The Late Show host Stephen Colbert was shaking his head during his opening monologue tonight, calling it “another bewildering day in America. Up is down, right is wrong, Trump is President.”

Although obviously no fan of the Commander-in-Chief, Colbert noted, “You have got to hand it the guy. He is willing to call his most disastrous blunders his greatest victories.” He then played a clip of the Hindenburg blimp disaster with an imaginary Trump voiceover minimizing its crash and burn.

Colbert’s biggest concern was what he called “the betrayal of our Kurdish allies,” which resulted in a House of Representatives bipartisan condemnation of the withdrawal of US troops from Syria by a 354-60 vote. “That is bipartisanship you only see in naming a post office,” Colbert quipped.

He then turned to a clip of President Donald Trump saying that unnamed people are saying the troop withdrawal is terrific. “Wow, a great outcome. Congratulations,” Trump claimed to have been told.

Colbert noted that only Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin were saying that to each other, and giggling as they said it. .

Watch the monologue below.