Rep. Duncan Hunter’s wife is changing her not guilty plea in a corruption case alleging she and her husband misused campaign donations.

Margaret Hunter’s attorney declined to discuss whether the change in plea means she is cooperating with prosecutors, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

She is scheduled to appear in court Thursday morning.

The California Republican congressman and his wife were indicted in August on 60 criminal accounts. They allegedly misused $250,000 in campaign donations on personal expenses, including private school tuition for their children, a trip to Italy, golf outings, and expensive meals.

“Throughout the relevant period, the Hunters spent substantially more than they earned,” the indictment said. “They overdrew their bank account more than 1,100 times in a seven-year period, resulting in approximately $37,761 in ‘overdraft’ and ‘insufficient funds’ bank fees.”

The congressman blamed his wife for the alleged misspending, saying that she was in charge of the finances.

Hunter was reelected in November even as he faced criminal charges, though he has been stripped of his committee assignments.

His trial has been scheduled for September.