What, like it's hard to have an iconic Halloween costume?

Kim Kardashian channeled her inner Elle Woods this Halloween, recreating Reese Witherspoon's memorable video essay that earned her character a spot at Harvard Law School in the 2001 comedy "Legally Blonde."

The video, shared on Kardashian's Instagram Thursday, is especially fitting, the reality TV mogul revealed in April she's studying to become a lawyer.

As Woods, Kardashian wears the character's signature styles from the "Legally Blonde" video essay, including a sparkling pink bikini, Elle's tight pink dress and pink sunglasses. With the character's long blond locks, Kardashian delivers Witherspoon's lines, from considering toilet paper brands to recalling a "Days of Our Lives" episode and declaring "I object!" to a cat-caller.

Kim Kardashian working to become lawyer: 'I had to think long and hard about this'

In an April interview with Vogue, the reality star, businesswoman and mother revealed her quest to become a lawyer, inspired by her successful bid to free 63-year-old Alice Marie Johnson from life behind bars after a first-time, nonviolent drug offense.

“I had to think long and hard about this,” she said, adding “seeing a really good result” with Johnson helped her decide to pursue a law degree.

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Kardashian began a four-year apprenticeship with a law firm in San Francisco last summer, according to Vogue, and plans to take the bar in 2022.

In some states in the United States, it is possible to become a lawyer through an apprenticeship with a practicing lawyer or judge instead of going through college and getting a law degree. Kardashian still has to study though, telling the magazine she is required to log 18 hours of supervised study per week.

Contributing: Sara M Moniuszko