In the game of politics, even the fiercest rivalries come with a side of fun, especially when the Vice President of the United States is a die-hard 49ers fan. Kamala Harris opened up during her WIRED autocomplete interview, where she revealed her pride in having the support of Travis Kelce‘s girlfriend, Taylor Swift. “I am very proud to have the support of Taylor Swift. She’s an incredible artist, and I really respect the courage that she has shown in her career to stand up for what she believes is right,” she asserted. 

But let’s not forget the Super Bowl showdown last year—Harris had her game face on as a Niners fan, while Swift was cheering for the opposing team. “Who’s mad at anyone for being loyal to their team, right?” she quipped, showcasing that classic sportsmanship. In the end, whether it’s politics or football, loyalty always wins the day.