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NYC Mayor Eric Adams announces resignation of Police Commissioner Edward Caban

NYC Mayor Eric Adams announces resignation of Police Commissioner Edward Caban 07:29

NEW YORK -- NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban announced his resignation Thursday, less than a week after federal agents raided his home, along with other members of Mayor Eric Adams' administration.

Caban sent a letter to the department, saying the news surrounding the raids had "created a distraction." His resignation is effective this Friday, Sept. 13.

"I hold immense respect and gratitude for the brave officers who serve this department, and the NYPD deserves someone who can solely focus on protecting and serving New York City, which is why -- for the good of this city and this department -- I have made the difficult decision to resign as Police Commissioner," Caban wrote. 

Adams said he respects Caban's decision to step down and touted NYPD achievements under his leadership, including getting more than 18,000 illegal guns off the streets and major reductions in shootings and robberies.

"Edward Caban concluded that this is the best decision at this time. I respect his decision and I wish him well," the Adams said Thursday afternoon. "Commissioner Caban dedicated his life to making our city safer, and we saw a drop in crime for 13 of the 14 months he served as commissioner." 

The mayor also announced Tom Donlon will take over as interim commissioner of the department. Donlon released a statement, saying he is "honored and humbled" to take the helm. 

"My goals are clear: continue the historic progress decreasing crime and removing illegal guns from our communities, uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency, and support our dedicated officers who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe," he wrote. "I want to thank outgoing Commissioner Caban for his service to this department throughout his more than 30-year career and I look forward to building on the progress this administration has made keeping New York City the safest big city in America." 

Caban was sworn in as New York City's 46th police commissioner in July 2023. He took over for Keechant Sewell and became the first Latino to lead the department.

Thursday's resignation comes after U.S. attorneys seized cellphones from the commissioner and his twin brother last week, as well as the schools chancellor and two deputy mayors. Sources say Caban's twin, James, allegedly worked as a "fixer" for restaurants and nightclubs, smoothing things over between police and popular establishments around noise complaints and other violations. 

Earlier this week, the commissioner denied reports he would step down, and the mayor was grilled by reporters about his future with the department

Caban's resignation is not an admission of guilt, and sources tell CBS News New York's Marcia Kramer he insists he has done nothing wrong.

Read Caban's full letter of resignation

Ahead of the City Hall announcement, the police commissioner sent the following letter to members of the department: 

"To the Members of the New York City Police Department: On yesterday's solemn day of remembrance, as we came together to honor our fallen brothers and sisters, I was reminded of the unwavering dedication and resilience of the NYPD. Serving as your Commissioner has been the greatest honor of my career, and I am proud to stand next to you each and every day. I have dedicated over 30 years of service to this department. Every day, whether as a patrol officer on the streets of the Bronx, the Commissioner of the department, and my many stops in between, I have been inspired by the courage, tenacity, and selflessness of each of you. The greatest city in the world would not be so without the greatest police force in the world. Together, we have removed thousands of firearms from the streets, brought justice to countless victims of violent crimes, and helped to heal and bring communities together. The families, business owners, tourists, as well as all who walk the streets, take the subway, and live freely and safely in New York, do so because of you. My complete focus has always been on the NYPD – the department and people I love and have dedicated over 30 years of service to. 

However, the news around recent developments has created a distraction for our department, and I am unwilling to let my attention be on anything other than our important work, or the safety of the men and women of the NYPD. I hold immense respect and gratitude for the brave officers who serve this department, and the NYPD deserves someone who can solely focus on protecting and serving New York City, which is why – for the good of this city and this department – I have made the difficult decision to resign as Police Commissioner. Thank you for the trust you have placed in me, and for the opportunity you have given me to serve alongside the members of this great department. I feel strongly that we have the best police force in the world, and have complete faith in the leaders across the NYPD. Edward A. Caban" 

The Police Benevolent Association shared a statement, thanking Caban for "always listening to our concerns and being willing to work with us on the issues affecting our members."

"But no matter who is leading the NYPD, this remains a uniquely challenging period for police officers on the streets. The NYPD is severely understaffed. Police officers are severely overworked and overburdened. We are constantly assaulted by violent criminals and constantly attacked by anti-police activists who want us punished and prosecuted for simply doing our job. All of this puts public safety at risk. We need the next police commissioner to continue working with us to face those challenges head-on from day one," the PBA statement continued. 

Feds raid NYC Mayor Eric Adams' inner circle

In addition to the U.S. attorney issuing search warrants for the cellphones belonging to Caban and his brother, the feds also sent the NYPD an evidence preservation letter, ordering it not to destroy any electronic files, sources told CBS News New York. 

While that is typical protocol, sources said additional electronics were also removed from the Verizon Building, which houses the office of Deputy Mayor Philip Banks, one of several members of the mayor's administration whose homes were raided last week.

Adams said at the time he was not aware of any misdoings by the staff members, including Schools Chancellor David Banks and his fiancé, First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright, as well as mayoral advisor Timothy Pearson.

Philip and David Banks are brothers, and their other brother, Terence, also had his home searched, his attorney told The Associated Press

On Thursday, Kramer asked New York Gov. Kathy Hochul if she has any concerns about working with the Adams administration moving forward. 

"When there is evidence of wrongdoing, when there's evidence of a crime, we take steps necessary to remove them from those positions when that individual is found in committing a crime themselves," the governor replied. "Gathering intelligence by law enforcement is a different stage of the process."

At this point, no one has been charged, and it's unclear exactly what federal authorities are investigating.

Marcia Kramer contributed to this report.

Renee Anderson

Renee Anderson is a digital producer at CBS New York, where she covers breaking news and other local stories. Before joining the team in 2016, Renee worked at WMUR-TV.