Plane Crash Passenger Plane Goes Down In Brazil ... Explodes On Impact!!!


Horrifying scene down in Brazil ... a passenger plane crashed in the middle of a residential neighborhood Friday ... and the crash and fiery aftermath was all caught on video.

Incredible footage from Brazil's Sao Paulo state shows Friday's plane crash ... you see a huge commercial airliner in free-fall, spiraling out of the sky and crashing to the ground as locals look on in horror.

A huge smoke plume rises into the air just seconds after the crash, and additional videos show the burning wreckage on the ground.

Check it out ... looks like the plane fuselage is smack in the middle of a residential area ... with massive flames burning just feet from people's properties.

The Voepass Linhas Aéreas regional airline company released a statement shortly after the crash saying there were 58 passengers and 4 crew members on board -- and later updated that number to 57 passengers. Voepass confirmed all 61 people on board were dead, according to the Associated Press. There was no immediate confirmation of the cause of the crash.

The flight was traveling to the city of Sao Paulo when it crashed into a gated community in the Vinhedo neighborhood of the city, according to the Associated Press. The flight had departed from the city of Cascavel, approximately 576 miles southwest of the crash site.

Voepass announced the plane was an ATR 72-500 twin-engine turboprop.

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