Meghan Markle recently shared her perspective on living life in the spotlight, detailing the struggles of constant media scrutiny. When asked about Markle’s worries with the press, Donald Trump noted that she may be taking things too personally. He also boasted about sharing a bond with Prince Harry and talked up his visit with the queen.

donald trump on meghan markle
Meghan Markle | Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Markle opened up about life in the spotlight

The recent documentary Harry & Meghan: An African Journey included candid interviews with the couple in which they shared the pressures that they feel from the constant negative press coverage.

Markle admitted in the interview that she’s “not okay,” explaining, “Look, any woman especially when they are pregnant you’re really vulnerable and so that was made really challenging, and then when you have a newborn, you know…”

She continued, “And especially as a woman, it’s a lot. So you add this on top of just trying to be a new mom or trying to be a newlywed.”

Trump thinks Markle takes things personally

During a radio interview with LBC, host Nigel Farage brought up Markle, stating, “An American married into the royal family last year — young Harry married Meghan Markle and kind of a year into this, she’s having a really tough time and she’s kind of saying the press are being really unfair to her.”

Farage noted that Trump “probably, personally, have more tough press, perhaps unfair press than anybody else alive,” and he wondered if the president feels “sorry for young Meghan, given what the press are saying about her.”

Trump responded, “Well, I’ve been watching her interviews and I’ve seen it and she’s taken it very personally. I guess you have to be a little bit different than that but she takes it very, very personally and I can understand it. But I don’t know her.”

As for his recent UK visit in June, he gushed about Prince Harry and the royal family, sharing: “I will say I met Harry, he’s great, I met him when I was over… we had something that was so incredible recently, that was what 5 months ago now, how time flies. But I got to meet Harry and he is really a fine young man.”

He continued: “The whole family is terrific, it’s a great family..”  

Trump is impressed with Queen Elizabeth

Trump also shared that he was quite impressed with Queen Elizabeth, calling her a “great, great woman.” He noted: “I think we hit it off really well, we had a terrific time but she’s a great woman. I say that very seldom, I don’t say that often about anybody.”

He added, “She is really very outstanding and Prince Charles so good. He loves the environment, he loves your country so much. We had a great time, we’ll get together. Really special people.”

Trump also spoke of how the queen has handled herself over the years, stating: “One thing I’ve learned about her because I’ve watched her, people study her. It has to be the all-time record, I don’t think she’s ever been in anything that was bad.”

He added: “I mean honestly, think of it, she’s gone through everything from wars to anything you could go through. She’s always handled it incredibly well, she’s an incredible woman.”