Just as southern California has its notorious Santa Ana winds, northern California's most infamous winds are known as "Diablo" winds. These are the winds that are fueling the Kincade Fire, now raging in California's wine country. 

But what are they? 

Like Santa Ana winds, Diablo winds originate hundreds of miles inland in the desert regions of the Great Basin, according to the Los Angeles Times. There, circulation of air around a strong area of surface high atmospheric pressure flows over the Sierra Nevada, heading toward lower pressure at sea level.

The resulting flow from high pressure inland to lower pressure off the California coast is warmed and dried by compressional heating as the air sinks from the Great Basin, which is 4,000 to 5,000 feet in elevation, down to sea level, according to meteorologist Jan Null of Golden Gate Weather Services.

Firefighters survey Soda Rock Winery as it begins to burn during the Kincade fire in Healdsburg, California, on Oct. 27, 2019.

The dry, northeasterly offshore flow clears out the marine fog and stratus clouds that usually drape the San Francisco Bay Area, and it can create extremely dangerous fire conditions throughout northern California because of the strong winds and low relative humidity, the Times said.

After a brief lull in the winds Monday in northern California, another round of dry offshore winds is forecast from midday Tuesday through Wednesday morning, the weather service in San Francisco warned. The winds will "generate critical fire weather conditions when combined with very low humidity," the weather service said. 

Latest news from the fire zone:Earthquake rattles area near California's Kincade Fire; new blaze by L.A. drives more evacuations

Fall is the worst time 

The seasonal timing of Diablo and Santa Ana winds is extremely important in regard to wildfire danger, Null said. One of the chief characteristics of California’s predominantly Mediterranean climate is its extended dry period from about May through October.

Consequently, in the fall, these strong, warm and dry winds occur after months of very little, if any, precipitation and when fuels (such as grasses, shrubs and forests) are at their driest.

What about the name?

The term “Diablo Winds” dates to shortly after the 1991 Tunnel Fire, which devastated a large area of the Oakland and Berkeley hills, according to Null, a former National Weather Service meteorologist. 

Null said that "myself and another forecaster (John Quadros), working at the National Weather Service office in Redwood City (California) at the time, found that after the 1991 fire, calling offshore wind events in the Bay Area as 'the northern California version of Santa Ana winds' was awkward at best, and meteorologically fuzzy at worst. 

"We somehow fell upon the name Diablo Winds as a double entendre, because they generally blow from the direction of Mt. Diablo in the far East Bay, and 'diablo' translates from Spanish as 'devil;' thus, devil winds."