Apex Legendslong-requested Duos game mode will launch next week on Nov. 5, Respawn Entertainment announced today.

The mode breaks with the game’s tight focus on three-player fireteams, although limited-time events in the past have allowed players to operate el lobo solo. Duos will likewise be a limited-time playlist; Respawn didn’t say for how long.

Although players have asked for a duos mode for a few months now, and two-player teams are popular in battle royale competitor Fortnite, implementing it is something of a risk given how much of Apex Legends is organized around teams of three working together. That said, finding two partners who are as cooperative and committed as you are can sometimes be difficult — which is probably why Apex Legends experimented with solos back in August.

Earlier this month, Apex Legends got a new map, World’s Edge, as part of the new game’s third season, “Meltdown,” which runs until February 2020.