DESI is an instrument for measuring dark energy.

The first test of the DESI instrument imaged the Triangulum Galaxy (M33) and measured its spectrum ... [+] over many wavelengths.

(Credit: DESI Collaboration; Legacy Surveys; NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA)

Like many of us of a certain age, the universe is getting bigger. That’s not so surprising – scientists have known this since 1927, when Belgian priest Georges Lemaître published a paper that proposed what is now called the theory of the Big Bang. The Big Bang says that the universe was once much smaller and hotter, and it has been expanding and cooling for the last fourteen billion years. And, given that the universe is made of matter and matter exerts gravity, this expansion was thought to be gradually slowing over the eons.

That relatively-simple idea was state of the art until 1998, when measurements of the expansion history of the universe showed that, about five billion years ago, the expansion of the universe began to speed up. To explain this perplexing observation, astronomers postulated a repulsive form of gravity called dark energy. Over twenty years after its first observation, dark energy remains mysterious and scientists have built a series of sophisticated telescopes to help them understand it, including the most recent contribution in the arsenal of astronomy: The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, or DESI.

DESI is an instrument designed to measure the light spectrum of distant galaxies. It is attached to the Mayall Telescope to collect light and the facility is located at Kitt Peak National Observatory, about fifty miles southwest of Tucson, Arizona. The telescope’s main mirror is four meters (13’) wide, and it was commissioned in 1973.

Albert Einstein with Robert Millikan and Georges LeMaitre

(Original Caption) Abbe Georges LeMaitre, youthful Belgian priest who is regarded by the scientific ... [+] world as one of the half-dozen outstanding experts on Einstein's theory of relativity, is seen here with Dr. Albert Einstein, world-famous scientist, as they conferred at the California Institute of Technology. At left is Robert A. Millikan, head of the Institute.

Bettmann Archive

Over the course of five years, DESI will repeatedly survey the spectrum of 35 million galaxies and 2.4 million quasars, spread across a third of the sky. It will be able to look 11 billion years into the past and at very distant objects. 

The Big Bang theory makes qualitative predictions about how the velocity of galaxies varies as a function of their distance from the Earth. The farther away the galaxies are from Earth, the faster they are moving away from us. Because the color of an object seems to change depending on its velocity, by studying the spectrum of galaxies and seeing how the spectrum differs from nearby ones, astronomers can determine just how far away the galaxies are from Earth. But that is just an estimate and the DESI instrument will improve the situation, mapping the universe with unprecedented precision over nearly the entire history of the universe.

A key component of the DESI measurement involves what are called baryon acoustic oscillations or BAOs. BAOs were set up when the universe was younger than 380,000 years old. At that early age, the universe was filled with a hot plasma, which is kind of like a super-hot gas. Just as sound waves vibrate air, the early plasma also hosted sound waves. Those sound waves imprinted themselves on the universe, with some areas being slightly denser and others less so. As the universe cooled and expanded, these slight variations in pressure density evolved to affect the distribution of how galaxies cluster in the present universe. BAOs mean that galaxies have a slight tendency to cluster every 500 million light years. Thus, DESI can use this periodicity to help build its map of the universe and the motion measurements will help researchers understand how the expansion has changed over time.

Astronomers can use BAOs to test gravity as well. In a manner of speaking, BAOs are essentially bubbles in the matter of the universe, with a diameter of about 500 million light years. Scientists can measure the average speed that the bubble is moving away from us, but also small deviations each galaxy has from the average. This is like comparing the individual motion of birds in a larger flock. From these small variations, researchers will be able to see if the laws of gravity work on very large scales in the same way they do here in the solar system. These studies will be an important test of Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Expansion of the Universe, illustration

Illustration of the expansion of the Universe. The Cosmos began 13.7 billion years ago in an event ... [+] dubbed the Big Bang (left). Immediately it began expanding and cooling (stage 1). Eventually, the universe became transparent to radiation, and the first matter was able to form into clumps. Its expansion slowed about 10 billion years ago (stage 2). At stage 3, 5 billion years ago, the universe was full of stars and galaxies, and its expansion began to speed up again because of the mysterious Dark Energy that pervades the Universe. We are now at stage 4, and the expansion shows no signs of stopping and is in fact accelerating. The orange arrows indicate the force of gravity. This slows the expansion but cannot at present halt it.


DESI is very close to becoming an operational facility. On October 22 of this year, astronomers pointed DESI at the sky, and they observed their first set of galaxies. DESI consists of robotic positioners that allowed it to simultaneously look at 5,000 galaxies. After each set of measurements, the positioners will look at a different set of galaxies. Under ideal viewing conditions, DESI can make a new measurement every twenty minutes.

DESI will become operational in early 2020 and will run for five years. Combining DESI data with other measurements, astronomers will be able to determine such things as whether the repulsive form of gravity called dark energy is constant, or whether it changes over time. This has profound consequences for the future evolution of the universe. In a very real sense, measurement like those that DESI is making will tell us how the universe will live and eventually die.

DESI is a fantastic instrument and it has just taken its first baby steps. In a few months, when observation begins in earnest, researchers will have begun a new chapter in our millennia-old quest to understand the universe. It will be fascinating to see what they learn.

(Disclosure: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the author’s scientific home, is a participant on the DESI experiment. However, the author is not a member of the DESI scientific collaboration – just an enthusiastic spectator.)