Impeaching a U.S. president might not be the be-all-end-all for their career. We explain why this is the case. Just the FAQs, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON – Mitt Romney has a lot on his mind these days – and he says he's feeling freer to open up.

He's not running for president again. He's troubled about the future of the Republican Party. And he says it's too early to decide how he might vote on removing President Donald Trump from office if the House decides to impeach the president and forces the Senate to take up the matter.

He's denounced as "wrong and appalling" Trump's pressure on foreign governments to investigate political rival Joe Biden, making him the loudest and most prominent GOP voice on Capitol Hill to challenge the president. But he said he's doing "everything I can to be unbiased and to keep an open mind."

The Republican presidential nominee in 2012, who was sworn in as Utah's junior senator in January, sat down recently with USA TODAY to discuss impeachment, his legacy, and whether he would vote to reelect Trump in 2020.


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The following is a lightly edited transcript of a recent USA TODAY interview with the Utah senator:

Q: What's your legacy?

Romney: "I'm driven by following the oath of office and doing what I think is right. There's a song in my church called 'Do What is Right.' And the first line is 'Do what is right. Let the consequence follow.' I try and do what I think is right. And I'm not going to worry so much about, about the political consequence, or praise or lack thereof. And I hope that my kids down the road will say 'Yeah, you know our dad, our grandfather our great-grandfather was a person of integrity and honored his oath of office.'"

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Q: What are you doing specifically to prepare for a potential impeachment trial in the Senate?

Romney: "I am making sure that I do everything I can to be unbiased and to keep an open mind. I also want to see what the facts of the case are. And at this stage the investigation is being done in a confidential setting so I don't know the full array of facts but so I will study the law and the facts and on that basis make an informed judgment consistent with Constitutional duties."

Q: Former Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake said he thinks at least 35 Republican senators would vote to remove President Donald Trump if they could vote in private. Do you think he's right?

Romney: "I have no way of knowing. I've been here less than a year. I have not had any discussion with any Republican or Democratic senator or congressman for that matter with regards to impeachment. And, and I know there are people who think I'm going to be campaigning one way or the other. That's the furthest thing from my approach, which is I intend to stay as neutral in the process until I'm presented with the law and the facts."

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Q: There are Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill who are uncomfortable with what you have said and tweeted about the president. Does that bother you?

Romney: "I do believe that the oath of office I took was to the Constitution, not to a party and not to a person."

Q: How have your Utah constituents reacted to the public spat you're having with President Trump?

Romney: "It's not that I don't care about people's opinions but, at this stage of my life, I care about what I think is right. And I believe they want me to do what I believe is right. There are some constituents, probably about half, that feel that I should be tougher on the president, and they're about half who think I'm not being tough enough."

Q: How would you describe your relationship with the president?

Romney: "We get along just fine on a personal basis."

Q; Would you vote for him next year?

Romney: "I'm not going to be weighing in on endorsements or who I would vote for in the presidential campaign."

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Q: In 2012, the GOP was the party of Romney. Now it's the party clearly of Donald Trump. What does such a quick transformation mean for the future of the party?

Romney: "Theparty's going to have to attract more young people and more minorities because, long term, the demographics that are growing in this country are minorities. And of course, more young people are going to be becoming voters and suburban women are important to attract back into our party."

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Q: Is speaking out against the president bad for the party?

Romney: "I know there are people who are saying, 'Hey Mitt, don't say anything critical or don't disagree with the president because that hurts us.' And my view is, no, it helps us, because it's important for young people, for instance, to see that there are Republicans who have different points of view, but that are nonetheless conservative Republicans. You don't have to all think exactly the same as the leader of our party to be a member of our party."

 Q: The President's tweets seem to indicate that he's worried about you. Should he be?

Romney: "I don't think he's worried about me, and I certainly don't think he should be. I'm not running for national office again. I've had my two strikes."

Q: Does that make you more liberated to speak your mind?

Romney: "I'm not on my way up. I've had my life. My career, my family, my faith. Those define who I am. And so I'm really entirely free emotionally to do entirely what I believe is absolutely right. And I said to my kids: 'My future is behind me.'"


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