ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST … “Beto O'Rourke drops out of 2020 race,” by David Siders: “Beto O’Rourke abandoned his flagging presidential campaign Friday, writing that it is ‘clear to me now that this campaign does not have the means to move forward successfully.’ The former Texas congressman had been lagging for months in single digits in public opinion polls and was at risk of not qualifying for the November debate.

“‘Our campaign has been about seeing clearly, speaking honestly and acting decisively in the best interests of America,’ O’Rourke wrote on Medium. ‘Though it is difficult to accept, it is clear to me now that this campaign does not have the means to move forward successfully.’” POLITICO

-- “The End of Betomania,” by NYT’s Matt Flegenheimer in Des Moines: “Officially, the end came Friday evening, among teary supporters and stern-faced staff, at the bottom of a damp riverside hill. He spoke across from the arena where the remaining 2020 Democratic contenders would be addressing the crowd at a rah-rah candidate dinner, their teams’ cheers already audible from the street above as they filed in.

“‘We’re all a little crazy to be doing this,’ Mr. O’Rourke told one supporter quietly, consoling all comers after giving some valedictory public remarks about staying in the fight. ‘In a good way.’ One by one, they approached to thank him, to hug him, to take one more picture — a grim political processional in the year of the merry candidate photo line, completed after dusk in front of six giant wooden letters, painted blue to read ‘NO FEAR.’” NYT

THE STATE OF PLAY via WAPO’S MATT VISER and JENNA JOHNSON: “In one of the most hyper-charged political rises and dramatic collapses in recent times, O’Rourke on Friday evening became the highest-profile candidate to drop out of the 2020 presidential campaign, amid financial strains and lagging popularity. His abrupt exit capped a week in which Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) significantly curbed her own ambitions, laying off most of her New Hampshire staff and reorienting her campaign toward Iowa. In the same week, a super PAC set up to benefit Joe Biden began operating, a reflection of his struggle to gain ground in Iowa even as he maintains a position at the top of what is now a 16-candidate field.

“O’Rourke’s departure demonstrated the winnowing of what began as a historically large and diverse presidential field and now is largely controlled by four candidates, all of them white, most of them in their 70s, and two of them far to the left ideologically. His decision, coupled with Biden’s and Harris’s difficulties, leaves establishment moderates worried about the shape of the race three months before the Iowa caucuses.” WaPo

THE TWITTER PRESIDENCY … “In Trump’s Twitter Feed: Conspiracy-Mongers, Racists and Spies,” by NYT’s Mike McIntire, Karen Yourish and Larry Buchanan: “By retweeting suspect accounts, seemingly without regard for their identity or motives, [President Donald Trump] has lent credibility to white nationalists, anti-Muslim bigots and obscure QAnon adherents like VB Nationalist, an anonymous account that has promoted a hoax about top Democrats worshiping the Devil and engaging in child sex trafficking.

“To assess this unprecedented moment, The New York Times examined Mr. Trump’s interactions with Twitter since he took office, reviewing each of his more than 11,000 tweets and the hundreds of accounts he has retweeted, tracking the ways he is exposed to information and replicating what he is likely to see on the platform. The result, including new data analysis and previously unreported details, offers the most comprehensive view yet of a virtual world in which the president spends significant time mingling with extremists, impostors and spies.

“Fake accounts tied to intelligence services in China, Iran and Russia had directed thousands of tweets at Mr. Trump, according to a Times analysis of propaganda accounts suspended by Twitter. Iranian operatives tweeted anti-Semitic tropes, saying that Mr. Trump was ‘being controlled’ by global Zionists, and that pulling out of the Iran nuclear treaty would benefit North Korea. Russian accounts tagged the president more than 30,000 times, including in supportive tweets about the Mexican border wall and his hectoring of black football players. Mr. Trump even retweeted a phony Russian account that said, ‘We love you, Mr. President!’” NYTInteractive

ABOUT LAST NIGHT … TRUMP’S NEW 2020 BATTLE CRY: “Trump to Mississippi rally crowd: Impeachment is an affront to you,” by Matthew Choi: “To President Donald Trump, the House's vote on impeachment wasn't just an affront to him, but to the millions of Americans who voted for him. ‘Yesterday’s vote by the radical Democrats is an attack on democracy itself,’ Trump said during a Friday night rally in Tupelo, Mississippi.

“Trump's remark follows the House voting Thursday largely along party lines to set the ground rules for an impeachment inquiry. The vote was a litmus test for the impeachment process, with moderate Democrats who had been tepid on diving into impeachment voicing their near-unanimous support.

“In Mississippi, Trump framed the probe — sparked by the president's request for Ukrainian officials to investigate a domestic political rival — as an attack on his supporters in the rally audience. He reprised the dismissive language he'd employed during former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 election, calling the impeachment probe a ‘witch hunt.’” POLITICO

HMM … “Trump, DHS differ on who is acting DHS secretary,” by Ian Kullgren, Anita Kumar, and Daniel Lippman: “President Donald Trump said this evening that Homeland Security official Chad Wolf is now acting DHS secretary — and an agency spokesperson promptly replied that he is not. Trump told reporters before leaving for a campaign rally in Mississippi that Wolf had replaced acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan, whose last day in the job was supposed to be Thursday. McAleenan had planned to extend his stay until Nov. 7, but Trump said Wolf was acting secretary already.

“‘He’s right now acting and we’ll see what happens,’ Trump said. ‘We have great people in there.’ But DHS disputed that in a written statement several minutes later, saying that McAleenan is still in charge. ‘McAleenan is the acting secretary,’ the spokesperson said in a statement to the press pool. ‘Wolf is the acting undersecretary for policy.’

“Trump called Wolf a few days ago and told him to expect to be appointed, a person familiar with the plan told POLITICO on Thursday. Two other officials said that the White House has been speaking to reluctant GOP senators — including Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) — and asking them not to oppose Wolf’s appointment to be undersecretary of the department.” POLITICO

Good Saturday morning. Thousands of Nats fans are expected to descend on the National Mall this afternoon for the parade to celebrate the Nationals’ World Series victory. The parade will start at 2 p.m. near the Washington Monument and last about two hours traveling to Pennsylvania Avenue and Third Street N.W.

-- SPOTTED FRIDAY NIGHT: Members of the Washington Nationals -- including GM Mike Rizzo, Max Scherzer, Stephen Strasburg, Aníbal Sánchez, Ryan Zimmerman, Daniel Hudson and Sean Doolittle -- celebrating their World Series win at Cafe Milano. … Juan Soto at Fish by Jose Andrés at MGM National Harbor.

-- MEANWHILE … WAPO’S JOSH DAWSEY unpacks how the RNC paid for Trump’s luxury box at the World Series game, leaving lawmakers with the sticky problem of who and how much to reimburse for the ticket. WaPoAND NOT EVERY NATS player is planning on going to the White House Monday. Sean Doolittle confirmed to the Post that he will take a pass.

ABOUT THAT WALL … “Smugglers are sawing through new sections of Trump’s border wall,” by WaPo’s Nick Miroff in San Diego: “Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through new sections of President Trump’s border wall in recent months by using commercially available power tools, opening gaps large enough for people and drug loads to pass through, according to U.S. agents and officials with knowledge of the damage.

“The breaches have been made using a popular cordless household tool known as a reciprocating saw that retails at hardware stores for as little as $100. When fitted with specialized blades, the saws can slice through one of the barrier’s steel-and-concrete bollards in a matter of minutes, according to the agents, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the barrier-defeating techniques.

“After cutting through the base of a single bollard, smugglers can push the steel out of the way, allowing an adult to fit through the gap. Because the bollards are so tall — and are attached only to a panel at the very top — their length makes them easier to push aside once they have been cut and are left dangling, according to engineers consulted by The Washington Post.” WaPo

KEEPING HER EYE ON THE PRIZE -- NANCY PELOSI’S 2020 ADVICE … “‘What works in San Francisco does not necessarily work in Michigan,’ Pelosi said at a roundtable of Bloomberg News reporters and editors on Friday. ‘What works in Michigan works in San Francisco — talking about workers’ rights and sharing prosperity.’ ‘Remember November,’ she said. ‘You must win the Electoral College.’” Bloomberg More from the Pelosi interview

-- SPEAKING OF WHAT’S PLAYING ACROSS THE COUNTRY … “Is the anti-Trump suburban revolt escalating? Watch Virginia,” by AP’s Steve Peoples and Alan Suderman in Richmond, Va.: “Nearly three years into Trump’s administration, Virginia’s leftward shift appears to be rapidly accelerating. Since the beginning of 2017, Democrats have won every statewide contest, made historic gains in the House of Delegates and picked up three additional congressional seats. And on Tuesday, Democrats are just a handful of new seats away from seizing control of both chambers of the Virginia legislature for the first time in more than two decades.

“Voters across several other states also head to the polls Tuesday, including Mississippi and Kentucky, whose high-profile gubernatorial races have attracted Trump’s direct involvement.

“But more than anywhere, Virginia’s lower-profile state legislative elections will test the magnitude of the GOP’s suburban slide. Democratic victories could reshape the national political landscape in 2020 — and, perhaps more broadly, politics across the South for decades. Like Virginia, suburban North Carolina, Georgia and Texas have seen explosive growth and demographic shifts in recent years that have given Democrats real momentum, even if they have yet to break through.” AP

DAILY RUDY -- “‘I’m the best-paid interpreter in the world’: Indicted Giuliani associate Lev Parnas touted windfall from Ukrainian oligarch,” by CNN’s Vicky Ward and Marshall Cohen: “Earlier this year, Lev Parnas, the indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani, received a sudden windfall of money from a prominent Ukrainian oligarch who is fighting extradition to the United States and is suspected of having ties to the Russian mob, according to four sources who spoke with Parnas.

“This summer, Parnas told potential business associates that his company began receiving payments from the oligarch, Dmytro Firtash, who is living in Austria while fighting bribery charges in the US, the sources told CNN.

“Parnas also told these people he met with Firtash several times over the summer while in Vienna. In June, according to one of these sources, Parnas vouched to Firtash for two well-known Washington lawyers who later brought up Firtash's plight in a face-to-face meeting with Attorney General William Barr.” CNN


-- “Rick Perry won’t testify at impeachment inquiry hearing,” by Ben Lefebvre: “Energy Secretary Rick Perry won't testify before House investigators' impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, according to the DOE. ‘The Secretary will not partake in a secret star chamber inquisition where agency counsel is forbidden to be present,’ DOE spokesperson Shaylyn Hynes said in an email, adding that Perry would consider a request from lawmakers to testify in an open hearing. A person working on the inquiry had said Perry was expected to testify on Wednesday.” POLITICO

-- “Growing number of GOP senators consider acknowledging Trump’s quid pro quo on Ukraine,” by WaPo’s Rachael Bade and Seung Min Kim: “A growing number of Senate Republicans are ready to acknowledge that President Trump used U.S. military aid as leverage to force Ukraine to investigate former vice president Joe Biden and his family as the president repeatedly denies a quid pro quo.

“In this shift in strategy to defend Trump, these Republicans are insisting that the president’s action was not illegal and does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense as the Democratic-led House moves forward with the open phase of its probe.

“But the shift among Senate Republicans could complicate the message coming from Trump as he furiously fights the claim that he had withheld U.S. aid from Ukraine to pressure it to dig up dirt on a political rival, even as an increasing number of Republicans wonder how long they can continue to argue that no quid pro quo was at play in the matter.” WaPo

-- “Top White House official tried to find out if ambassador went rogue or acted at Trump’s direction on Ukraine,” by CNN’s Kylie Atwood and Manu Raju: “A top White House official told lawmakers he tried to find out whether President Donald Trump told a key US diplomat he wanted Ukraine to investigate the Bidens, multiple sources familiar with his closed-door impeachment inquiry deposition on Capitol Hill told CNN.

“His actions show concern inside the White House about the extent of the President's role in the push for investigations that could help Trump politically. Tim Morrison, the President's top Russia adviser, had multiple conversations with American Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland. In those discussions, the ambassador referenced talks he had with the President. Morrison became concerned that Sondland was going rogue on Ukraine. Morrison told lawmakers he thought Sondland was a ‘free radical,’ according to two of the sources. The term was a reference to molecules that cause cancer.

“To find out whether Sondland had talked to the President, Morrison went so far as asking Trump's executive secretary if the President had actually talked with Sondland. The ambassador's claims about having the conversations checked out each time, Morrison said in his testimony Thursday, according to the sources.” CNN

2020 WATCH ...

-- NATASHA KORECKI in Des Moines: “In Iowa, Biden confronts a growing threat: Pete Buttigieg”: “Joe Biden dropped to fourth place in Iowa, according to a new poll released Friday, his worst showing to date in the pivotal early state. A few hours later, at the largest gathering to date for any 2020 event, it was clear why.

“While Biden delivered a solid performance on stage before a crowd of 13,500 Democrats at the state party’s Liberty & Justice dinner, he was overshadowed and outshined by the candidate who just passed him in the polls — Pete Buttigieg. At the massive state party event known for its catalytic effect on campaigns — it’s widely remembered as a turning point for Barack Obama’s Iowa fortunes in 2007 — Buttigieg captured the audience’s imagination, articulating a case for generational change.

“‘I didn’t just come here to end the era of Donald Trump,’ Buttigieg said to a roaring crowd of supporters. ‘I’m here to launch the era that must come next.’ The South Bend, Ind., mayor’s speech offered an insight into his recent surge here, and why he is threatening to eclipse the former vice president in a state where Biden has been steadily losing ground since summer.” POLITICODes Moines Register’s dinner roundup

-- “‘This is going to cause down-ballot damage’: Warren's $20 trillion health plan fails to quiet critics,” by Marc Caputo and Alex Thompson

-- “Andrew Yang adds experience to his pirate-ship campaign,” by Eugene Daniels and Zach Montellaro

TRUMP’S SATURDAY -- The president will leave the White House at 6:50 p.m. en route to New York City.

WASHINGTON INC. -- “K Street’s newest star built business on dubious claims of Trump ties,” by WaPo’s Beth Reinhard and Jonathan O'Connell: “Since President Trump took office, the lobbyist Michael Esposito has been wildly successful, turning a family business that once focused on municipal transportation issues into one of the fastest-growing lobbying firms in Washington. Esposito has broken into the international market, landing top-dollar Ukrainian clients last year and collecting $1.65 million from Chinese tech giant Huawei in a three-month period this year, according to lobbying records. In all, Esposito’s firm, Federal Advocates, pulled in five times as much money in 2018 as it did in the year before Trump took office, records show.

“Fueling that rise, at least in part, are Esposito’s claims that he is uniquely positioned: a former Capitol Hill staffer who is close to centers of power in the Trump administration. Esposito has ‘an open line of communication to the President of the United States’ and is in ‘regular’ contact with the president, Federal Advocates wrote in three contract bids reviewed by The Washington Post. The same proposals say Esposito worked with the president’s son Eric Trump and son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner on real estate deals. And the firm’s website calls Esposito ‘an integral part of the senior-most leadership’ of the Republican National Committee.

“Some of those very people, however, told The Post that Esposito’s claims are greatly embellished — or simply not true. ‘I have no recollection of a Michael Esposito,’ said Eric Trump. ‘Sounds like someone trying to trade off our name.’ ‘Jared Kushner does not know who Michael Esposito is,’ an administration official said. The RNC recently sent him a ‘cease and desist’ letter. White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham did not address Esposito’s claim of having access to the president but said she did not know him.

“Esposito declined to be interviewed for this story. In emails, he stood by his claims. He said nondisclosure agreements prevent him from discussing details of his work with Kushner and the president’s son. Esposito provided a photo of himself with Trump next to an American flag at a 2017 fundraiser as evidence of his claim, in bids for local government contracts, to have a ‘strong personal and professional relationship with President Trump.’” WaPo

MATT DIXON and BRIAN FALER in Tallahassee: “What Trump might gain as newest Florida Man”: “President Donald Trump’s decision to become a resident of the nation’s largest swing state took New Yorkers and Floridians by surprise — but maybe it shouldn’t have. Trump announced his move in a series of Thursday night tweets, saying he had been mistreated by New York officials, who have investigated his businesses and aggressively sought his tax returns. The newest Florida Man has some things to gain by — at least on paper — leaving the Empire State for the Sunshine State.” POLITICO

DAVID RUBENSTEIN SPEAKS -- “‘I guess that's revealing’: David Rubenstein on Trump and the weight of history,” by Guardian’s Martin Pengelly

CLICKER -- “The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics,” edited by Matt Wuerker: 16 keepers

GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman (@dlippman):

-- “At 6, She Lost Her Best Friend In The Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting. At 7, She’s Still Struggling With Trauma,” by BuzzFeed’s Julia Reinstein: “A year after 11 of their own were killed in an anti-Semitic attack, Jewish children and teens in Pittsburgh are still coping with the trauma: ‘This will affect her whole life — it’s not something that will just go away.’” BuzzFeed

-- “What’s Left of Condé Nast,” by Reeves Wiedeman in NY Mag: “Two years after Si Newhouse died (and Graydon Carter left), Anna Wintour and a new CEO map out the future they can afford.” NY Mag

-- “Unemployed Fishing,” by Matt Labash in the summer issue of Drake Magazine: “[F]ishing has always been my therapy. A lucky thing, too, since it doesn’t require insurance. ... Fishing is perhaps not the most responsible way to tackle unemployment. Even though at least five of J.C.’s disciples were fishermen, including his two favorites (Peter and John), so a case could be made that it’s a divinely-sanctioned coping mechanism.” Drake Magazine

-- “Inside the U.S. Marshals’ Secretive, Deadly Detention Empire,” by Seth Freed Wessler in the Nov./Dec issue of Mother Jones: “They’re supposed to safeguard pretrial detainees. But America’s oldest law enforcement agency is suffering from a massive dereliction of duty.” Mother Jones (hat tip:

-- “Ukraine’s Unlikely President, Promising a New Style of Politics, Gets a Taste of Trump’s Swamp,” by Joshua Yaffa in The New Yorker: “Volodymyr Zelensky swept to power pledging to end corruption. Then the White House called.” New Yorker

-- “What John Rawls Missed,” by Jedediah Britton-Purdy in TNR – per’s description: “How did John Rawls became the most influential political philosopher of the 20th century, given that his Theory Of Justice was immediately confounded by developments in American society, and reads now as a work of pure idealism?

“The answer, probably, is that Rawls’s contemporaries were captured by the sheer beauty of his vision. He wanted a society that proceeded by consensus, where inequalities were curtailed, and where the interests of the poorest came first. But neoliberalism had other plans.” TNR

-- “WeWork’s Adam Neumann Is the Most Talented Grifter of Our Time,” by The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson: “The disgraced founder got rich selling a shaky business as a values-driven movement.” The Atlantic

-- “Libya: Rich in Oil, Leaking Fuel,” by Tim Eaton in Chatham House – per’s description: “Libya produces a million barrels of oil a day — so where does it go? Mostly to crooks, by this account. The root problem is that government allocates crude oil to large end-users, and subsidises gas prices mightily at the pump — with the general result that the crude gets captured by militias, while gas station owners bank their subsidies and re-sell their fuel to smugglers for export, leaving Libyan drivers to queue for days and pay black-market prices for the trickle of fuel that does reach the domestic market.” Chatham House

-- “Life on the Zambezi Is Hard. The Climate Crisis Is Making It Deadly,” by Bloomberg’s Matthew Hill: “A journey down the African river shows the devastating impact of both floods and drought.” Bloomberg

-- “Hysteria High: How Demons Destroyed a Florida School,” by Jeff Maysh in Medium: “A true story of witchcraft, possession, and murder.” Medium (h/t

MEDIAWATCH -- Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian will be a China reporter and China newsletter writer for Axios. She has covered the country and its influence for several outlets, including Foreign Policy and The Daily Beast. Talking Biz News

IN MEMORIAM -- PLAYBOOK METRO SECTION: “Buzz Beler, founder and co-owner of the Prime Rib Restaurants in Baltimore and Washington, D.C., died October 23 in Charlottesville, Virginia, where he had recently relocated to be near family and his beloved horses. He was 90.” Baltimore Sun obituary

Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at

SPOTTED: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the AMC Georgetown theater on Friday night.

SPOTTED at a National Italian American Foundation dinner at Cafe Milano on Thursday evening in honor of Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio’s service: Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia, Kellyanne Conway, USTR Robert Lighthizer, Reps. Mark Amodei (R-Nev.) and Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.), Patrick Pizzella, Andrew Giuliani, Lou Barletta, Connie Morella, Mike Ferguson, Daniel DiLella, Mary Ann Esposito, Deana Martin, Lena Prima, Patricia de Stacy Harrison, Gabriel Battista, Anita Bevacqua McBride, John Calvelli, Lauren Amendolara McDermott, Aaron Bill, Michael DeFilippis, Carla DiBlasio, Francesco Boccia and Maureen Scalia.

SPOTTED at a book party for Susan Rice’s memoir, “Tough Love,” ($17.99 on Amazon) hosted by Linda Douglass and John Phillips and Mary and Jeff Zients: Jay Carney, Jen Psaki, Cathy Russell, Al Hunt, Michèle Flournoy, Merrick and Lynn Garland, Tom and Ann Friedman, Rita Braver and Bob Barnett, EJ Dionne, Tony Blinken and Evan Ryan, Margaret Talev, Melody Barnes and Marland Buckner, Jeff Goldberg and Pam Reeves, Karen Kornblut, Margaret Carlson, Carol Lee, Vernon and Ann Jordan, Melissa Moss, Jane Mayer and Bill and Carol Press.

SPOTTED at a “Politics & Puns” Halloween costume party hosted by Adam Green: Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), Saagar Enjeti, Rahna Epting, Mari Urbina, Julia Ioffe, MaryAlice Parks, Ishaan Tharoor, Elaine Godfrey, Lucie Auburn, Alex Thompson, Francesca Chambers, John Hudson, Nikki Schwab, Kara Voght, Sarah Groh, Jesse Lee, Dan Smith, Ed Shelleby, Karam Johal and Muriel Chase.

BIRTHWEEK (was Thursday): WSJ alum Lindsay Gellman

BIRTHDAYS: David Sirota, speechwriter for Bernie Sanders’ campaign, is 44 … Pat Buchanan is 81 … former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is 52 … Dougie Simmons … Katie Hogan … Jonathan Stahler, COS for Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) … POLITICO Playbook’s own Eli Okun … Kevin Cirilli is 3-0 … Jen Dlouhy … WaPo’s Ava Wallace … Emily Davol … Roger Dow, president and CEO of U.S. Travel Association … Alex Markowits … AARP’s Bill Walsh is 55 … Christopher Graves … John Sampson, managing director of government affairs for Microsoft Azure … WaPo Outlook editor Adam Kushner … Celeste Lavin of HuffPost … Melanie Tiano, director of cybersecurity and privacy at CTIA … Anthony Zurcher, senior North America reporter for BBC News … Sarah Greenwalt … Larry Fink is 67 ...

… Makan Delrahim is 5-0 … Alana Mounce, executive director of the Nevada State Democratic Party (hat tip: Kristin Lynch) … Jay Solomon, senior director at APCO Worldwide Global Solutions … Patty Judge … Daniela Pierre Bravo … Tony Fazio is 72 … Sheyla Asencios … Natalie Johnson, deputy press secretary for Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) … Barbara Surk … Catherine Lyons … Caitlin Heising … Steven Capozzola … Kayla Benker of Civis Analytics … Aaryn Kopp … Sarah Elliott, chair of Republicans Overseas U.K. … Warren Hoemann … Raynel Knight … Paula Zellner … Anna Landmark … Alan Abbey … William Haldeman … Monique Jenkins

THE SHOWS, by Matt Mackowiak, filing from Austin:

-- NBC’s “Meet the Press”: New NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll … Rep. Terri Sewell (D-Ala.) … Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) … Andrew Yang. Panel: Tom Brokaw, Helene Cooper, John Harwood, Rich Lowry and Anna Palmer.

-- ABC’s “This Week”: Pete Buttigieg … Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) ... House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.). Panel: Chris Christie, Rahm Emanuel, Alexi McCammond and Julie Pace.

-- CBS’s “Face the Nation”: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) … House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-M.D.) … Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.). Panel: David Drucker, David Nakamura, Nancy Cordes and John Hudson.

-- CNN’s “State of the Union”: Kellyanne Conway … House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) … Andrew Yang and Evelyn Yang. Panel: Rep. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.), Scott Jennings, Terry McAuliffe and Mary Katharine Ham (substitute anchor: CNN’s Dana Bash).

--“Fox News Sunday”: Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) ... Kellyanne Conway. Panel: Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum,Kristen Soltis Anderson and Juan Williams … “Power Player of the Week” with Washington Nationals general manager Mike Rizzo.

-- Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures”: Steve Bannon … Rep. Tulisa Gabard (D-Hawaii) … Emily Jashinsky … Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) … Sidney Powell … Lee Smith.

-- Fox News’ “MediaBuzz”: Susan Ferrechio … Emily Jashinsky … Ray Suarez … Mike Huckabee … Jeanne Zaino.

-- CNN’s “Inside Politics”: Panel: Margaret Talev, Jeff Zeleny, Rachael Bade and Asma Khalid (substitute anchor: CNN’s Nia-Malika Henderson).

-- CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS”: David Petraeus … Tom Mueller and Allison Stanger … Jimmy Lai.

-- CNN’s “Reliable Sources”: Michael Barasch, Vincent Novak and Bruce David Martin … New Irin Carmon, Colby Hall and Aisha Moodie-Mills … Rachael Bade and Melanie Zanona … Bill Frischling … Sarah Barnett.

-- Univision’s “Al Punto”: Univision News chief meteorologist Albert Martinez … Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D-Ill.) … Tom Perez … Jésica Zermeño … Andrés Pastrana … Antonio Banderas and Pedro Almodóvar (substitute anchor: Univision’s Patricia Janiot).

-- C-SPAN: “The Communicators”: MIT’s Sinan Aral, questioned by The Hill’s Maggie Miller … “Newsmakers”: Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), questioned by The Hill’s Scott Wong and Roll Call’s Katherine Tully-McManus … “Q&A”: Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General and Gibson Dunn partner Elizabeth Papez.

-- MSNBC’s “Up with David Gura”: Peter Baker … Kyle Cheney … Garrett Haake … Brian Lehrer … Allan Lichtman … Melissa Murray … Cal Perry … Clint Watts … Jill Wine-Banks.

-- MSNBC’s “Kasie DC”: Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) … Rep. Ami Bera (D-Calif.) … Zeke Emanuel … Julie Rovner … Philip Rucker … Mike Barnicle … Mara Gay … David Drucker … Shelby Holliday … Beth Fouhy …Josh Lederman … Christine Quinn (substitute anchor: MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin).

-- Gray TV’s “Full Court Press with Greta Van Susteren”: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) ... Colby Itkowitz and Catherine Herridge.

-- America This Week”: Stephanie Grisham, Lara Trump and Matt Gaetz.

-- Washington Times’ “Mack on Politics” weekly politics podcast with Matt Mackowiak (download on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify or Stitcher or listen at Scott Jennings.