Throughout Preston County, the state and our nation, Breast Cancer Awareness Month spotlights the importance in treating this deadly disease.

There is no question that anytime “that” word is involved — and there are people who dread even uttering the word “cancer” — there is great concern. Cancer is a life-threatening medical situation that requires immediate treatment and support.

But it is important to know that cancer is detectable — and treatable — in many instances. And thanks to the efforts of the American Cancer Society, the Susan G. Komen Foundation and dozens of other groups, significant headway has been made in the treatment of breast cancer.

Reports indicate that over the past 25 years, the mortality rate of breast cancer has fallen 40%, which means about 322,000 lives have been saved.

This has happened for several very important reasons, one of which is the effort to raise the awareness of the importance of early detection as well as making the public aware of available treatment options.

Breast cancer, unlike other cancers that are more difficult to detect, can be spotted through self exam, a manual exam by a physician or a mammogram.

According to the American Cancer Society, 40,920 women will die of breast cancer in 2019.

Experts emphasize the need for early detection through mammograms, 3-D mammograms, a breast Magnetic Resonance Image or ultrasound.

Dr. Stephenie Kennedy-Rea, cancer prevention and control director at WVU Cancer Institute in Morgantown, says annual checks make a major difference in the effort to diagnose and treat breast cancer.

“We see about 5,000 patients per year,” Kennedy-Rea said. “In West Virginia every year, we diagnose about 1,450 women with breast cancer (statewide) and 290 of those women die.

“But, over half of those women diagnosed with breast cancer are diagnosed with it localized, which makes it easier to treat. Mammography is key to the prevention of breast cancer.”

And in that one sentence lies the most important advice women today — of any age, but particularly over the age of 40 — need to heed: “Mammography is key to the prevention of breast cancer.”

We understand that the test has been described as at least a little uncomfortable. And we understand that people are busy.

But we also know that early detection saves lives. And that there are means to make the tests available to all.

There are programs that provide assistance to those without insurance while most insurance programs pay for the cost of a yearly mammogram as a preventative step.

Programs like Bonnie’s Bus, which is a mobile mammography unit that travels to reach rurally located patients, help to provide lifesaving testing in a comfortable, convenient setting.

Thanks to funding from foundations and grants, Bonnie’s Bus provides mammograms to those over age 40 with no cost to those without insurance.

The list of such programs that have made a difference is extensive. But the battle against breast cancer is successful because it is targeted by many groups who are then willing to work together.

We are fortunate to have many of those groups lending a hand in delivering that message, in celebrating those survivors among us and in raising funds for those who need help.

We applaud all of these groups and health institutions for their commitment to treat breast cancer and save lives.