isn’t the same as having valuable or viable IP, and that just because a film was popular or well-liked once upon a time doesn’t mean it’s a franchise. Terminator has become a metaphor for its own inevitable failure, trying different things but getting the same result.  

Audiences do not care about new Terminator movies, at least not to the point where they would justify top-tier blockbuster budgets. No matter what Warner Bros, Paramount, Skydance, James Cameron or related producers or investors do, the result is always the same. Terminator: Salvation bombed in 2009 with $371 million worldwide on a $200 million budget. Terminator: Genisys got a quick boost from China ($113 million from a $26 million opening day) but otherwise tanked with miserable reviews and $441 million worldwide, including just $89 million domestic, on a $155 million budget. Terminator: Dark Fate, with an R-rating, a “new diverse/inclusive heroes and villains join the franchise stars” hook like The Force Awakens and James Cameron back as producer, opened with just $29 million this weekend and will again sell fewer tickets in North America than The Terminator ($39 million in 1984/$106 million adjusted).

I’ve said before Sony’s Amazing Spider-Man essentially ruined Hollywood. It wasn’t so much the movie’s fault, but the notion of Sony just scrapping the franchise and starting over from scratch just for the hell of it signaled that Hollywood could/should try to revive formally successful franchises. And Spider-Man: Homecoming sealed the seal, showing that a brand could strike gold on the second reboot try even if the first one didn’t quite connect. Never mind that Terminator: Genisys flopped with audiences, critics and consumers, they can just try again and this time it’ll be different! But it wasn’t different, partially because audiences were never that gung-ho for Terminator movies, especially not after Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, which opened in July of 2003 back when mega-budget action fantasies weren’t as run of the mill as they are in 2019 and partially because Salvation and Genisys stunk.

We all know how superior sequels can suffer for the sins of their underwhelming predecessors, think Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, Addams Family Values, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows or Saw VI. Even if you do it better on the next go around, audiences are less likely to bother, especially if the previous success was fueled more by curiosity or nostalgia than interest in the brand. Look, I’m firmly on team “I believe in James Cameron,” but he wasn’t the director and this franchise is as damaged goods as you can imagine. Even the early DC Films flicks (Man of Steel, Suicide Squad, etc.) made money and had fans.  When you have a franchise like Terminator, where all three previous sequels had reputations ranging from “not half bad” to “truly terrible,” what the hell did everyone think was going to happen?

This wasn’t Blumhouse’s Halloween with a $10 million budget. Even if Halloween Kills takes a huge dip from Halloween, Universal is probably spending, at most, $25 million on the sequel. This isn’t The Force Awakens which was 32-years-later continuation of the most popular cinematic saga of all time. This wasn’t Jurassic World with a killer “the park is open” hook. This was just another Terminator movie, just as ridiculously expensive as the last three, this time with an R-rating, with a returning fan favorite character and a final product that was a little better than the last one. Throw in a prologue that invalidates the most popular entry in the franchise, and you have a painfully predictable box office disaster. It’s another example of a franchise that continues, in this case despite failure, because the desire comes not from audiences but from filmmakers and studios.  

If I seem angry about this, I am. I’ve been warning about this for years. This isn’t 2009 or even 2015, when I could point and laugh at the chutzpah on display and move on. This is 2019, a time when theatrical moviegoing is in deep peril from streaming, VOD, social media and countless once-unthinkable distractions and competition for the entertainment dollar. Boneheaded plays like making the third failed Terminator reboot in ten years only makes folks that much less likely to look at theatrical moviegoing as not just a less convenient form of entertainment but an inferior form of entertainment. Moreover, using the Force Awakens formula on a far-less viable franchise, complete with three female heroes (one of which is technically a senior citizen and another of which is Hispanic), is a cruel trap that allows folks to point and make “get woke/go broke” jokes.

In terms of raw numbers, Terminator: Dark Fate is likely going to earn around $70-$80 million in North America. With $124 million overseas thus far, foreign guestimates are a little trickier, but Genisys earned $237 million overseas without China for a sans-China $326 million total. Presuming a $55 million finish in China and a similar overseas drop as what we’re seeing in North America, then (give or take the variables) we could see a global finish somewhere between Dark Phoenix ($252 million) and Prince of Persia ($330 million), with lots of wiggle room in between. Right in the middle is $291 million worldwide, which seems like a fair guess when accounting for the sharp drop in China (as predicted, because that’s what happened between X-Man: Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix). Terminator: Dark Fate is a box office catastrophe because audiences do not have an interest in seeing more Terminator movies, period.