One of the most annoying aspects of cancel culture isn't its motives, but rather its inanity. "Canceling" someone on the basis of politics will never really work, as our political culture tends to break down 50-50.

Sure, conservatives can roll our eyes at Nike's pathetic attempts to pander to wokeness and liberals can indignantly swear that this is the last time they're eating Chick-fil-A, but most of the time, a pair of sneakers is just a pair of sneakers, and a sandwich is just a sandwich.

But it's past time to start canceling the most pretentious, egotistical, elitist, and dangerous people in American society: anti-vaxxing celebrities stoking a global health crisis.

The villain du jour is Jessica Biel, a B-list actress famous for getting kicked off "7th Heaven" because she couldn't keep her clothes on and marrying Justin Timberlake. She decided to take a break from irrelevance to join Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (easily the fourth worst Kennedy after the ones who committed manslaughter, sexual assault, and had a lobotomy performed on a family member) to lobby against SB 276 in California, which would mandate medical exemptions from vaccinations come with the approval of a state public health officer.

[ Read: Jessica Biel denies she's anti-vaccinations]

Although California is just one of three states in the nation that bans both philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions, anti-vaxxers have still managed to game the medical exemption system. Dirty doctors have effectively traded exemptions for bribes throughout the state, leaving some schools with vaccination rates below 50%, less than half of what's required for herd immunity to protect kids.

And its not working class or immigrant communities doing this. In the champagne socialist paradises of Berkeley and Santa Cruz, multiple schools have more than 30% of kindergartners unvaccinated due to medical exemptions. Because SB 276 will maximize the number of vaccinated kids among those medically able to receive vaccinations, it will increase the protection of those who cannot be vaccinated by bolstering herd immunity.

But don't trust a century of overwhelming medical consensus about the matter! Instead, trust a washed up actress and our other Hollywood betters.

For her part, Biel posted to Instagram that she's "not against vaccinations," but rather that she's just in favor of "doctors and their families" having "the ability to decide what's best for their patients and the ability to provide that treatment." Whatever that means. And not only is she soft pedaling generic anti-vaxxing talking points, but she also incorrectly listed the bill she's opposing as SB 277. Because she is dumb.

Seeing as this bill will only heighten the protections of herd immunity for those who can't get vaccinated, Biel's reasoning isn't only fallacious, but her actions also give the lie to her words. If she really had a specific gripe with whether this law will inhibit parents in practice, then why did she go to Sacramento with the most famous anti-vaxxer outside of Hollywood?

We know why: because like many in America's most vile and exploitative industry, she is an anti-vaxxer.

It's one thing to wonder whether you should boycott a company or a celebrity for their personal behavior or beliefs. I'd argue that unless you're contributing financially to someone who's committed an objectively vile offense (say, paying for a Harvey Weinstein film) it's often worth separating the art from the artist. But anti-vaxxers are specifically using their celebrity to promulgate a conspiracy theory that will literally kill people.

So cancel them.

Stop watching Biel's films (not that I remember the last thing she's starred in). Stop buying Kat von D's makeup in Sephora, which ought to take her products off the shelves as they did with possible felon Olivia Jade's. Turn off Kristin Cavallari's E! reality show and unfollow her on Instagram. Don't spend another cent on movie tickets for Robert De Niro. And for the love of God, stop retweeting Jim Carrey's sophomoric #Resistance cartoons and start canceling him.

The Hollywood press doesn't just rely on access. It revels in it. It's much easier to snuff out or cushion bad stories if it means getting invited to party with stars and maybe doing a line or two with them. You cannot trust them to hold anti-vaxxers feet to fire. In the midst of our worst measles epidemic in 27 years, Us Weekly is still granting Jenny McCarthy puff pieces with headlines like "Jenny McCarthy 'Can't Wait' to Watch Hannah B. as The Bachelorette — Reveals Donnie Wahlberg 'Cries' Each Season!"

McCarthy shouldn't be the host of a reality television show on a major network. She should probably be in prison.

If we've learned anything in the last few years, it's that you can't trust Hollywood to police its own. Half of them are secretly anti-vaxxers anyway. It's up to the public to cancel them.